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  • #16
    Originally posted by DUBZ View Post
    yeah bro im thinkin about it. thats why i came on this site..
    to talk to tha pross haha
    Normaly I would say no dont bother. But shit for 200 bucks a box 126ius I think? how can you not just do it.
    Have you run any cycles of regular gear before?


    • #17
      hah nah man this is a 1st.


      • #18
        Originally posted by DUBZ View Post
        hah nah man this is a 1st.
        Ok what do you need to know? I got you covered.


        • #19
          i just wanted to know if i should do it .. n what the side effects are..
          ill talk to my buddy about how much i should do n all that shitt
          im gunna get it ina few months i think!


          • #20
            Originally posted by DUBZ View Post
            Hey im just about to turn 22. My buddy gets HGH right from the Doc because he had Cancer... so its LEGIT shit. he said he would give me a Cycle.. i think its like 20 boxes.

            I heard it could make me taller? maybe put like 3inches on me?
            and obviously make me Bigger.

            are there any side effects? i only want to do 1cycle. and hit the gym hard/eat right.

            im 150pounds rite now. :tired:
            At your age I dont think you need it yet,,,your natural levels are probably still normal to high and its NOT going to make you 3 inches taller.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DUBZ View Post
              i just wanted to know if i should do it .. n what the side effects are..
              ill talk to my buddy about how much i should do n all that shitt
              im gunna get it ina few months i think!
              Like I said normaly i would say NO dont do it but for 200 bucks a box shit why not mess with it and see what happens.
              Ill post a thing I got off basskillers site.


              • #22
                Side effects of growth hormone are generally mild and are largely associated with salt and water retention. The minority of patients that experience this typically complain of mild weight gain from water retention associated with a vague feeling of puffiness. This is sometimes accompanied by joint discomfort, particularly in the fingers, with a feeling of tightness when making a fist. Other joints may also become uncomfortable. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a well-known side effect of growth hormone that was more common in the early days when growth hormone was given in higher dose with lower frequency. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is also a function of fluid retention, which causes water to accumulate in the closed carpal tunnel compartment of the wrist, compressing the median nerve. This results in numbness and tingling in the palm and fingers. These side effects are easily remedied by abstaining from growth hormone for about a week, and then resuming the treatment with a 20% dose reduction. Older patients are more subject to side effects and are generally started at a low dose of growth hormone than younger adults. Another potential side-effect of growth hormone is the elevation of blood sugar. Growth hormone mobilizes body fat, causing our fat cells to break themselves down and release free fatty acids into the blood stream. These free fatty acids are energy molecules which can be taken up by organs and many of our organs to be used for energy. When our muscles are consuming free fatty acids as a fuel, they are far less interested in sugar, therefore they tend to resist the effects of insulin, and extract less sugar from the blood. At the same time, growth hormone can increase glucose output from the liver to the blood. This combination of effects can raise blood sugar and raise insulin levels, neither of which is good. Fortunately, this is only a problem in people who eat a diet high in sugar and starch, and do little exercise. At Cenegenics® we teach our patients to eat a low glycemic diet (low in sugar and starch) and exercise regularly. The effect of our nutrition and exercise program in lowering blood glucose and insulin levels far outweighs the effect of growth hormone in raising glucose and insulin levels. The net effect in our patients, therefore, is the lowering of glucose and insulin levels. This is a very health-promoting benefit that prevents disease and extends life span.


                • #23
                  thanks bro

