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  • Ladies.....

    have any of you gotten a kidney infection or bladder infection from having too much sex? I've that this can happen. But i'm not sure if it's true or not. Me and br have been at it more often than usual because of him starting his stuff. Yesterday when I was getting ready to go out, my back started hurting to where I couldn't sit or stand to make it not hurt. I had worked out legs earlier that day, but this ache was different from that kind of pain. It was where my kidneys are. The pain has subsided today, but I was just wondering if any of you have had this before.

  • #2
    I used to get urinary tract infections all the time, lots of sex can cause it, and plus, if his hands aren't 100% clean, sometimes you get infections that way too.


    • #3
      You get bladder infection from not peeing after sex. Make sure you go before and after you have sex this will reduce your chances of getting a bladder infection.


      • #4
        OMG- that explains what is wrong with me then. I've been having the same problem AP. It also burns when I pee. And it seemed like it started when my husband and I started having sex alot more frequently!!


        • #5
          Well... It hasn't been burning when I pee, but hopefully it won't start. It's weird but when my back (kidneys) was hurting, the pain eased up a little when i drank a lot of water. I drank about a gallon of water last night and peed every 10 min. lol


          • #6
            hello Gals,

            I had that a few months back, not pleasant. They call it "honeymooners" LMAO. Anyway IF you do have an infection, drinking water will not help, you could make it worse! You should go to the Dr for anti biotics. The doc also told me that drinking Cranberry juice (pure) will help.

            Because "ours" is outside and has a direct line to the bladder this does happen sometimes. Jenny is right, you should always make sure you have a pee after sex.

            Anyway I researched it a bit and found these tablets, they are a "friendly bacteria", typically the same as a Dr would give to a women if he prescribed her antibiotics to prevent thrush. The antibiotics do something to the friendly bacteria, hence the thrush.

            Lemme know if you gals want the name of it. If I feel an onslought on its way I take 2 tablets a day for a few days and it goes away.


            • #7
              Yeah...BR told me to drink some cranberry juice, or take some cranberry extract pills. What is the name of the pills that you have?


              • #8
                Yeah, I've always heard that cranberry juice is better for your kidneys than water is!!


                • #9
                  Back home we have a tablet called Interflora, however the country we live in doesn't have them, so I searched for the active ingredient which is: L.acidophilus and it also has 3 other ingredients in the tab. Its called: "Advanced Multi-Billion Dophilus, made by a company called SOLGAR in the US. They were quite pricey out here, paid about $35 for a bottle of 60 tabs. You need to keep them in the fridge.

                  Let me know if you need any other info....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ditsz
                    hello Gals,

                    I had that a few months back, not pleasant. They call it "honeymooners" LMAO. Anyway IF you do have an infection, drinking water will not help, you could make it worse! You should go to the Dr for anti biotics. The doc also told me that drinking Cranberry juice (pure) will help.

                    Because "ours" is outside and has a direct line to the bladder this does happen sometimes. Jenny is right, you should always make sure you have a pee after sex.

                    Yes cranberry juice can help, but I'll have to disagree with you on the water thing. You need to drink lots of water to flush out the bladder. I will attach a sheet that talks about bladder infections.

                    Causes of Bladder Infections
                    External bacteria traveling up the urethra is one of the main causes of bladder infections. This explains, in part, why a woman is more likely to develop a bladder infection than a man: the female urethra is much shorter than the male’s and bacteria can gain entrance to the bladder more easily.

                    The kidneys may be a source of bacteria that cause the bladder infection. In such instances, kidney infection would be the primary concern. Infections of the kidney are potentially very serious. Any bladder infection can, in turn, cause further problems and warrants immediate medical attention.

                    Another cause of bladder infections is a blockage in the bladder or urethra, which hinders urine flow and prevents the bladder from emptying completely. Residual urine remaining in the bladder increases the chances that bacteria will multiply and establish an infection in the bladder. The main culprits of blockages are kidney and bladder stones, but an enlarged prostate can also cause a blockage, and bacteria from an unhealthy prostate can pass into the bladder.

                    Women who use diaphragms have an increased risk for developing a bladder infection.

                    Contributing factors to bladder infections include catheter use in hospitals or at home and neurogenic disorders. With a neurogenic disorder, the bladder nerves fail to send the correct messages to the brain leading to incomplete voiding of the bladder (i.e., some urine remains after each emptying).

                    Bladder Infection Symptoms

                    Itchiness and a burning sensation while urinating, along with the urge to urinate even when the bladder is empty are the most common bladder infection symptoms. Less common symptoms include fevers, unusual discharge from the urethra, dark, cloudy urine or evidence of blood in the urine.

                    These are not the symptoms reported by many elderly patients with bladder infection, however. Instead, there are less obvious signs, such as a loss of appetite or a change in eating habits. The sudden onset of confusion may also indicate a bladder infection in the elderly patient.

                    Treatment for Bladder Infections

                    Bladder infections are usually treated with antibiotics, and treatment generally lasts one to two weeks. The infection itself may clear up with three to four days of medication, but most doctors prefer a longer period of medication to ensure that the infection does not recur.

                    For women who suffer from recurrent bladder infections (3–4 a year), doctors may prescribe long-term antibiotics. Some patients may be required to take the medication for up to six months.

                    Preventing Bladder Infections

                    While many of the causes of bladder infection are out of our control, taking some preventive measures can reduce the chance of infection

                    Stay hydrated: drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

                    Avoid tight, constricting clothes and synthetic underwear.

                    Reduce or eliminate caffeinated beverages.

                    Women should urinate before and after intercourse, to help clean out bacteria.

                    Women should wipe from front to back after urinating: this moves potential bacteria away from the urethra.

                    Last edited by Jenny; 08-25-03, 03:15 PM.


                    • #11
                      AP and Petite - go see the doc. they will do a urine test to make sure that is what you have. if AP's kidneys hurt, i would go ASAP, b/c i believe that means the infection has gotten pretty serious.

                      i had one last year, and i couldn't bare the pain of tinkling so went to see the doc right away, and he checked my kidneys just to make sure the infection hadn't spread too far.... so AP - go see the doc.

                      and petite, you too! i don't know how you've been able to handle the pain :confused:

                      cranberry juice and cranberry extract pills will relieve the pain during urinating.... but you will need an antiboitic to get rid of the infection.


                      • #12
                        Ladies definatley somthing you don't want to leave to long!!! I used to get kidney infections and yeast infections from the dam pill so I went off of it!!! But the doc recommended acidophilus pills that you can buy in the drug store right along side your vitamins and stuff!! Definately somthing you should look into taking!! It does help!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sana

                          and petite, you too! i don't know how you've been able to handle the pain :confused:
                          I'm tough! :D Hell, I pushed out a 9lb baby boy before!! :D It actually hasn't been quite as intense as it was. But, yes I will go to the Dr.


                          • #14
                            i have no tolerance for pain, i almost fainted trying to do the "pee/not pee" thing, but the pressure from the infection is so high, u just sit there - kinda scared to pee :D

                            i'm going to have EPIDURAL tattoo'd on my forehead before i give birth. i want to be 150% numb and unaware :p


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sana
                              i have no tolerance for pain, i almost fainted trying to do the "pee/not pee" thing, but the pressure from the infection is so high, u just sit there - kinda scared to pee :D

                              i'm going to have EPIDURAL tattoo'd on my forehead before i give birth. i want to be 150% numb and unaware :p
                              Actually I found the contractions to be way more intense then the actuall pushing out the baby! :drunk:

                              I'm not scared to pee. I just sit there and let it out and make faces because it burns and then Im done!!! It's not fun though. It does hurt!

