Clarity list
US domestic with lighting fast shipping
[email protected]
[email protected]
Payment options - western union, Walmart to Walmart, cash app (for return customers) ,cash in mail or bitcoins $200 min order
Most Orders ship within 24 hours of payment arrival. VERY FAST T/A!! Orders are shipped priority with tracking. Shipping charge is $15.
All oils made with MCT oil as carrier oil, no eo or guaiacol.
Test p 100mg. $30
Test e 250mg. $40
Test c 250mg. $40
Test e & c blend 400mg. $55
Sustanon 250mg. $45
Tren a 100mg. $45
Tren E 200mg. $65
NPP 100mg $35
Deca 250mg. $45
EQ 250mg. $45
Mast p 100mg $45
Mast e 200mg. $65
Oral pressed tablets
Dbol 25mg x 100. $85
Anadrol 25mg x 100. $85
Winstrol 25mg x 100. $85
Turinabol 25mg x 100. $90
Anavar 25mg x 100. $110.
Proviron 25mg x 100. $95
Letro 2.5mg x 50 $45
Arimidex 1mg x 50 $45
Armosin 25mg x 50 $55
Cialis 30mg x 50 $45
Viagra 25mg x 50 $45
Nolvadex 20mg x 50 $45
Clomid 40mg x 50 $45
US domestic with lighting fast shipping
[email protected]
[email protected]
Payment options - western union, Walmart to Walmart, cash app (for return customers) ,cash in mail or bitcoins $200 min order
Most Orders ship within 24 hours of payment arrival. VERY FAST T/A!! Orders are shipped priority with tracking. Shipping charge is $15.
All oils made with MCT oil as carrier oil, no eo or guaiacol.
Test p 100mg. $30
Test e 250mg. $40
Test c 250mg. $40
Test e & c blend 400mg. $55
Sustanon 250mg. $45
Tren a 100mg. $45
Tren E 200mg. $65
NPP 100mg $35
Deca 250mg. $45
EQ 250mg. $45
Mast p 100mg $45
Mast e 200mg. $65
Oral pressed tablets
Dbol 25mg x 100. $85
Anadrol 25mg x 100. $85
Winstrol 25mg x 100. $85
Turinabol 25mg x 100. $90
Anavar 25mg x 100. $110.
Proviron 25mg x 100. $95
Letro 2.5mg x 50 $45
Arimidex 1mg x 50 $45
Armosin 25mg x 50 $55
Cialis 30mg x 50 $45
Viagra 25mg x 50 $45
Nolvadex 20mg x 50 $45
Clomid 40mg x 50 $45