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  • @&*#@$&*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WTF!!!!!! I have been dieting now for ummm....10 days...Why is it that I feel and look fatter and fatter every day! I'm so depressed!! My clothes don't fit right, and I feel like a freakin SWINE!!!! I've been doing HGH for like 7 weeks now, that doesn't seem to be helping...I've been using ECA w/ Yohimbe for like 3 weeks, that's not helping....WHAT SHOULD I DO?????????:bawl: :bawl: :cursin: :cursin: :cursin: :dunno: :dunno: :elephant: :elephant:

  • #2
    BE PATIENT!!! I always feel like that for a while too but then my body settles down and I start seeing the results.

    A lot of people experience bloat during the first 8 weeks of gh use- It will go.

    Poor Girl - It sucks to feel this way.


    • #3
      Well, I got off Winny like 4 weeks ago, I wonder if some of that is still lurking....I've been on GH before and didn't experience this. You nailed me- I am being very impatient!


      • #4
        You could certainly be experiencing bloat from the GH, but that should soon dissipate as well, as you are well into the cycle.

        I do not think that the winnie should still be making you bloated since you are now off of it and were on it long enough for your body to become accustomed to its presence.

        Also, is you water intake in check? I have found that if I neglect my water intake, I do tend to get more bloated. And since you have been on the ECA/Yohimbe for three weeks, perhaps you should cycle that every two weeks instead to maintain its effectivenes..


        • #5
          Obviously a guy, yet when I did GH, 7 months, got the bloat about two months in and never ever went away, and I HATE bloat with a passion, so always very sodium concious.

          Also, if diet is in check and it goes on for another week, I would consider the hated, OVER TRAINED . Meaning you've been going full bore for long time without a break and the body is taxed out to max, so even things like eca etc. don't work as well, because rahter than help now they hurt because puts additional stress on body.

          Also, as a female any possibility of going through estrogen rebounding after anabolic of winstrol. Again if your over taxed and going through estrogen rebound you get the worst of both worlds at one time, so possilbe lot's of work and no progress.

          One more for the road, this happens to me every now and then yet when it does it fools me for long time.

          Fat intake. Sometimes I can get on a roll where my caloric intake is about the same yet taking in alot less protein and way way more fats. And if I do this for 3-4 months I will gain and be like, where is this from, cause calories are right on par.

          When that happens just have to be super duper concious of fat intake, ie, really watch the cheat stuff, and more chicken less beef, no butter, etc. etc. etc.

          One thing try and trust in, even though very hard right now. The basic way the body works, homeostasis does not change radically in short amount of time, it just doesn't happen unless some bad health thing.

          So, overall your body has always responded well to training and diet, healthy things etc. and almost guarantee it will do again, this is only a bump on the road and you will figure it out before long and have learned something.

          Other than that, can't feel your pain, yet when I get what you are describing it is the most painful feeling I have, and I hate it.

          So, if it's just a rough day, treat yourself kind and remember all your hard work, it didn't just run out the door never to come back.

          Hoped That Helped
          Good Luck


          • #6
            Good points, trip!


            • #7
              thanks starr, much appreciated


              • #8
                Originally posted by trip
                thanks starr, much appreciated

                Thanks so much T! I never even entertained the thought of overtraining....Although I have been hitting the weights hard for awhile, the past three months IMO, haven't been intense enough for me to overtrain, but it's still a possiblity.

                So, if I understand you correctly, Winny causes serious estro rebound? That sucks. Will anything help it? Maybe some nolvadex?

                My fat intake is very low. Only getting fats from lean red meat, fish, and flax. I do have the occasional cheat meal or two, and I'm sure I could make more progress if I didn't...but all I'm wanting to lose is about 1-3% BF. I have started doing cardio the past couple of weeks 2-3 times a week.

                I dunno...maybe Aunt Flow wants to come for a visit....:mad:


                • #9

                  Obviously you know your body better than anyone, usually when you have years and years of experience in all three phases of training, diet, and nutrition it ends up being tiny little things that make that difference. Like how hard it is to dial in for a contest, it is one of those times in life where almost everything means something.

                  1. Fats, sound all in check so that's good, and gosh one or two cheat meals a week, makes virtually no difference you body process's that without a wink.

                  2. Overtraining, okay all great training last three months, beleive you said nutrition wasn't, so could be trained hard and didn't get enough protein to help the muscles, in the short term up too 3 months the mind can far surpass boundaries of boyd, and since we all know your dedication your mind definitely is a strong point.
                  So, if body wasn't getting protein for repair, and now you go into full kamkazie training, etc. body might be in shock, which not bad, body should catch up with right nutrtion, so see how next ten days go.

                  3. Estro. re-bound, should only last for 2 weeks yet the sucky part is each day it gets worse, and what sucks even worse is you know you are doing everything right, yet the results are opposite, very disturbing emotionally, cause your mind searches for answer and since you already know all there is, it get's confused, again, if it's estro rebound over next 10 days you should lean out again.

                  4. Endema, water retention is a major side of GH, you have to realize over 95% of research is on older folks and folks with major problems, if they retain a little water and then their other problems get better it's a godsend, also if GH is super low and then you bump it up all these good things happen. Pro bb's talk great things about it yet realize most are on t-3, dierutics etc., and most of these folks take it during a bulk cycle when 5-10 lbs. of water is not a big deal, as opposed to us leaners who hate that.

                  Just keep on keeping on and try not to be emotionally hard on yourself that creates more internal stress.

                  Take comfort in you are doing 95% of it right and you will figure out that last 5% in time, you and your body are that smart.

                  Have A Good Day , T ( like that nickname )


                  • #10
                    WOW. That's all I can say.Your wealth of knowledge is unsurpassed. You have answered everything my mind wanted to say, but I hadn't said it yet.

                    Of course I fell like I'm dieting, training hard, cardio, and it TOTALLY seems like I'm going backwards. GymCHic said on another thread it took her quite some time to get back to normal after taking Winny.

                    My water intake is probably what could be better. I'd say I take in about 1/2 gallon a day..which I know isn't enough. I do drink 2-3 cups of coffee in the morning, but since it's a diuretic it may be having an adverse effect. I don't drink any other liquid. No soda, juice, etc. For some reason, I just forget to drink water through out the day.

                    As far as the estro rebound- shouldn't it have ceased by now? I've been off for almost 4 weeks...but then again, we all react differently.

                    Thanks for the encouragement. If nothing has changed, I will let you all know...But my pants don't feel as tight today..LOL..I talked to my husband, and he said maybe we need to ditch all carbs, and just have 2 carb meals/ week....But I don't think it's my one sweet potato and 8 strawberries a day that's doing it!!:kiss:


                    • #11

                      How you doing?

                      FYI, I buckled down this week myself, logged all six meals, two a days, and low sodium, and shed the bloat so fast I was like why didn't I do this months ago.

                      Celebrated a little a lunch today w/ burger and fries, yet when get home back at it, got 3 more months to go, oh my.

                      Hope your doing well.



                      • #12
                        Not so well.....

                        Sonis and I talked last night, and realized something isn't working. I'm doing cardio, GH, and dieting, and I haven't lost but about 1 lb of fat. My pants feel a bit looser, but not as much as they should. One of 2 things are happening:

                        1) I'm still having some serious estrogen rebound. Why does this happen? It's been a little over 4 weeks since I've been off. And in the past week, I have had some seriously painful zits...on my face and shoulders. So, my body seems to be finally adjusting back to its normal state. Aunt Flow has still not paid me a visit, which is another hint. I am going to take a bit of some Nolvadex over the next 10 days to give me some help. I jsut can't believe it's taken this long. This hasn't happened on any other AAS I've ever done.

                        2) Something is seriously wrong with my diet...It may jsut not be working for me anymore. I've done variations of this diet for the past year, and maybe my body won't respond to it anymore.

                        Thanks so much for asking. Nice to know you were thinking of me!


                        • #13
                          Damn, that is so suck ass words can't even describe it.

                          Item one seems more logical, especially because of Aunt Flow, that is a big red flag their.

                          Item two is probably not "seriously wrong" , more likely right on as usual.

                          Thing is with item one you're working without a net and since you can't touch or feel it probably feels somewhat out of control so mind thinks what the hell and just avoids it.

                          With item two at least you can take actions to control things, which in the immediate moment is calming cause you know you are working on something.

                          You and Sonis will get it figured out, just have a little paitience, it's not your determination or hard work, some little thing that you'll find.

                          good luck


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fitness-girl
                            I don't mean to scare you, but you could be pregnant!
                            :rofl::rofl: :rofl:

                            That's funny..I could, but not probable....

                            I have endometriosis...and it's difficult for me anyway. So, when you add AAS to the mix, my abilities to get pregnant are very slim...But it's a thought.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by fitness-girl
                              I don't mean to scare you, but you could be pregnant!
                              If I was computer literate I post a picture of Mc Cauley Caulkin from that movie "Home Alone" where he slaps the after shave on as he looks at himself in the bathroom mirror.

                              That's how I felt when I read this.

                              Excellent point FG

