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So, remember I told you all...

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  • So, remember I told you all...

    My OBGYN prescribed Clomid for cycle days 5-9 to help get me to ovulate.

    Well, after 3 months of taking it, I'm taking a couple of months off. I cannot believe what a tub of lard I have become. Basically I found out the drug also makes the body think it's not producing enough estrogen, so it OVER produces it! GREAT- just what I need.

    I'm taking a couple of months off because I have a class reunion and a wedding in Wales at the end of August, and I want to look good for it. I am also adding 1/2 tab of Nolva every day last week and this week, then EOD for 2 weeks, the E3D to help get my estrogen levels under control.

    Just to give you all an idea of the battle I've been fighting, for the past 4 weeks, I have been taking ECA, doing 45 min of cardio 5-6 times a week, and working out with weights and have lost very little, if any BF. I've been eating super clean about 85% of the time...with the occasional cheat...My diet looks like this:

    1- 4 egg whites, 1 whole. 1/2c oats or 1/2 grapefruit
    2- 5oz chicken, & 2c greens or 1/2 wheat pasta brown rice and 1c greens.
    3- 2 scoop shake w/ 1 rice cake w/ 1 tbsp natty PB
    4- 5oz fish or chicken, red meat 2x/wk 2c. greens
    5- 2 scoop shake w/ a couple strawberries.

    The point of this thread is that it's amusing to me how I can work so hard and see no results. I don't know what gives, or how much longer it will be before I start seeing results. I'm doing more activity now than I did when I trained for my show, and eating almost exactly the same- minus the cheat meals..

  • #2
    Hang in there Red! Stay positive and it will all work out. :)


    • #3
      And when you say tub of lard, I suppose you mean about 12% bf?!


      • #4
        Originally posted by BBAddict
        And when you say tub of lard, I suppose you mean about 12% bf?!
        :agree: Her worst day is better than my best day!


        • #5
          Originally posted by BBAddict
          And when you say tub of lard, I suppose you mean about 12% bf?!

          Ha ha, very funny. Thanks for the encouragement.

          12%- I wish! No, actually my BF is around 17%. I was just having this discussion w/ sonis last night about what I would look like if I wasn't killing myself with training and cardio.

          I would so love to have my estrogen levels checked right about now. It really is so interesting to me that someone can bust their ass at the gym and see very little results. I mean, I am so amazed that a hormone like estrogen could have this effect on a woman's body....of course the same goes for AAS, I guess. :D

          My biggest problem with this whole thing, is - and yes this will sound vain- is that I have to sacrifice my body to just TRY and have a baby. I mean, the level of frustration when you see your body go to shit yet you are working your ass off, AND not getting prego??? :cursin:


          • #6
            Originally posted by redsquirrel
            - is that I have to sacrifice my body to just TRY and have a baby. I mean, the level of frustration when you see your body go to shit yet you are working your ass off, AND not getting prego??? :cursin:
            It may seem hopeless now RS, but once you are prego and you feel that life growing in you, you will know it was all worth while. At least that is what my fiance says. I saw how her body changed and I thought to myself..."oh boy...she's gonna be a fatty now." But she isn't. She lost the prego wait and is actually smaller now than she was before prego. No stretch marks either. Once you and Sonis hold that little one in your will know. And as dedicated as you are you will be able to get back to normal quick and easy. Best of luck to you!


            • #7
              Originally posted by bad14u
              It may seem hopeless now RS, but once you are prego and you feel that life growing in you, you will know it was all worth while. At least that is what my fiance says. I saw how her body changed and I thought to myself..."oh boy...she's gonna be a fatty now." But she isn't. She lost the prego wait and is actually smaller now than she was before prego. No stretch marks either. Once you and Sonis hold that little one in your will know. And as dedicated as you are you will be able to get back to normal quick and easy. Best of luck to you!
              I have no problem with the baby weight, or the post baby weight. What I truly want to avoid is being fat BEFORE I get pregnant....

              I'm sure it will be worthwhile- I have no doubt...It's just the process leading up actually GETTING pregnant that is wreaking havoc on my mind!


              • #8
                Originally posted by redsquirrel
                I am so amazed that a hormone like estrogen could have this effect on a woman's body...
                It really does effect a woman and the way her body looks.. I talked about this months ago - because when I get pregnant, my body completely looks different after 3 months and there wasn't a weight gain at that point, just more estrogen. I've always felt that I have a lower level of estrogen compared to average women, so I notice a huge difference once I get pregnant.

                RS - You probably still look amazing at 17% BF. I think though you need to make a decision, you need to either give up all the bodybuilding stuff and focus your efforts on getting your body ready for a baby or give up the baby stuff till later.... While you aren't trying for a baby right now, you still could technically get yourself pregnant and be on aas... be careful!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by redsquirrel
                  I have no problem with the baby weight, or the post baby weight. What I truly want to avoid is being fat BEFORE I get pregnant....

                  I'm sure it will be worthwhile- I have no doubt...It's just the process leading up actually GETTING pregnant that is wreaking havoc on my mind!
                  Have you asked your OBGYN if there is anything you can take to counter-act the rising estrogen levels?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bad14u
                    Have you asked your OBGYN if there is anything you can take to counter-act the rising estrogen levels?

                    Yes. However, the whole purpose of the Clomid is to trick my brain into thinking it's not ovulating, therefore it OVER produces estrogen. So, while I take the Clomid there is nothing really to counteract it's that would defeat the whole purpose...

                    That's why I'm taking some Nolv's over the next few weeks. Just to get in shape for these upcoming events, and then once fall hits and I don't have to look at myself in less clothes, I'll go at it full force for 6 months or so.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dreamgirl
                      RS - You probably still look amazing at 17% BF. I think though you need to make a decision, you need to either give up all the bodybuilding stuff and focus your efforts on getting your body ready for a baby or give up the baby stuff till later.... While you aren't trying for a baby right now, you still could technically get yourself pregnant and be on aas... be careful!

                      Maybe so, we are our own worst critics I guess.

                      However DG, I am not BBing anymore. After my comps last year, I decided I wasn't going to get as big as I needed to compete any further. It just wasn't worth it. I thought about figure, but I do not have the genetics to do that. So my point is, is that while I still work out intensely, my goal at this point is just to keep the BF low and keep the muscle I have naturally.

                      And I haven't been on any AAS for over a year now.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by redsquirrel
                        Maybe so, we are our own worst critics I guess.

                        However DG, I am not BBing anymore. After my comps last year, I decided I wasn't going to get as big as I needed to compete any further. It just wasn't worth it. I thought about figure, but I do not have the genetics to do that. So my point is, is that while I still work out intensely, my goal at this point is just to keep the BF low and keep the muscle I have naturally.

                        And I haven't been on any AAS for over a year now.
                        Getting pregnant will happen... you're still really young, so it's good that you have time to try and get pregnant naturally. It took 3 months of trying to get pregnant with my daughter Eva, and even though it's not that long of trying, I got so down and cried everytime I got my period. Now that she is 5, I am so glad it happened when it did, cause it wouldn't be her, it would be someone else and not her. She is so much a part of my life and she makes everyday better. I hope that way of thinking helps you look at your situation in a better light.


                        • #13
                          Red, I feel for ya. Especially since you haven't conceived yet and you're seeing changes. I will say that you need to try to think a little differently about your body though. 17% is still fantastic compared to most of the female population!!! I know you want to go to the reunion showing off all of your hard work but believe me, it's gonna show even if you don't do a thing from now till then. The years that you've put in don't dissapear with a few %bf higher.

                          I've learned to accept my body at a higher bf%. I can't take anything hormone related to help me out due to my history of skin cancer (the dr. wouldn't even give me birth control pills) and I know my estrogen's higher than it used to be, plus combined with the slowing metabolism as I'm aging, well, fuck it, there's more to life than having a body to die for...and for me to get that body, I'd be nearly killing myself. IMO it's not worth it. I'll train and eat to be healthy as my primary goal.

                          Hang in there, relax, know that your hard work shows, and enjoy the reunion and baby making process.


                          • #14
                            The Body, The Baby, and After


                            The time it takes to have a baby will be over in no time. And soon thereafter you'll have your body back. I've attached a picture of my wife.. She's 42 years old and mother of our 6 beautiful kids ages 4-15). This was taken just a three months ago during our 20th wedding anniversary.

                            And she found that the months after the baby, while breast feeding, were some of the most effective body re-composition times of her life. During lactation, there's something about the hormone mix in a woman's body that causes it to take fat off the hips and thighs first (rather than last as it does normally).

                            So if you eat at maintenance for you and your baby during pregnancy and then diet somewhat during breastfeeding after, the baby will get the milk it needs and you'll lose fat, where you want to most, faster than ever before.

                            Good luck.
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              red - i can sympathize with your story. i have been trying to get preg for a year now. i was doing aas and my body fat was too low. i want to be at my fighting weight when i get pregnant so that it gives me space to gain that baby weight....however, catch 22 - you need to have a higher bf to get pregnant. my doc told me to lay off the regime and just take it easy - he never said to stop by any means - but not be so strict - needless to say i haven't really listened, but im also not pregnant

