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How To Get Rid Of Gyno With Letro (Femara)

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  • Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
    This changes things brother.

    Gyno is not just puffy nips. Gyno is actually a hard lump of tissue under the nipple. Letro is the second to last resort before surgery that will remove this lump. The downside is that it's harsh shit and while you run it you will feel 98 years old.

    If you just have puffy nips and have never run steroids I would recommend low dose adex aka arimadex. Does the same thing as letro just much milder. Your issue is most likely a hormone ratio problem. progesterone and or estrogen is out of balance with your test levels. .25mgs of Adex everyday will almost certainly cure this.
    So if I already have letro on hand should I still avoid it and just order some adex instead? or should I just use really low dose letro (.25mg ED or EOD) since I already have it on hand to use? Also (sorry for the 21 questions, I appreciate your time) if the adex or letro works and the puffy nips go away, will it just come back over time since I probably do have some sort of hormonal imbalance, or does the adex/letro kind of "reset" or fix the hormonal imbalance?


    • Knowing what letro feels like to be on, there no way I'd run it just for puffy nips. I'd use Adex.

      It won't fix any underlying issue. Will only correct the problem while you use it.


      • Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
        Knowing what letro feels like to be on, there no way I'd run it just for puffy nips. I'd use Adex.

        It won't fix any underlying issue. Will only correct the problem while you use it.
        Hey thanks man for the info, really appreciate it.


        • Hey mate. I've had the sensitive nipples on one side only on cycle.
          I'm also on finasteride.

          The lump was there before cycle, because of previous use of HCG, but I ran letro for a bit and the sensitivity went down but not the ball and I couldn't notice anything visually, so I wasn't really concerned (Previous cycle).

          I've ran 0.5 adex EOD (Every shot,curret cycle), and I still managed to get the sensitive nipples on the left side with the hard lump. (Blood test showed stable estrogen levels so I was confused as fuck to why it came about) I've also ran 0.5mg ED for the past week and sensitivity went down but not the hardness of the lump)

          I've got 2.5mg letro tablets and may give this protocol a shot, although I was wondering will it inhibit all my gains on cycle?


          • Yes it will inhibit gaines. Letro is harsh shit but it's the only thing in my experiance that will remove gyno aside from surgery.

            you kinda have to make a decision. get rid of the gyno or worry about the cycle and gains. i personally would take care of the gyno first and than worry about cycle.

            bottom line is that no matter how big and ripped you become, it's all for nothing if you have a booby you know what i mean? lol.

            it also depends on what drugs AAS your on. it's not just estro that can cause gyno. the progestin drugs like tren and deca can as well.


            • hey guys
              I'm new on this forum
              I was on 500 mg of test and got gyno , i was taking aromasin 25mg E3D guess it wasn't enough , was on it for months and 10 days ago noticed a lump under my left nipple ;

              I've dropped to 200mg / week , took 40mg nolva / day and letro 1.25mg ed , it s painfull and seems to get bigger.
              I don't get it , when i noticed the gyno it wasnt painfull , it's when i started taking letro / nolva and seems to get worse , it's been a week now and no improvement.

              I was wondering , can gyno shrinkage cause a itchy/pain in nipples? or it's just when it grows?



              • Originally posted by Baka View Post
                hey guys
                I'm new on this forum
                I was on 500 mg of test and got gyno , i was taking aromasin 25mg E3D guess it wasn't enough , was on it for months and 10 days ago noticed a lump under my left nipple ;

                I've dropped to 200mg / week , took 40mg nolva / day and letro 1.25mg ed , it s painfull and seems to get bigger.
                I don't get it , when i noticed the gyno it wasnt painfull , it's when i started taking letro / nolva and seems to get worse , it's been a week now and no improvement.

                I was wondering , can gyno shrinkage cause a itchy/pain in nipples? or it's just when it grows?

                Good possibility your ancillaries are bunk. Are they Pharma, Research Chem, or from a gear source? I would get bloodwork ASAP to see where your estrogen levels are. In the meantime don't touch your nipples! The more you play with them the more agitated they become.


                • Originally posted by chuckz28 View Post
                  Good possibility your ancillaries are bunk. Are they Pharma, Research Chem, or from a gear source? I would get bloodwork ASAP to see where your estrogen levels are. In the meantime don't touch your nipples! The more you play with them the more agitated they become.
                  Hey thanks for replying

                  I got pharma stuff , joint pain already no libido and looking dry , feeling like total shit/depressed , anxious and i'm scared of any noise in the streets .. really hard to go to work or anywhere , i lost like half of my strengh in a week at the gym too..
                  So i think my E2 is totaly crashed , hence the reason why i'm thinking maybe the pain is due to shrinkage?

                  My prolactin is almost non existent too , i take vit B 500mg ed and i took caber just in case even tho i didnt need .

                  So , progesterone,prolactin , estrogen are really really low , my Test is TRT dose , how could it still grow ? plus i'm taking nolva 20 mg morning 20 mg evening too!


                  • Originally posted by Baka View Post
                    Hey thanks for replying

                    I got pharma stuff , joint pain already no libido and looking dry , feeling like total shit/depressed , anxious and i'm scared of any noise in the streets .. really hard to go to work or anywhere , i lost like half of my strengh in a week at the gym too..
                    So i think my E2 is totaly crashed , hence the reason why i'm thinking maybe the pain is due to shrinkage?

                    My prolactin is almost non existent too , i take vit B 500mg ed and i took caber just in case even tho i didnt need .

                    So , progesterone,prolactin , estrogen are really really low , my Test is TRT dose , how could it still grow ? plus i'm taking nolva 20 mg morning 20 mg evening too!
                    Well something in your post simply cannot be right bro. If your estro and progesterone are super low and test levels at trt dose there is no possibility of gyno.


                    • Give it some more time then. If no improvement in puffiness sensitivity after 3 weeks then get some blood work. Gotta keep the hands of though. It may take a few months to reduce the lump size.


                      • Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                        Well something in your post simply cannot be right bro. If your estro and progesterone are super low and test levels at trt dose there is no possibility of gyno.
                        Na i was on 500mg of Test E , and i guess i wasnt taking enough aromasin so a lump appeared under my left nipple , as soon as i realised it i dropped the test to TRT dose and took letro/nolva/caber.

                        The lump ofc didn't go away , but the worst is that i have pain that i didn't have before i noticed the lump and started the gyno reversal protocol.

                        That's the reason why i was asking if gyno shrinkage could make my nipples painfull? or it just means they are still growing or at least no shrinking?


                        • Originally posted by chuckz28 View Post
                          Give it some more time then. If no improvement in puffiness sensitivity after 3 weeks then get some blood work. Gotta keep the hands of though. It may take a few months to reduce the lump size.
                          that's really shit ^^ not having E2 you can't live normaly , how can you last for months when you have to study/work and get anxious as hell lol.

                          I think i'll keep letro 1 more week then taper to 0.25-0.5mg + 12.5mg aromasin then i'll add Raloxifen 60mg ed instead of the nolvadex , i just ordered ralox today i'll receive it in 2 weeks.


                          • Fuck that bro. Get back on test at higher dose and get on Adex. All about the ratios. Your test will be much higher then estro and thus the environment for gyno will no longer exist. If your estro and progesterone is super low than the only passability is that your test to estro ratio is not high enough. Up the test.


                            • I am a big proponent of Raloxifene over letro I was just giving advice based on what you have. If you've got it coming then definitely use that and drop the letro. If you continue with the aromasin then let shit stabilize for a bit before changing anything else. It takes time for ai to react as well as test so find something low with each to get to homeostasis. See how the nips feel the go from there but without bloodwork it is all a guessing game.


                              • Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                                Fuck that bro. Get back on test at higher dose and get on Adex. All about the ratios. Your test will be much higher then estro and thus the environment for gyno will no longer exist. If your estro and progesterone is super low than the only passability is that your test to estro ratio is not high enough. Up the test.
                                Ok , so today i'll jab 500mg of test E.
                                So , i replace the letro with adex ? or can i lower the letro to 0.5mg and add 12.5mg aromasin to reduce the rebound? ofc i'm keeping nolva 20mg / day until i get raloxifen.

