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Equipoise only cycle,Have u done one?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
    What im saying bro is, EQ is better at longer periods. not sure were you heard about the blood volume thing but if you have any studies i would like to see them.
    It has to do with red blood cell count, MD types seem to not recommend going over 400mg period. Now of course a larger than average person, and a person not prone to blood clots, will probably do fine. It may well even have to do with blood types, I think a doc or Billy would have to comment further.

    But yes, everyone says towards the end of the cycle is when it really starts to show its serious vascularity increases etc, I wonder how much of that is blood pressure though.
    Last edited by Mudge; 08-09-03, 02:08 AM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BigRed54
      Thats the best answer i've heard about why EQ decreases sex drive. But why is it that EQ sometimes increases sex drive? Cause i've done many EQ only cycles and it was increased?
      This question can be answered 2 ways...

      One is the fact that everyone reacts differently do different drugs. Mabey your body sees the analouge as the real thing. And therefore triggers your CNS to activate the instinctual sex drive.

      Second is the placebo effect. The two compounds are extremely similar, and have very similiar reactions within the body. Couple that with the fact that you know its an anabolic steriod, and you can actually trick your body sumbliminally into thinking that it is "supposed" to have a higher sex drive.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mudge
        It has to do with red blood cell count, MD types seem to not recommend going over 400mg period. Now of course a larger than average person, and a person not prone to blood clots, will probably do fine. It may well even have to do with blood types, I think a doc or Billy would have to comment further.

        But yes, everyone says towards the end of the cycle is when it really starts to show its serious vascularity increases etc, I wonder how much of that is blood pressure though.
        So doing a cycle of 1,200mg a wk, for 12wks might not be recommended?


        • #19
          Well I just posted about this same exact subject over at

          I just came off of a test/Eq cycle, where at the end I was shooting 1g of Eq per week, and I dropped the test from 1g to 250mg

          What I noticed blew my mind, although I dropped the test to alost nothing, while bumping up the Eq I made my best gains and strength went up through the the roof even after week 18.

          I am very tempted to run an heavy Eq cycle and see where it gets me, as far as increased blood volume...I would not invest much worry into the idea, but I guess it would not hurt to keep an eye on blood pressure and other signs of health.


          • #20
            Originally posted by BigRed54
            So doing a cycle of 1,200mg a wk, for 12wks might not be recommended?
            So far as I recall thats what bouncer was doing, 1200/1200. You have to use your own judgement, and experience to make that determination.

            Who knows who the article I read was targeted at, are they talking about 150 pound test subjects or 250 pound, I have no idea since they didn't state that unfortunately.


            • #21


