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  • GROSS!!!

    It never fails- I can't tell you how many times I'll walk into the women's locker room at my gym, and some old and chubby woman is buck naked standing in the middle of the room !!! I can't believe the lack of modesty for one, the bad etiquette it is for two!

    I just do not undertand how or why women feel they need to subject strangers to this. And, it's not like you can say anything- I mean, they're in the locker room!?!?

  • #2
    hahaha. I think there could only be one thing worse, and that is if they start TALKING TO YOU!!!

    I always change in a locked fitting room. Not because I am a prude, but because I don't want anyone else that walks in to feel uncomfortable. It aint that hard & takes no effort to get undressed behind a closed door. Swapping tops and stuff is okay, but theres just no need to have to look at some strange chicks hair patch. Especially when i'm about to go try & eat 1/2 a tonne of cottage cheese!


    • #3
      HAHAHA said hair patch!!!

      THANK YOU!! At least someone else feels my pain!!


      • #4
        When you walk in and something like that is taking place, just act like you are about to barf. Maybe they will get the hint. If they ask if you are ok, say..."I was until I saw your naked fat ass!"


        • #5
          the nakedness doesn't gross me out... but when they are naked and they are sitting on the bench with no towel or anything below them! I want to say something... but don't. why would anyone SIT on a bench in a locker room, IN A GYM, totally naked? That's really gross!


          • #6
            It's just as bad in a male locker room. Some guy dropped his towel while I was tying my shoes and his ass was like 6 inches away from my face. I felt like kicking his naked ass across the room. Geez...


            • #7
              I think its even worse in the guys locker room. Most girls I have known are pretty modest, even around other girls. If I workout in the mornings I take a shower at the gym before work. Its one thing to be naked in the common shower area but it seems like I'm the only one who feels the need to wrap a towel around their waist after they get out. All the old guys almost seem like they enjoy just hanging out in there naked. Then you get the guy who walks into where the sinks/mirrors are and is shaving, totally naked.


              • #8
                DG- I couldn't agree more!!! I mean, they just showered or whatever, and then they're going to sit on a germ infested bench that probably gets cleaned about once a week!??! WTF!!

                RK- I had no idea it was the same in the men..and that does sound worse!

                It really seems a lot more common with the older women. I have no idea why.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ROCKILLER
                  I think its even worse in the guys locker room. Most girls I have known are pretty modest, even around other girls. If I workout in the mornings I take a shower at the gym before work. Its one thing to be naked in the common shower area but it seems like I'm the only one who feels the need to wrap a towel around their waist after they get out. All the old guys almost seem like they enjoy just hanging out in there naked. Then you get the guy who walks into where the sinks/mirrors are and is shaving, totally naked.
                  at my Gym all the old men SEEM TO LOVE TO BE NAKED.. they will talk naked.. tell jokes the whole time. They will pull there underware up to there knees leave it there, and proceed to tell another story or joke. PULL THEM ALL THE WAY UP WHATS YOUR PROBLEM..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ryu750
                    at my Gym all the old men SEEM TO LOVE TO BE NAKED.. they will talk naked.. tell jokes the whole time. They will pull there underware up to there knees leave it there, and proceed to tell another story or joke. PULL THEM ALL THE WAY UP WHATS YOUR PROBLEM..
                    :laughnew: :laughnew:


                    • #11
                      I hate to pull this up, but about an hour ago I walk into the locker room to wash my hands after a client and there is this OLD women bent over butt naked with pink water shoes in front of the mirror with a towel in hand trying to hack up, from the sound of it, a hairball.
                      I just stood there, shocked and she turned around and said "Sorry" and continued to hack. WTF!!

                      Hour later she's drying her hair, naked & no pink shoes.

                      I think I'm scarred for life.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tracylyn
                        I hate to pull this up, but about an hour ago I walk into the locker room to wash my hands after a client and there is this OLD women bent over butt naked with pink water shoes in front of the mirror with a towel in hand trying to hack up, from the sound of it, a hairball.
                        I just stood there, shocked and she turned around and said "Sorry" and continued to hack. WTF!!

                        Hour later she's drying her hair, naked & no pink shoes.

                        I think I'm scarred for life.
                        :laughnew: Why did I open this and read it? Now I will never be able to get that image out of my head...

