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  • #16
    Read this I found it on :

    It explains the genetics side of bodybuilding, great article. Definately worth the read.


    There are ruling differences in all of us determining our potentials and possibilities, based on a long list of variables: need, attitude, knowledge, and understanding, discipline, spirit, confidence, support, time, money and application. Add your own variables. These factors woven together are ultimately limited by GENETICS. DNA decides bone structure, muscle shape, maximum muscle size, relevant fat proportion and deposition, muscularity, and vascularity.

    As we apply ourselves to the principles we perceive as best for us, correcting and recorrecting through trial, error and adaptation, we grow and learn. Never too soon, never enough. As we approach our genetic limits, our progress slows downs to halves of halves. Plateaus, frustration and doubt bite at our heels. Unless we recognize this as real, eventual and — well — sort of okay, we live in illusion. Don't get beat up in the fight, don't give up, don't turn and run, don't whine. To keep going takes hope, courage and inspiration.

    We take our limitations (we all have them in vast supply, my most recent one being age)... we take our structure, chemistry, brain and soul and continue to manipulate them, pushing and pulling, arranging them in their best possible balance. That's what we're doing right now. Asking questions, seeking answers. It's on-going. Digging around for another intelligent routine, dialing in the nutrition, gleaning through the facts and fiction. Talking, listening, feedback and encouragement. Whatever it takes to keep us going. Not always the exact way, yet another way, we press on. Beauty and perfection exist in the process. Anything else is chaos.

