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New Cycle... test only...

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  • #16
    All I run is test now. I have found that for the most part all or most of my gains are from that. I use orals once in a while for a bit of a boost in my training but I have only love for test now. :D


    • #17
      Im runnin 750mg of test a week for 10 weeks straight, all test..and lovin it


      • #18
        I'm sorry attrain but i personally don't have the slightest clue whta ur stats or experiences r, and I do understand some people really don't believe they get much off of test, but listen, there r to many people who agree with this, I can simply say that TEST IS BEST, U need nothing but test and you will gain, Simply put if u want to gain u really can gain completely and become one of the top pro freaks in today's world by taking solely test and slin, and that's the truth gh isn't really even a requirement, the natural hormones r the best at gaining muscle size. it'sjust that simple


        • #19
          Originally posted by Atrain
          Ok...I can tell where this is all going.

          First off...any time you are doing just is because of two reasons:

          1) You were prescribed by a doctor
          2) You can't find/can't afford/aren't educated enough to stack it with something else.

          What I meant by saying what I said...(and I can't believe I have to actually explain this) that if you stacked it with something would get better quality gains. Anyone with any kind of knowledge in AAS will agree with me.

          Not only is a person who is saying that they are going to run a test only cycle...and he says it is first one...then he questions whether or not it is his first TEST ONLY cycle cause he's done sustanon by itself before. The reason I bring this up: simply...Trapattack says "I'm sure he was going to use anit e's and PCT's...but I did NOT make this same assumption based on the way he was basically asking if Sustanon was a test. 11-12 cycles huh? Maybe....maybe not.

          ...almost anyone will tell you that running that dose of testorone by itself for that period of time is pretty much pointless with out anitestrogens and PCT's because you will come crashing down.

          I am in no way questioning the gains WHILE ON THE TEST...(I would be an idiot if I did such a thing...and I would also be a hippocrit...I have taken as much as 2,500mgs of test a week)....I am merely suggesting that stacking it with something else would give BETTER QUALITY GAINS. You would have a more dense look as opposed to a blown up look.

          If you want to be a 300lb freak...that's one thing. If you want to be a clean 300lb freak...THAT's another!!

          Any questions...please do not hesitate to PM me...

          *if I sounded like I put anyone down...I'm sorry...sometimes I don't know how to get my point accross in a passive manner.

          WOW i really dont even know where to start, so i guess i'll go with the begining

          1. what does doing a test only cycle have to do with a persons knowledge on AAS and stacking compounds?

          or does it make more sense that doing a straight test cycle is tried and true over the yrs and the only compound you really need?

          2. what are you exlpaining? nothing! common sense tells us that stacking compounds will give us better results. but to say that running straight test is a waste is ignorant.

          3. Re-read his post he said he has run cyp/dbol and sust dbol/cycles, i wouldnt consider either a test only cycle.

          4. yes he will need an anti e and PCT, thanks for the hot tip

          5. yes as we said before stacking compounds should yield better results. the quality of gains and the look you have is relative.
          please dont tell me somebody running 800mg cyp, 600mg deca and 100mg drol would look less bloated than somebody running 800mg enanthate alone. but thats what you're saaying

          6. you dont sound as if you were putting anybody down, you actually sounded like you have some reading to do, because i believe you are off in many of your views


          • #20
            Damn bros,,,,,,those were some great replies,,,,,and yes test rules.......BLOODPUMP.......


            • #21
              well I for one have run just about every substance along with test and after years of that i have come to the conclusion that I get the same results with just test alone. my reasoning is that it is cheaper, less shots and a more natural steroid for me to use. plus the sides are easy to control.


              • #22
                Originally posted by xxovercomexx
                U need nothing but test and you will gain, Simply put if u want to gain u really can gain completely and become one of the top pro freaks in today's world by taking solely test and slin, and that's the truth gh isn't really even a requirement,

                I hope you ddn't mean that statement. You show me a Pro that is competitive....not those that turn pro in the lightweight and such divisions but a heavyweight and super heavyweight or as you said "freaks", and I'll show you a liar. Genetic potential gives them the ability to seperate themselves from someone who works out just as hard and takes the same things but plainly put a Pro takes more than just test. or at least the ones I've talked to have.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Atrain
                  Ok...I can tell where this is all going.

                  First off...any time you are doing just is because of two reasons:

                  1) You were prescribed by a doctor
                  2) You can't find/can't afford/aren't educated enough to stack it with something else.

                  What I meant by saying what I said...(and I can't believe I have to actually explain this) that if you stacked it with something would get better quality gains. Anyone with any kind of knowledge in AAS will agree with me.

                  Not only is a person who is saying that they are going to run a test only cycle...and he says it is first one...then he questions whether or not it is his first TEST ONLY cycle cause he's done sustanon by itself before. The reason I bring this up: simply...Trapattack says "I'm sure he was going to use anit e's and PCT's...but I did NOT make this same assumption based on the way he was basically asking if Sustanon was a test. 11-12 cycles huh? Maybe....maybe not.

                  ...almost anyone will tell you that running that dose of testorone by itself for that period of time is pretty much pointless with out anitestrogens and PCT's because you will come crashing down.

                  I am in no way questioning the gains WHILE ON THE TEST...(I would be an idiot if I did such a thing...and I would also be a hippocrit...I have taken as much as 2,500mgs of test a week)....I am merely suggesting that stacking it with something else would give BETTER QUALITY GAINS. You would have a more dense look as opposed to a blown up look.

                  If you want to be a 300lb freak...that's one thing. If you want to be a clean 300lb freak...THAT's another!!

                  *if I sounded like I put anyone down...I'm sorry...sometimes I don't know how to get my point accross in a passive manner.

                  Mate this has been addressed by another post so I will just clarify a couple of things...

                  ! no a doc did NOT prescribe me anything...
                  2 I could afford more and my sources sure as hell can and would love to provide me with more and with my experience and (self) education on this subject I could make any number of cycles that have stacks of orals, tests and all the other loverly little bits and pieces we like to use...

                  You have to actually explain it as you said in your original post "you won't hold any of your gains...pretty much making that amount of test pointless to take..."... direct quote which I know for sure is bs as I know one or 10 fellas that have used test only and not only managed to keep most of their gains with pct...

                  as for the sust only cycle... my fault for not being clear I have done sust/dbol and cyp/dbol cycles before but never test on its own...

                  This will be my first TEST ONLY cycle yes... I thought that it would be interesting to see what gains would occur if I did this...

                  Now for my part to maybe piss you off... for once think outside the square... try something new... you never know you may like it... Over the years I have been training and cycling I have been told time and time again that to do oral only is pointless as you lose ALL the gains... its really bad for you etc... but I have done several oral only (am in one now as a matter of fact) and with all of them I have gained well and managed to keep a very good majority of those gains... I find that dbol in particular is an oral my body loves... go figure.... this is something I am going to try to see how my body reacts to... and from most reports it should go well... and please dont worry... I have on hand and will utilise the correct anti e and pct for this cycle... I would not like to jeprodise the gains... cheers..


                  • #24
                    Dude I have a bro who competes at 260 right now stands at about 310 in the offseason, all this mother does is 3-4 grams of cyp a week, along with slin, and occassionaly throws abombs, or dbol in there and that's it.....


                    • #25
                      "Wow...thanks for the hot tip??"

                      You are welcome. No worries. You, and about 10 other people took my reply to heart. You need a hug or something....seriously.

                      As far as reading to do...maybe you should read my reply...AGAIN...I NEVER SAID YOU DON'T GET GAINS OFF OF TEST.

                      We can go back and forth all day on this shit...point is....

                      YOU CAN GET BETTER QUALITY GAINS IF STACKED WITH SOMETHING ELSE. Wether it is too the extreme as someone who wanted to blow up like a balloon (if that is the look you are looking for) mentioned...or wether it is for more a cut (clean cut) look....

                      I have no idea why I am being attacked here...but dude....relax. I gave my think differently....not everyone is going to aggree.

                      GROUP HUG!!

                      In my first reply...I said it would be pointless to take that much test. What I should have said...I'm sorry I wasn't clear...was "I" believe it is pointless taking that much test with out anti e's and assumption reading this guy's post was he had already taken a test only cycle and wasn't aware of it. He has since clarified other wise....

             feels like we have all mentioned this about 10 times...but I don't know any of you and all I was doing was looking out for someone else. If that's a crime...then I will gladly leave to another problem.

                      If you would like to continue this disaggreement...please PM me so that the rest of the board doesn't have to listen to me and you "bicker" back and forth.


                      *For the record...I aggree that you get the best gains from test...I personlly love enanthate!! I can't get enough!! I would never run a cycle with out I don't understand why you guys think I'm implying that you can get better gains from anything else!! You can get great gains from test...and YOU WOULD HOLD MOST OF YOUR GAINS IF YOU CYCLE PROPERLY.


                      5. yes as we said before stacking compounds should yield better results. the quality of gains and the look you have is relative.
                      please dont tell me somebody running 800mg cyp, 600mg deca and 100mg drol would look less bloated than somebody running 800mg enanthate alone. but thats what you're saaying

                      6. you dont sound as if you were putting anybody down, you actually sounded like you have some reading to do, because i believe you are off in many of your views [/B]
                      Last edited by Atrain; 01-07-04, 07:00 PM.


                      • #26
                        xxovercomexx....bro...I don't know any pro's that ONLY take test and slin...

                        Most of them live off of GH...the big ones anyway!!


                        • #27
                          no need to leave the board, maybe im on too much test right now because i wasnt trying to come off as such a dick. take it easy train


                          • #28
                            well bro there's alot of pro's out there :) lol seriously though though everything comes down to alot of the basic substances slin, gh, and test, gh increases muscle size yes this is true, but u have to remember everyone responds differently, and i'm sure the guy i know is truly one of the few and i'm hoping i wind up the same way to be honest, can just grow like mad off test and doesn't prefer to waste money on gh, he says for the money he would spend on one kit of gh he'd rather just up his dose of test with that money, which personally i will attest to that he does it and does it really fucking well.....but each to his own u know. if I can I will stick to some of the most basic substances throughout my career as well..later


                            • #29
                              ATrain mate... dont go any where... a difference of opinions and experiences helps us all learn better... I was just trying to clarify my original post... (sorry for the mix up)... but also I like to try new things and as I have tried one or 8 stacks thought I would give this test only thing a shot... (No pun intended)... :)


                              • #30
                                WOW, reminds of the good ole days at Freaky doesn't it Atrain. Good to see you again bro. Have you been getting my love letters......

                                First off I just wanna say if you guys have any questions as to the experience level of Train and as to whether or not he knows what he is talking about. I ask you to rise and meet his challange. On he posted a collection of pictures of him going from when you did his first Cycle to current over a 2 or 3 year period. It was amazing, you could clearly see the changes in his body as he grew from 180 all the way to 220 or more. And this was posted over a year ago so no doubt he is much bigger now. Unfortunatly I have not been able to go visit. Most people on boards will talk shit and not even post one picture much less a fucking visual narration of there lifting progress. I wish we had those pictures here see you guys could all see what I was talking about. Some others may have seen them, I don't know. But the point is the man knows what he talking about. Train is one of the few people that I know that came to a board new and I have watched him grow over the last 4 years. He shut his mouth for the first year and learned all he could then when he was a Vet he knew what the fuck he was talking about.

                                Secondly, Test by itself will give you good gains. But I would never do it. My body works better off a combination of drugs (fuck you Atrain, no but Test is always the highest level in there. I see the point Train is trying to make. I do know a lot of people who have done Test only cycles and most of them go back to doing other shit cause the results are better. Most people who stay with Test only do it for financial reasons. It's fucking cheap to do a gram of test a week. But if you want to do a gram of test a week with 400mg of good Deca and some A-drol through a little Fina in there as well and with all your anti-E's and extra shit your coming in well over twice as much for a cycle and you will not get twice as much for the gains. So from a cost center it makes sense to do the test only. But if you can afford it why not do the better cycles.

                                Phantom, I hope your cycle goes well bro. Let us know the results.

