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Cycle 2

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  • Cycle 2

    First off props to admin and all involved with great info as to why you should NOT be on roids. This is my second cycle in a year and a half and may do another one or two cycles.

    I have read for hours on this site and damn their is info.

    Here are my specs for cycle 2.

    6foot 240 bench max 300

    first cycle I did test enthate 10cc's. 1 cc a week for 10 weeks. People told me that was nothing more then what my body was producing anyway but I stuck with it and saw my bench go up about 30 pounds.


    I am just doubling to 20cc's. 2 cc's a week of test 250 with Nolva every day through the 10 weeks. I will then take two weeks off and come back with clomid on weeks 13,14,15.

    Anyone done a cycle similar to this? If so what where your gains?

    As you can see I have not posted alot, cause I read more then I post, but if I missed posted something....BASH ME. It only makes me work harder. :)

    Raider boy

  • #2
    A lot of people are going to love this cycle, as it's hard to go wrong with test. I always advocate using the lowest amount of test possible, so here's what I'd like to see you do:

    Instead of using 2cc's of Test 250, go with 1.5 cc (375mg) and add in some anabolic components. An oral at the start to get you growing right away while the long esters take their time breaking down is a good idea. Something like this:

    Weeks 1-3 Dbol 20mg/day (divided doses of 5mg each)
    Weeks 1-10 EQ 300mg/week
    Weeks 1-10 Test 375mg/week

    By adding EQ and lowering the amount of test, you lessen the likelihood of side effects. I've grown extremely well off of doing 300EQ/300test after having done many more cycles than you have, so don't be too quick to buy into the '500mg of test minimum' theory. You grew and had a significant strength gain using a low dose of test before, so in all likelihood you are someone who can make good gains from lower doses.


    • #3
      Re: Cycle 2

      Originally posted by Raider80
      First off props to admin and all involved with great info as to why you should NOT be on roids. This is my second cycle in a year and a half and may do another one or two cycles.

      I have read for hours on this site and damn their is info.

      Here are my specs for cycle 2.

      6foot 240 bench max 300

      first cycle I did test enthate 10cc's. 1 cc a week for 10 weeks. People told me that was nothing more then what my body was producing anyway but I stuck with it and saw my bench go up about 30 pounds.


      I am just doubling to 20cc's. 2 cc's a week of test 250 with Nolva every day through the 10 weeks. I will then take two weeks off and come back with clomid on weeks 13,14,15.

      Anyone done a cycle similar to this? If so what where your gains?

      As you can see I have not posted alot, cause I read more then I post, but if I missed posted something....BASH ME. It only makes me work harder. :)

      Raider boy
      that will work just fine but why the nolva ED? if you dont have gyno problems keep the nolva to add to your clomid post cycle. and dont post CCs post MGs and also post the amount of nolva,clomid.


      • #4
        Sorry for delayed response, work!!


        weeks 1-10 10 mgs of nolva a day

        week 13 50 mgs of clomid everyday
        week 14 25 mgs of clomid everyday
        week 15 25 mgs of clomid every other day

        SIDE NOTE: I was told by a friend who has been taking for some time that I really don't need to take the nolva unless I start to have tender breasts. Also he said by taking the nolva it would cause the test to not work AS effectivly. Any thoughts????
        Last edited by Raider80; 12-17-04, 08:25 AM.


        • #5
          I like it.

          Its simple and you seem to have your PCT thought through.

          Let me know how it goes


          • #6
            Originally posted by Raider80
            Sorry for delayed response, work!!


            weeks 1-10 10 mgs of nolva a day

            week 13 50 mgs of clomid everyday
            week 14 25 mgs of clomid everyday
            week 15 25 mgs of clomid every other day

            SIDE NOTE: I was told by a friend who has been taking for some time that I really don't need to take the nolva unless I start to have tender breasts. Also he said by taking the nolva it would cause the test to not work AS effectivly. Any thoughts????
            yes nolva blocks the IGF-1 receptors makin AAS less effective but at 10mgs how much if any i dont know. i still would not take unless needed save for pct. my pct looks like this
            100 mgs clomid 2 weeks
            50 mgs clomid 2 weeks
            20 mgs nolva all 4 weeks
            i start on the 3rd week after last injection


            • #7
              oh on another note i dont use nolva to protect against gyno i use l-dex, it also keeps the bloat down no problems. good luck.


              • #8
                Thanks, I will keep good track and let you all know what if any side effects creap up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by hitmansb

                  Instead of using 2cc's of Test 250, go with 1.5 cc (375mg) and add in some anabolic components. An oral at the start to get you growing right away while the long esters take their time breaking down is a good idea. Something like this:

                  Weeks 1-3 Dbol 20mg/day (divided doses of 5mg each)
                  Weeks 1-10 EQ 300mg/week
                  Weeks 1-10 Test 375mg/week

                  By adding EQ and lowering the amount of test, you lessen the likelihood of side effects. I've grown extremely well off of doing 300EQ/300test after having done many more cycles than you have, so don't be too quick to buy into the '500mg of test minimum' theory. You grew and had a significant strength gain using a low dose of test before, so in all likelihood you are someone who can make good gains from lower doses. [/B]
                  looks pretty good but i would use dbol in weeks 4-7, dbol and especially just 20 mg a day will just shot your own test production in a beginning of the cycle. let slow esters get in effect and then hit it with dbol , just make sure that there is couple weeks left in cycle just for test and eq.
                  and one more thing , its just my opinion but 375 mg of test is still not enough. it has nothing to do with 500 mg rule i used it in ration 2 to 1 with eq or deca.with 300 mg of eq you would need 600 mg of test. i still would just lower amount of both of them, something like 250--275 eq ,500--550test


                  • #10
                    Great, I start tomorrow. Shooting thighs with 22g 1 inch. Never have done thighs before so we will see how this goes. :)

                    Question for anyone, not that I am taking the easy way out, but it would be. Is their a place online that has meal layouts. I bought 60 pounds of chicken and loaded up on eggs (hard boil them) tons of protein. I will be eating 5 to six times a day. Just was curious if their was a link or site that might have a nutriton layout.

                    Thanks for all other great info and I will check with my buyer to see if I can get me some dbol asap.


                    • #11
                      Any info on your cycle. What are gains so far? Just curious and I am bored at home waiting to leave to the party so I have to do something. But really do want to know bro.


                      • #12
                        1-4 dbol 20mg ed
                        1-10 400-500 mg week(test)
                        pct clomid/ nolva

                        I have never done eq but if dosed properly I agree that 300- 400mg weely stacked with the above cycle would be great along as the eq is ran long enough to reap its benefits, from what I have read it kicks in late.

                        Last edited by murdyO; 01-01-05, 04:25 AM.


                        • #13
                          Aight guys, ready to shoot 3rd shot tomorrow. I am doing 2 cc's a week. I am also taking Thistle and B12.

                          In my opinon I am seeing some great gains. I do know its early but I will keep you abreast.

                          incline 4 sets....after first shot maxed at 245 5 times. after second shotmaxed 255 6 times.

                          shrugs 4 sets....after first shot maxed at 130 dumbells 8 times. Second week maxed at 150 dumbells 10 times.

                          These are just a few. I will let you know in 3 or 4 more weeks.

                          I have put on about 4 pounds and am slamming CHICKEN like a mad mofo. PROTEIN like mad. I am not going for cut, just mass.

                          These results could easily be mindset from one work out to the next but both of these two sets where on diffrent days.

                          like I said, will check back in another 2 or 3 weeks. BTW, I love shooting in thighs, OMG NO PAIN. When I shot in ass last time, PAIN, this time 25 g 1 1/2 almost all the way in, I have no pain.

                          Straind back emptying fish tank yesterday but should be good to go with arms sunday.

                          HAPPY NEW YEAR..


                          • #14
                            Good luck bro. Post your diet if you can. I know you are going for mass but you need to still have a clean bulk. You dont want to start having high Blood pressure cause of your diet like I did.


                            • #15
                              Quick look at a day in my diet.

                              WATER WATER AND MORE WATER

                              6am: 1 1/1 piece of chicken (vitamins) water and protein bar

                              10am: 1 piece of whole wheat bread with a little butter and a hard boiled egg with an apple.

                              1pm: 2 hard boiled eggs with a banna

                              5pm: protein shake right after work out.

                              8pm: good diner, maybe a steak..potatoes or hashbrowns..bacon.

                              thats a good day, some days I slide but for most pretty good.

