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My Proposed First Cycle!

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  • #16
    Test Only is the way to go. You don't need anything else. Just because you have virgin receptors to large amounts of AS does not mean you need to bombard them with high amounts. 350-500 of test for 8-10 weeks will blow you up bro, I guarantee it. Drop the other stuff so you can save money, keep your health more normal and keep your cycle simple


    • #17
      Listen to these guys bro. They know what ehy are talking about.

      Your first cycle should be simple with a minimum of compounds. Everyone reacts differently to each compound and if you start dosing yourself to the gills with three AS and a problem develops, you won't know which drug is causing it. Start slow and see how your body reacts. You will be surprised.

      Test enan at 500 mg ew for 10 weeks is a solid first cycle. You will pack on 20 lbs with the right diet and training. Moreover, it is probably the safest cycle for you considering your kidney problems. A concern is water bloat which will put an extra load on your kidneys and raise your blood pressure. A little liquidex (0.5 mg ed) should take care of that but I would look it up in the PDR first to make sure it is kidney friendly. Deca will bloat you and anti-e's will not help with deca bloat.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lmg2701
        Some may be saying that his doses are too high and what not, but I believe that the cycle is just fine. This will be the clearest his receptor sites ever are so why not take a big advantage of that first.
        i believe that even though the receptors are "fresh"... they'll responds equally to say 300mgs of TEST, as to 600mgs of TEST. i would hate to have his receptors become "accostomed" to such a large amount of AS right from the get-go. typically, one will need more and more AS just to achieve similar results as before. start low and work your way up. i'm still only on 500mgs/wk of a Test base and i can easily get a solid 10-15 pounds in about 10 weeks and keep it. i actually get more weight, but always end up keeping at least the 10-15 lean muscle pounds.


        • #19
          Originally posted by GearTripper
          i believe that even though the receptors are "fresh"... they'll responds equally to say 300mgs of TEST, as to 600mgs of TEST. i would hate to have his receptors become "accostomed" to such a large amount of AS right from the get-go. typically, one will need more and more AS just to achieve similar results as before. start low and work your way up. i'm still only on 500mgs/wk of a Test base and i can easily get a solid 10-15 pounds in about 10 weeks and keep it. i actually get more weight, but always end up keeping at least the 10-15 lean muscle pounds.
          very true


          • #20
            U guys have me thinking about going with just the Test and Dbol for a 4wk kickstart


            • #21
              Originally posted by DiamondCutCows
              U guys have me thinking about going with just the Test and Dbol for a 4wk kickstart
              that sounds better. and you will get different opinions on this but I would still leave out the dbol. Even though I have been juicing for over 5 years I still run test only cycles and they are my best ones. Dbol is a great drug don't get me wrong but I think it might be better to leave it out for this cycle. But it really is up to you.


              • #22
                Especially with your kidney problem you should be starting off with nothing but "Test" and gradually use other compounds later so at least you'll know how each ones' sides will affect you or the problem.


                • #23
                  I retract my comments about the other substances but only because of your liver problems. I believe it will take more than one cycle for you receptors to become accustomed to any substance. I've gone through many cycles and still can run 500mg's of test and make gains. And to be honest I don't think 500mg's of test is a huge amount. With your kidney problems you may want to do the only test cycle and make sure you keep your blood tests going regularly to see how your responding.


                  • #24
                    shit I must have missed the kidney comments. I didn't know there was a problem. make sure you add in your Cranberry extract DCC


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by spidey
                      Listen to these guys bro. They know what ehy are talking about.

                      Your first cycle should be simple with a minimum of compounds. Everyone reacts differently to each compound and if you start dosing yourself to the gills with three AS and a problem develops, you won't know which drug is causing it. Start slow and see how your body reacts. You will be surprised.

                      Test enan at 500 mg ew for 10 weeks is a solid first cycle. You will pack on 20 lbs with the right diet and training. Moreover, it is probably the safest cycle for you considering your kidney problems. A concern is water bloat which will put an extra load on your kidneys and raise your blood pressure. A little liquidex (0.5 mg ed) should take care of that but I would look it up in the PDR first to make sure it is kidney friendly. Deca will bloat you and anti-e's will not help with deca bloat.
                      Spidey i'm curious, for a test and deca cycle what should the "pct." look like?

