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Dyel is makes it simple

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  • Dyel is makes it simple

    I must say that if you follow Dyel's instructions everything will go as planned. I was worried like a mtfr but when the mail lady arrived and I opened the package I was at ease. lol. Not only that but the day I gave him my tracking # was the end of a promo but he still hooked me up. He could have easily said no sorry but he didn't so to me that's very impressive. I ordered 5 & got 2 free and of course my liquid Viagra. He actually shipped it out the next day so thanks Dyel:thumb: YOU DA MAN buddy. Cheer's!! Oh yeah the btl with the label missing is something I did. IT DID COME WITH A LABEL. This is my second week taking it and I'm very impressed. I will definitely be getting my gear from you man. Cheer's!!Click image for larger version

Name:	aaa.png
Views:	1
Size:	788.0 KB
ID:	952753
    Last edited by piratex; 12-10-16, 06:08 PM.

  • #2
    Yup dyel has been one of the most consistent and easiest sources I've ever delt with. He just goes with flow. Cool guy.


    • #3
      Now that you see how easy it is to get the stuff you're gonna be ordering all the

      Stuff looks great! I love his labels!


      • #4
        Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
        Now that you see how easy it is to get the stuff you're gonna be ordering all the

        Stuff looks great! I love his labels!
        Honestly just test-c. I can already tell this is good stuff so I'm very excited about that plus I really like the CIM deal and him being domestic. I'm not ordering for anyone else nor selling my stuff. I'm happy to have the connection and want to keep it safe so the best bet there is to have no one else involved,lol:thumb:


        • #5
          Haha you took label off to hide from wife.


          • #6
            Glad to hear it buddy! This is why we have so man return customers. Consistent good service and product. Thank you for the review!!!


            • #7
              phenomenal in every way, love these guys


              • #8
                Just a little update on Dyel's gear. I's been around six weeks now adding Dyel's test c to my prescribed test c going from 100mg a week to 200mg a week and its really starting to kick in now. I've gained right around 6 ta 7lbs of muscle in six weeks so I'm very happy about that. Still working out 6 days a week, busting ass not Jason genova workouts. Its kind of hard for me to tell but when I put on cloths that's when I really notice and I've got a couple compliments from family. lol So yeah I'm very impressed with it .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by piratex View Post
                  Just a little update on Dyel's gear. I's been around six weeks now adding Dyel's test c to my prescribed test c going from 100mg a week to 200mg a week and its really starting to kick in now. I've gained right around 6 ta 7lbs of muscle in six weeks so I'm very happy about that. Still working out 6 days a week, busting ass not Jason genova workouts. Its kind of hard for me to tell but when I put on cloths that's when I really notice and I've got a couple compliments from family. lol So yeah I'm very impressed with it .
                  Placebo :D

                  Jk...good job brother :thumup:


                  • #10
                    Glad to hear it man!!!

