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  • #16
    Originally posted by Scrumhalf View Post
    Actually, about 50% of the department I run is "brown people."

    ​​​​​​A Trump victory will not affect me personally in the slightest. It will do wonders for my bank balance. None of my family depends on Medicare, Medicaid or Social security, which he is almost certainly going to decimate. I don't live in kentucky or west virginia, so when Trump's EPA loosens pollution rules, it isn't my water that's going to look like rust and have heavy metal contamination. I done work in Will Perdue's chicken processing plants, so when Trump's Dept. of Labor eases worker protection, etc. and the court upholds the changes, I won't be affected.
    ​​​​I don't live in the rural West, so when the forests burn, I'm not personally affected (by the way, rural West is very red. When Trump revised to send federal aid to California for the forest fires, he was essentially hurting his supporters.
    Now, all of these things will be unfortunate for the country and will disproportionately affect people from disadvantaged communities - those who depend on food stamps, those who work assembly line jobs, those who are on social security, those who need Medicaid to pay for medical expenses. And I have enough money. I am willing to pay more in taxes (Biden's higher taxes on those making more than $400K will most certainly apply to me) so that we have a more equitable society.
    Understand and agree with all of it. I'm no Trump fan as you know.

    But do you really believe it's "bidens tax plan". Watch the video I posted in the crazy joe thread and honestly tell me that's someone who can tie his own shoes let alone come up with a tax plan. The video isn't edited or played with. It's him saying those words..

    You think he's actually got 4 years? You think he actually has the cognitive ability to do much of anything? Obama said it best.. "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up".

    He's a creepy racist old creep bro. One with dementia at that....

    Never before have we had 2 worse options...


    • #17
      Bori, trump just called one of the worlds leading experts on Infectious Disease a "disaster" and said people are tired of hearing from "him and his idiot friends."

      Hope you're proud of who you voted for....

      I'll say it again. Never in history has this country had 2 bigger heaps of shit to chose between...

      Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk


      • #18

