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Help cutting up with a broken clavical

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  • #16
    cardio should be at least 3x a week.. after a week or two bump it up to 4x


    • #17
      Sounds good. How about regaining the muscle lost so far? Ive been told I will be able to do this within a month. Is this true?


      • #18
        Originally posted by MuscleManMatt
        Sounds good. How about regaining the muscle lost so far? Ive been told I will be able to do this within a month. Is this true?


        • #19
          Originally posted by SloppyJo
          I'll chime in here and give a little advice and we'll see what else foghat wants to add to it
          This is just my two cents...

          Keep in mind that while Sloppy's advice is great for lean gains/losses I think that this should be closer to your BMR needs. I don't have the time right now to calculate your current diet plans nutritional value and I don't have the time to do the same with Sloppy's new outline but I'm assuming it's higher than 3000 and that should be a current maximum for you (without a ton of exercise and no current weight lifting routine). Go to to see what your daily nutritional intake will be with this new plan and also see for further diet questions etc. Just keep in mind that if you go too low (I'd say 700+ under your BMR needs that you'll lose muscle and store fat so you may have to play with it...)

          Also, while Sloppy's diet would be great for him or me remember that your current goals are a little different than ours (but it would be a great starter when you do get back into the swing of things). As for why I cut some of the protein - calories are calories - no matter where they come from if you don't need them/use them they can be stored as fat if they are in excess and it honestly looks like there's an abundance of protein in the first two plans.

          P.S. - I critiqued in navy - and I'm not perfect so there could easily be more opinions better than mine out there - just use what works best for you... Oh - and to help keep muscle get Vitamin C in first thing in the morning and after your post workout shake (preferably from O.J. and not a supplement).

          Originally posted by MuscleManMatt
          Originally Posted by MuscleManMatt
          7:30am MRP or oatmeal and egg whites

          cut out the MRP - 4 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 cup oatmeal, and half a protein shake

          I would stick with the recommended eggs and oats but cut the protein shake.

          11:30 tuna fish sandwich/ low fat mayo whole wheat bread or chicken and brown rice

          cut out the mayo, i used to eat tuna with mayo too, but you'll get used to it with no mayo, check the recipe sections for bouncers tuna mush

          I wouldn't go this long without eating (4 hours) - I would say that this should be eaten at about 10 at the latest. Also, I can't stand tuna in the a.m. so if you're like me just go with 4-6 ounces of chicken/turkey etc.

          2:30pm tuna steak with columbo yogurt dessert

          cut out the yogurt, add in a sweet potato

          Bump this up to 12 and use brown rice as an alternative to sweet potatoes if they're not your favorite.

          4:30pm 50 gram whey shake with 2% milk (if you're looking to keep from gaining bf cut milk completely)

          use water instead of milk, add in a half cup of oats to the shake with some flaxseed oil or fish oil

          I'm going to assume that this is a post workout shake and if this is the case then...

          You need a cup of oats and maybe 1/2 a protein shake (20/30 grams - maybe this can be the one you cut out at breakfast) no more than 2 hours before your workout and no less than 1 hour before your workout (1 hour would be ideal in my opinion).

          As for the post-workout shake stick with the 50grams of protein but mix in oats or dextrose/malto combo (your choice of which - I personally like the dextrose as it's the only sweet treat in my entire day) and leave out any fats. Throw the flaxseed or fish oil in with a meal - not a pwo shake (just my two cents).


          chicken, lean steak, or lean beef, with brown rice or another sweet potato and some green veggies, spinach, broccolli are my personal favorites

          Good - also sub in lean turkey breast or lean fish etc (tilapia is a good choice and it's cheaper than most lean red meats).

          7:30-8 50 gram whey shake w/ water

          add in a scoop of natty pb for some healthy fat

          I would leave out this shake all together...

          9:00 dinner (i use the 45/35/20 rule)

          just make sure your getting low GI carbs and omega 3 fats - i would also add some greens in here

          Bump this up to 8:30 and just stick with something very similar to the 6pm meal - omega 3's will either have to come from fish or supplement (fish oils etc) and the only carbs from the 6 and current meal should come from green vegetables (probably won't amount to the 45/35/20 rule but it works best imo for cutting).

          11:00 12 hour protein

          not sure what 12 hr protein is but if it's casein protein then your good, if not you might want to have some cottage cheese or i personally like a can of tuna or about 4 egg whites - remember whole foods are better than protein shakes

          I would cut out entirely the idea of a shake and stick with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese (at the most)


          • #20
            Thank you both for the great advice I really appreciate it! Right now im working hard on my abs and will be doing 15-30 minutes of cardio every other day. Ive already seen some great results in the first week and Im really looking forward to getting back to the gym in Decemeber. In the meantime im going to heal and read up on my nutrition to educate myself more so when I start training again Ill be able to maximize my workouts.


