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starting Primobolan after just having my first child.

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  • starting Primobolan after just having my first child.

    Need some help from some of you experts out there. I am 36 years old and just had my first baby Feb 3 . I gained 35 lbs and lost 20 before 6 weeks was up. The problem is can't seem to lose the remaining 15. Pre pregnancy, I weighed 125 lbs. and was very lean. I did a cycle of Primo and took my last shot in Nov 2002. I got pregnant in June 2003. I quit smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant and gained 15 lbs. right away. I have not started again but just might if I can't get rid of this lard. Now, my question is, I have about 16 amps of Primo and I am dying to start using it. Last cycle leaned me out and tightened me up pretty good. However, the difference is that this time, I have 15 lbs of fat to get rid of that I didn't have last time. I started cardio and lifting last week. I only did cardio for the first month of my pregnancy because I was bleeding so got put on bedrest, then I was too fat and tired so I am really weak. I want to try the primo but I am really afraid because I am not sure if my hormones are whacked or what. Has anyone out there had a baby and did primo about 8 weeks after delivery? Or does anyone have any suggestions? Please help, I hate being fat!!!

  • #2
    I haven't had a baby, but BY NO MEANS TAKE ANY AAS!!! Your body has got to go back to it's normal function; which will take much longer than 8 weeks!!!!! Your hormones are running rampant right now, and to add that combo,....look out!!!

    Secondly, you need to read the stick about what AAS can and can't do. AAS will not lean you out in the situation you are in. It will put fat on top of fat. Strict diet and cardio are what is going to get those stubborn pounds off.


    • #3
      what do you mean it will put fat on top of fat?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cheritownes
        what do you mean it will put fat on top of fat?
        If your BF is already higher than normal you will put some fat on when you take the Primo. That's the whole ideology behind why people bulk and then cut. Because you run the risk when bulking of adding fat.

        There is no "magic pill" in this game....Primo is not going to make your body miraculously drop BF; not is any other AAS for that matter. Diet, diet, diet, and cardio are the proper elements needed to drop BF. Plain and simple.


        • #5
          Watch your diet more carefully and make sure you're consuming enough callories! A lot of women diet to the point of their bodies going into starvation mode, therefore they retain the fat that they're trying to loose. You should be eating 5 or 6 small meals a day and include some protein in every meal if possible. Keep your carbs on the lower end and try to avoid them later in the day. Drinking a lot of water will also help, aim for 1 1/2 gal./day. DON'T go back to smoking! I've battled smoking for years and if you've quit this long, stick to it. :)


          • #6
            agree with mrs. p, don't start smoking, you have a newborn in the house. SIDS rates are so much higher from smoking homes than non-smoking homes. Even if you aren't doing it in the house. The odor can be so strong on your clothes that it can still affect the baby.

            My first was born when I was 25 and within 3 months I was 10 pounds away from my starting weight, it took a full YEAR to loose it ALL. And I was running 3-4 miles 6 times a week. It takes a long time to loose. It's very hard to not get frustrated, but you have to try and brush it off-not think about it.

            MrsP has great advice about eating small meals... also watch what you put into your mouth. She's totally right.

            Hope this helps you.


            • #7
              Also.. and this is a BIIIG also... be very careful about where you get your primobolan from .. because there is a cra load of fakes floating around ... over 30,000 in the NYC area alone! ...90-95% of primo is fake right now ...

              What the girls said above is correct... small meals will help speedyour metabolism.. "load" your carbs in the morning..none after about 6pm ..or 5 hours before you go to bed..

              You may also start to do ligjht exercise on an empty stomach inthe morning.. perhaps walking uphill @ about 3-3.5 mph for 35 minutes..
              (start off at 10 for the first few days if your not working out yet to get into the swing of things) this helped a few people i know speed upthe process of what you are going through..and I also lost about 35lbs in 2 months with that method... after the first month i upped my speed a lil to a light jog ... GL and keep up posted

