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Cardio vs. Weights during pregnancy

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  • Cardio vs. Weights during pregnancy

    Because of my recent weight gain that seems to be all in my lower legs and butt look absolutely AWFUL!! I'm ashamed to be naked in front of my husband!! I was curious if I should concentrate more on cardio and only lift twice a week or still try to lift each day with only 20 min of cardio.

    Wednesday I have a powerflex class that has zero cardio so I try to get in some throughout the rest of the week after lifting, I've really been working my lower half because I knew from my previous pregnancy that it would get large but whats the worst is the cellulite I get from being preggo! I cannot stand it! It's bad enough I have problems there when I'm not pregnant but it just gets soooo bad :(

    Anyways - should I take a few days away from lifting and do a full 45min to and hour of cardio instead?? I really want this weight to come back off quickly after my baby is born.

    Thanks for your help!

  • #2
    crystal, something i noticed the first pregnancy, as much as you lift, it really doesn't do anything. I've really switched it this time to way more cardio and a little weights. I think that with all the estrogen that is in our bodies it really inhibits muscle gains. I've noticed less weight gains as I did the first time so far. I also noticed that I lost definition in my muscles almost completly the first 4 months. I think that was because of an increase in bodyfat.

    This is what I found. Hope it helps.

