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another steroid arguement thread

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  • another steroid arguement thread

    Me and a few of my friends got into an argument about steroids and baseball ect. the other night. well it turned into why would "non athletes/competitors" take steriods for personal use. Now i gave my points and my opinions on certain issues.

    Then someone was like how bad are steriods really-if done the right way? Basically i responded "Prob about as good as you binge drinking 3 nights a week" and they said it doesnt compare.....your thoughts.

    Reguardless a person is going to do steroids if they really want to. I personally havent done a cycle but plan on doing one soon. A few years ago i never imagined of doing them-but after reading and learning alot i learned there is a safe way to do it and an unsafe way to do it.

    So basically this thread is just me venting. If someone wants to take steriods that is there perogative (sp). If they want to do that to there body then fine. But im not going to let some overweight/non workout binge drinker tell me otherwise. :argue:

  • #2
    All I have to say is this. Millions of people have died from alcohal related problems. There isnt 1 proven death from steroids. You tell me which is worse?


    • #3
      a couple of friends of mine try to argue with me about it I don't even bother, some people aren't willing to listen


      • #4
        thats what i dont get from people. You say steroids and its like if they saw the devil, they get scared and give you allecture on how bad they are. Those people dont even know how many different kinds of steroids there are actually, they think its only one. All the rec drugs they do and they think its ok, but with steroids its bad. Same goes with the media, they dont know jack. Ive been reading on steroids since 1996 till this day, im still learning more about them. Only if they would sit for a few minutes a day and read about them, they would understand.

        There are other bigger problems out there than steroids that they should worry about.


        • #5
          its simple, knowledge vs. ignorance and narrowmindedness


          • #6
            I think that people who are gear up and are stupid about it, give those who are experienced a bad name.


            • #7
              Its all the media's fault why aas are illegal. They made a big deal about it awhile back and thats why they made it illegal. Cause it was legal for a good amount of time.


              • #8
                I'll be glad when the media finds something else to sensationalize. It's laughable...guys sit around drinking and smoking, fat as pigs, moaning about how steroid users are ruining their health. I put stuff in my body that enhances strength and muscularity...they don't think that's healthy. They put things in their bodies that promote lard, diabetes, car wrecks, and lung cancer. I don't think that's healthy. This little tidbit will piss 'em off:
                Which of these, if 100 pills are taken all at once, is LEAST likely to kill you?
                5 mg valium
                5 mg lortab
                5 mg adderal
                5 mg dianabol


                • #9
                  Perhaps if aas's were considered a rec drug instead of a vanity drug, then maybe people wouldn't be closed minded about them.


                  • #10
                    lol.... the comedic value in this thread is priceless.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by YellowJacket
                      lol.... the comedic value in this thread is priceless.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by moneyshot11

                        I made my points in a comparable thread. The argument to legalize or to justify the legalization of anabolic steroids is simply comical and really not worth the time debating.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by YellowJacket
                          I made my points in a comparable thread. The argument to legalize or to justify the legalization of anabolic steroids is simply comical and really not worth the time debating.
                          I agree....just do em' and be happy. Fuck the legality and fuck what other people think.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by YellowJacket
                            I made my points in a comparable thread. The argument to legalize or to justify the legalization of anabolic steroids is simply comical and really not worth the time debating.
                            lol ...If you can find the link to that thread please post it here for moneyshot11 ...

                            Thanks YJ .....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by INTIMID8OR
                              lol ...If you can find the link to that thread please post it here for moneyshot11 ...

                              Thanks YJ .....


