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Anavar & Winstrol To Finish A Cycle- Good ?? Or Bad??

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mikhal
    Absolutely My dear stonecold 54. Here it is as follows: The usage of the afore mentioned drugs or compounds( for the purpose of cognosent reference in this case being Anavar also known as Oxandrolone and Winstrol also recognized by it's pharmaceutical name of Stanozolol can be used as an orally introduced composite chemical blend ,commonly known as a "stack". The afore mentioned milligramage has been run with an outstanding degree of success for up to the length of up to 70 days ( 10 weeks,or for a more exacting measurement of time 1680 hrs) by myself in several different occassions that I have come into contact with this chemical or pharmaceutical combination. This has been my prognosiss based on the results with the inclusion of a blood filtering or in this case a liver protectant or a compound to aid in the matainance of he primamary filtering organs ( being of course the liver and kidneys) while introducing a 17 aa (alpha alkylated) compound into the body. At the end of the stated time table of 10 weeks, there appeared to be a striking number of simular features to the proportions of many of the Mega or Meta ,Mutant,etc.powered humanoid forms that are featured as artist renditions that are and have become the basis of folklore and appear in novels, short stories , cartoons, feature films,etc. that are a popular part of not only Americian culture but a large cult/pop culture also. Some of the most popular examples being Superman,The Hulk, The X-Men ,Spiderman, etc. Yo Playa you feel me on tha flip that time homey. Was that "European" enough for ya ha ha ha! Peace n Love:rofl: :cool:
    Mikhal, what kind of results did you receive after running them for 10 weeks??


    • #17
      Originally posted by Texas Ranger
      Mikhal, what kind of results did you receive after running them for 10 weeks??
      Pimp stats. He's a superhero now. :D


      • #18
        Up for Mikhal.....


        • #19
          Absolutely My dear stonecold 54. Here it is as follows: The usage of the afore mentioned drugs or compounds( for the purpose of cognosent reference in this case being Anavar also known as Oxandrolone and Winstrol also recognized by it's pharmaceutical name of Stanozolol can be used as an orally introduced composite chemical blend ,commonly known as a "stack". The afore mentioned milligramage has been run with an outstanding degree of success for up to the length of up to 70 days ( 10 weeks,or for a more exacting measurement of time 1680 hrs) by myself in several different occassions that I have come into contact with this chemical or pharmaceutical combination. This has been my prognosiss based on the results with the inclusion of a blood filtering or in this case a liver protectant or a compound to aid in the matainance of he primamary filtering organs ( being of course the liver and kidneys) while introducing a 17 aa (alpha alkylated) compound into the body. At the end of the stated time table of 10 weeks, there appeared to be a striking number of simular features to the proportions of many of the Mega or Meta ,Mutant,etc.powered humanoid forms that are featured as artist renditions that are and have become the basis of folklore and appear in novels, short stories , cartoons, feature films,etc. that are a popular part of not only Americian culture but a large cult/pop culture also. Some of the most popular examples being Superman,The Hulk, The X-Men ,Spiderman, etc. Yo Playa you feel me on tha flip that time homey. Was that "European" enough for ya ha ha ha! Peace n Love

          thanks bro -- i needed a good laugh today-- classic brother


          • #20
            Yeah it's all good homeys! ha ha ha I glad that we all can swing likel this in a swell vibe chill out , laugh together, and learn from each other,also known as "slang'n game" ha ha. Anyway thanks for make'n a brotha feel welcome and I;ll close this on this " Pimp'n ain't dead, Hoes just scared! Ha ha ha ha ! Peace n Love


            • #21
              Oh for sure , I was just stupid ripped and vascular ,and STRONG! I was serious bout that superhero shit playa! And I kept like 90% bein on point wit tha PCT. I also was Clen ( which some say helps to maintain muscle) and T3 at tha end of all those cycles. But keep'n it real, Tha results were Way Cool ! Peace n Love


              • #22
                Mikhal, I am taking Winstrol and Anavar tabs right now. You mentioned about "liver protection". Can you explain that? What should I be doing?

                Thanks dawg....

