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****A Warning about steroids****

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  • #16
    Good post DrG. Yeah I am starting to back off aswell. But I am not stopping gear just aint trying to gain 30lbs each cycle. I just want 15lbs max each time I am at it. The bp that I got made me really think. I now believe that your health is more important then your size. I mean, how are you going to enjoy your size if you are dead or sick? Before I was like man I'd rather get big and die early then not be big and live long. No that is stupid! Dont know why I thought like that. Anyways, for all the newbies just be careful and really think things through before you start AAS use.


    • #17
      very, very good advice in here. Thanx to all of you knowledgable vets helping everyone out. Bouncer, much respect for ya bro.


      • #18
        great post bouncer and very true --

        thats all i have to say as alot of stuff on this thread hits home -- [and hate to admit it]

        i started back up then stopped for some reason-- i have taken some time off the gym -- i go back monday-- i needed the break-- i was burning out-

        now my goal is to take off a ton of weight -- i am at 293lbs right now -- have a ways to go lol


        • #19
          Moderation in everything is a good thing. 2 years of taking anything will through your body and mind into a dependent state, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, sugar etc. Good learning post.


          • #20
            Yeah Bouncer, I know what you mean bro.. The emotions are a killer. What gets me is when people at work come up to me and say WOW, you have shrunk. My boss said he has never seen anyone blow up and shrink like I do.. And when I hear the Shrink word, I get on a cycle and get my Swole On.. A lot of this is in my head, because I can't make myself train very hard when I am off cycle either. My 19" arms go to 17" arms etc..


            • #21
              Brings this thread back to mind, doesn't it Bouncer...



              • #22
                Originally posted by G-S
                Brings this thread back to mind, doesn't it Bouncer...

                Sure dose bro, I was looking at that post the other day as a matter of fact. Hope your doing well with everything bro.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
                  Sure dose bro, I was looking at that post the other day as a matter of fact. Hope your doing well with everything bro.
                  I am, thanks for asking. I've even taken 2 weeks off from the gym, and have missed some training days (something I would NEVER consider in years past) just to do some things that I once enjoyed.

                  There really is more to life than this... but I still love it!


                  • #24
                    Its nice to hear you are doing good GS. Both of yall keep it up and dont give up. Good luck bros.


                    • #25
                      Great post brother. It's a reality check for us all. Bouncer, how long are you going to stay off?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Chadd77
                        Great post brother. It's a reality check for us all. Bouncer, how long are you going to stay off?
                        For awhile bro. I dont really have plans to go back on for awhile.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by hitmansb
                          This is why I've never been a fan of long cycles. I've always believed in doing one or two cycles per year, and no longer than 10-12 weeks tops. Everyone should definately consider the potential worst-case scenarios before trying AAS.
                          Originally posted by mr athlete
                          Moderation in everything is a good thing. 2 years of taking anything will through your body and mind into a dependent state, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, sugar etc. Good learning post.

                          I can't agree with these posts more. Steroids are a great way to enhance your physique and HELP you achieve goals. Granted like everything else in life they must be taken in moderation to avoid serious side effects. I can't imagine staying on anything for two years and I can certainly see why you are going through the struggles that you are having right now. If you don't mind me asking, what was the reason for staying on so long bro? Anyhow bro stay strong and focused and just like any other goal you'll achieve it, I know that depression and anxiety can be a bitch and you'll be in my prayers.


                          • #28
                            One minute im happy, the next angry and the next almost in tears.
                            Sounds like me for the past week but I'm not on anything.

                            Good luck bro in getting better.


                            • #29
                              I like what you guys are trying to convey but i then look at your avatars.Bouncer and GS are huge and lean. At least for me it keeps going back to that. I wanna be that size maybe bigger and i know what it's gonna take to get there. Extreme eating and gear use ,without those two things i will never get close to where i want to be. Go to the gym and treat it as my church. Ignore all distractions that interfere with my goals. I used to have hobbys now i have no time for them. If it doesnt make me bigger ,faster ,or stronger i have no time for it. I eat i sleep i train i work then i sleep some more.

                              Right now i am bigger and heavier then i have ever been in my life. I have been on for 8 months straight. Blast at high doses then cruise at low doses for a few weeks then blast again. I am sure i am mentally addicted but at this point i dont care. As long as the scale keeps climbing and the weight on the bar keeps going up im gonna keep pushing it. At this point in my life i am willing to do what it takes to get where i want to be. I am aware of the dangers. I am obsessed and realize it.

                              I wish someone had clued me in awhile ago. I know what i am doing will probably affect my health somewhere down the road. I convince myself this shit has to stop but then i hit a new record for my sqaut or bench or stretch the tape a little more on a lagging bodypart and i forget all about why i wanted to come off in the first place. I recently passed a kidney stone and was sure my kidneys were turning on me. All the pain was in the kidney it never went into my urinary tract. I went to the hospitol freaking i was in killer pain and was sure the 2 grams a week had taken its toll. I told the ER doctor what i had been up too he did tests and determined it was just a stone. He said my kidneys were fine and so was my liver. Instead of being some kind of reality check which it should have been. I am continueing right along. I know i shouldnt be but reason plays little part in addictiion.

                              Mental addiction is harder to break then physical. I respect the hell out of those that are able to break it. Props to Bouncer for having the balls to address a subject such as this on a steroid related site . I hope others read what has been posted and think twice before slippin from use to abuse. People need to realize steroids are a double edged sword. They are able to make your dreams of a bigger leaner you a reality. When abused you will come to depend on the way they make you feel and think not just the way they make you look. . The I am a 10 ft tall undestructible machine mind set is very addictive.
                              Last edited by AlmostThere; 12-04-04, 02:04 AM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by AlmostThere

                                I have been on for 8 months straight. Blast at high doses then cruise at low doses for a few weeks then blast again.

                                At this point in my life i am willing to do what it takes to get where i want to be. I am aware of the dangers. I am obsessed and realize it.

                                I have some big goals in bodybuilding, but what I don't understand is the reason for these extremely long cycles. I am willing to do what it takes to get where I want to get as well but I know it will take time and I know that by staying on these long cycles I'd actually be hurting myself more than helping. If you put too much stress on the body it's going to turn on you. As I said earlier in this thread AS can definitely HELP you get where you want to but I as well as others cannot stress the importance of eating. I have a friend who is roughly 6'1" and weighed about 230. He had taken anabolics before as well and he was very lean, but just recently he's been focusing more on food than anything and in 3 months put on 35lbs. and is weighing 265. He eats every hour and a half on the dot. AS will help you grow but food will make you grow. 10-12 week cycle or maybe even a couple weeks longer in my opinion should be as long as you run AS. I am just completely baffled why cycles sometimes stretch way beyond that time frame. Your body needs a break and your receptors do too, not to mention the negative affects that will accompany your natural test. levels and other health problems. Like I said, I just don't get it. I know bouncer will get through this but this should be an example for all of those who want to run these long cycles, don't do it guys, bouncer will get through it, maybe you won't....

