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Test Only First Cycle???

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  • #31
    at a gram a week, i'd be afraid of all that water. and gyno too.


    • #32
      Guys, I know most of you prefer a single ester Test product. But, which Test would you choose between Omnadren or Golden Triangle Test Enanthate. Golden Triangle is an underground product that's supposed to be pretty good from what I hear. Obviously, I don't have ANY pratical experience with it just second hand internet knowledge. Which one would you use for a First Cycle??


      • #33
        Originally posted by Millineum Man
        Guys, I know most of you prefer a single ester Test product. But, which Test would you choose between Omnadren or Golden Triangle Test Enanthate. Golden Triangle is an underground product that's supposed to be pretty good from what I hear. Obviously, I don't have ANY pratical experience with it just second hand internet knowledge. Which one would you use for a First Cycle??
        i would go with the omna's. i don't trust ug labs at all. and i actually preffer sust to single-ester....


        • #34

          Goliath, why do you prefer sust?


          • #35
            Originally posted by StoneColdNTO
            HaHaHa........that's pretty funny.....or maybe you just had some fake Test. I know hundreds of guys that would totally disagree with you on this one.

            A gram for a first cycle...LMFAO !!
            I can understand what you mean when you say that. I have never had fake test or any fake gear for that matter. That is one thing that i am very sure of. However 500mg of test is about twice of what the body naturually produces. You arent going to see a whole lot of results from just that alone. That is why even with a first cycle especially when the test is alone your should do at least 750mg.


            • #36
              yeah bro go with the Enanthate @ 500, thats what im on. Ijust started my first cycle 6 weeks ago and already gained 15 lbs and i stiil got 4 weeks to go, and not to mention the strenght increase.


              • #37
                I'm in my 5th week of that very cycle and I'm turning into a freakin' monster. Gotta love the enanthate.


                • #38
                  Go with the enanthate. Although my fist was Sus. 500mg a week and I gain 18 good lean lbs. Good luck.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by BuschLightCan
                    I can understand what you mean when you say that. I have never had fake test or any fake gear for that matter. That is one thing that i am very sure of. However 500mg of test is about twice of what the body naturually produces. You arent going to see a whole lot of results from just that alone. That is why even with a first cycle especially when the test is alone your should do at least 750mg.
                    Well as I said in an earlier post. I did 6 (and only 6) amps of sust over a one month period and put on 20 pounds. You stated yourself that you are doubling your bodies test production so why wouldn't that produce results. you can't just say it won't produce results and leave it at that.

