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Wanna Get bigger

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  • Wanna Get bigger

    I was wondering what the best route for me to do in order to get bigger? I have messed with some winstrol which was probably mixed with dbol or something because after dieting I got BIG. I have also done some proponate and anavar because I was getting ready for a powerlifting meet. But I don't really want to mess with test anymore and I have decided to just stick with bodybuilding. I have great genetics and I just want to mess with something that will still allow me to be a woman. I need some advice because I plan on competing next summer and I want to add a little more mass. Thanks.

  • #2
    I would consider peptide before AAS as a woman, the gains are leaner, more permanent and no masucline side effects. See my article "the truth about peptides"


    • #3
      Thanks for the info. I will really look into that.


      • #4
        Well, in order to be the give the best advice, can you let us know your height, weight, and BF/LBM?


        • #5
          Originally posted by FitFreak
          I was wondering what the best route for me to do in order to get bigger? I have messed with some winstrol which was probably mixed with dbol or something because after dieting I got BIG. I have also done some proponate and anavar because I was getting ready for a powerlifting meet. But I don't really want to mess with test anymore and I have decided to just stick with bodybuilding. I have great genetics and I just want to mess with something that will still allow me to be a woman. I need some advice because I plan on competing next summer and I want to add a little more mass. Thanks.

          First of all, everyone gets bigger after dieting. i did..That's what the estrogen/diet rebound is all about.

          IMHO, Anavar is about the only choice that can still keep you a woman.

          Do you have any recent pics??


          • #6
            Hey thanks for the reply. I have pics but can't figure out how to attach here. Anyway, after my cycle i have lost about 6 pounds and am down to 158 lbs. I estimate my BF is probably around 20%. I have been told that I can get a little size off of winnie but I don't know. The supposed winnie I was on made me gain a lot of size very quickly.


            • #7
              Winnie is notorious for adding water weight in women. So, just be careful when taking it. Many times women think they are adding actual muscle mass, but most of it is water. Winnie will also present a sleu of virilization effects, so I don't know if that will meet your goals. Too often women turn to Winstrol in hopes that it won't have severe virilization, but it in fact does.

              Are you wanting to increase overall muscle mass, muscle maturity, or both? Have you considered GH? How tall are you? Per my calculations, right now it looks like you have about 126 lbs of LBM. Meaning, after a contest diet, that number would probably drop by about 5-7 lbs. But, if you aren't very tall, that doesn't make much difference


              • #8
                I would like to increase both mass and maturity as much as possible. I am 5' 3". I have considered GH but I was just recommended by a friend that winnie would be good to add size. The time that I used winnie I held so much water around my ankles I had kankles! but my coach was sure it was mixed with Dbol. I don't know. So, that is why I have considered doing winnie again. Thanks for you advice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by FitFreak
                  I would like to increase both mass and maturity as much as possible. I am 5' 3". I have considered GH but I was just recommended by a friend that winnie would be good to add size. The time that I used winnie I held so much water around my ankles I had kankles! but my coach was sure it was mixed with Dbol. I don't know. So, that is why I have considered doing winnie again. Thanks for you advice.
                  At 5'3" you really only need to add about another 8 lbs of LBM. GH combined with something like Anavar will give you size and muscle maturity if you take GH long enough (8-12 mos).

                  What does your diet for adding mass look like?

                  As for the Winnie, a lot of women experience the water weight gain, and not very much muscle gain post cycle. So, I don't think your coach was correct about it being mixed w/ DBol. Did you take liquid or pill form of the Winnie? It would be quite difficult to mix Winnie w/ anything since Dbol is mostly oil based and Winstrol is water based.

                  As I said before, I would stick to something like Anavar and put on 6-8 lbs of good mass over a couple of cycles. It also has the least chance of any permanent virilization unlike Winstrol. Coupled w/ GH, and a good mass gaining diet, you could see some pretty decent gains.


                  • #10
                    I just ordered a cycle of Anavar, which I liked the last time I used it. When I was dieting for mass I took in about 400 good carbs a day. I was eating almost every 1.5 to 2 hrs. with plenty of protein each meal. The winnie was in pill form and it was pink. I would love to get some GH but I have heard that it is so expensive and with my still being in college I have to just use what I can. So, should I stack Anavar with anything else or is that enough? Thanks!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by FitFreak
                      I just ordered a cycle of Anavar, which I liked the last time I used it. When I was dieting for mass I took in about 400 good carbs a day. I was eating almost every 1.5 to 2 hrs. with plenty of protein each meal. The winnie was in pill form and it was pink. I would love to get some GH but I have heard that it is so expensive and with my still being in college I have to just use what I can. So, should I stack Anavar with anything else or is that enough? Thanks!
                      GH IS very expensive. And, if you're a college student, I would say it's probably not affordable. You have to take it for at least 8-12 months to reap the full we're talking around $1200-$1600

                      As for your diet, I think you're taking in too many carbs. Protein is what builds muscle. And while you do need a fair amount of carbs for recovery, I think you're still taking in too many.

                      Could you be more specific as to what EXACTLY you're eating and at what times? What about a PWO shake? How does your training look? Please include every facet of your training, so we can get the most out of your Anavar!


                      • #12
                        The carbs I eat include cream of wheat, oatmeal, bananas, rice cakes, apples, green beans, broccoli, sweet potatoes, Vitargo, and other veggies. I would love to not eat as many carbs cuz I am not always that hungry. I start eating at about 7:30 am. and then from there I eat every 2.5 hours. My post workout meal consists of Vitargo and a protein shake.
                        I switch my workouts from week to week. One week I will go heavy for less reps and the next week I will go a little lighter shooting for reps between 20-30. I train 5 or 6 days a week and I do shoulders usually twice a week going heavy once and light the other.
                        If I do decide to go with GH I will have to take a full year off of competing wouldn't I? I plan on competing next summer so I could just save up and wait to mess with GH after the summer. Thank you so much for all your advice. This really helps.

