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Any Competitors have a Hysterectomy or Endometriosis?

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  • Any Competitors have a Hysterectomy or Endometriosis?

    Hello Everyone.:D

    I'm not new to fitness, however I am new to this board and I'm looking for some help.

    Recently, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Endometriosis and was asked to make a decision to have a Hysterectomy. I've always had Endometriosis however, just not this bad and I've come to the decision to get a full hysterectomy. I won't get the hysterectomy until mid summer however, I'm on Lupron Depot 3.75 injections for the meanwhile. I get these injections monthly.

    My question is - Are there any female BBers, Fitness or Figure competitors out there who have had a hysterectomy or is battling the pain of Endometriosis? If so, I'd really like to talk with you. See, I'm a figure competitor and my dream is to turn pro. I'm worried though if I go through with a hysterectomy, my body won't quite be the same. I know I'll have scar tissue however, the paint will hide most of it. I'm curious to know how you (if any) over came the weight gain, etc....? How soon you returned to training? How your supplements afftected your hormone treatment?.....

    If there is anyone out there who can shed some light & hope on me and other competitors, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Thank you all SO much;)

  • #2
    ...Ahh yes, the wonderful Depot Lupron...LOVE the hot flashes and night sweats..LOL.

    I will be doing my first BBing show in June. Depending on the outcome, I may move to fitness...

    I had endometriosis about 5 yrs ago. I had a laporoscopy and then went on 6 month therapy with the Lupron. It hasn't come back since...Sorry to hear about your advance case of it....One thing though, my OB said pregnancy is also a way to get rid of the endo. For some reason, once women go through childbirth, the endo is gone. I have not had to get a hysterectomy. I will tell you this though, AAS and HGH has not advanced it in any way. But, I wasn't taking any supps at the time.

    As far as your own hysterctomy, your time before you are allowed to train will depend 100% on how you recover. Your age, length of the surgery and what not will be a determining factor in how soon you can be back in the gym. In ref. to weight gain: When women go thru menopause ( which is primarily what a hysterectomy will do ) estrogen levels are almost non-existent. That is why many women get on HRT to help with hot flashes, insomnia, etc. In all honesty, when I was doing the Lupron, I didn't find it difficult to lose weight, nor did I gain any. In essence it's a double edged sword in the world of fitness. Competitors take anti-e's pre-contest to help rid their bodies of estrogen, which in turn holds onto fat....which is why average size women seem to gain weight post-menopause. Once your body adjusts to it's new composition, fat gains are possible.

    You may be ok. You really need to discuss this in great detail with your DR. He/she will be able to tell you what to expect, and how you can combat the estrogen rebound, and such. You also need to discuss the supps you take, or plan to take. You OB should have a very good idea what supps will do what to you. You need to be honest with your DR in order to get correct info...otherwise, it can backfire in a second. Good luck!!


    • #3
      Hot flashes and night sweats are AWFUL! Hard to sleep when you get too hot. I'm up constantly through out the evening time. Tired all day long. Dont get me wrong, I have good days, just not as much as I do the bad ones.

      Congrats with your decision on competing. All it takes is to be on stage once and you're addicted to it. Such a wonderful feeling having all eyes on you and your hard work:D How long have you been training?

      I have had two children my dear and seems like it got worse with each pregnancy. Thought about trying for another just takes so LONG and, I'm thankful I have the two I tried for. They're both healthy beautiful little girls. They actually have fun going to the gym with me. The oldest says she wants to compete in fitness when gets get old enough. So, needless to say, she's taking gymnastics. Only 7 years old so she has PLENTY of time to learn all she can.

      The hysterectomy scares me because I have yet to see a figure competitor with scars on their tummies. You're suppose to be flawless. I just want to know there's still hope for me after a hysterectomy or will this year be my last successful year in Figure, you know?

      My next visit is March 24 or 25th. Which is when I get my second Lupron Injection. I plan on getting in DETAIL with my gyno. If he doesn't HEAR me, then I'm going else where. I've been with him for 14 years, and I'll be darn if he chooses now, not to listen.

      You mentioned you did AAS. Can you explain what that is? If I'm not mistaken, is that a steroid? You don't have to answer me hon if you don't want to. I've been thinking about trying some out. I just don't which ones are right for me. I do know if my sex drive doesn't return, my doctor can give me testosterone injections. This should also help with bone loss women have while on Lupron.

      Red, thank you SOOOO much for responding.



      • #4
        When I was taking the Lupron shots for about 2 years, I finally got some Ambien from my DR to put me to sleep...the night sweats made it impossible for me to fall asleep.

        I have been training for about 5 years...always been in athlete, though. I'm excited to see my body change and be in the best shape of a lifetime.

        When I had my laporoscopy, they had to make a little incision right above the "trail" so to speak.. I CANNOT see it anymore! You also need to remember, your suit will cover up your scars. Medicine is so advanced now, they are using smaller incisions, and scarring is kept to a minimum. So, in answer to your question, you will still be flawless. I think you may be scaring yourself a little. They aren't going to chop your insides up into little pieces...LOL..

        AAS is Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids. You need to do a boat load of research before you decide if it's right for you.


        • #5
          HI hon!!!

          Hope you been doing well. The weather is starting to get nice which helps elevate moods.

          Last Wednesday I went in to see my dr because the previous Friday I had to go to the ER because I had High BP. Didn't know it was high blood pressure at the time. Talk about fast service! My BP was 180 over 90. We're thinking the Lupron has cause a lot of problems for me and I must be too sensitive to it. During my Wednesday visit, my dr was going to prescribe bp meds and said we have enough to show my Health Insurance that a Hysterectomy is very much needed. Instead, I wanted to try Add Back therapy because I've read where Lupron shouldn't be taken alone. Which, what was I doing -- was taking alone because my dr didn't prescribe anything else and I didn't know any better. So now I'm trying Cenestin for 30 days on top of another Lupron Injection.

          I was also reading that another alternative to GnRh was instead of Lupron I could take Danazol. Do you know anything about Danazol?

          You're right!! The more I read, the more and more I become afraid and my decisions I felt were solid, aren't so solid anymore. I just wish there was a way to learn how to be at peace in decision making you can't go back on......ugh.....What it's like being a woman!!! Whp the heck said it was so easy? LOL

