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President Bush has the most impressive track record of any Pres!

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  • President Bush has the most impressive track record of any Pres!

    i know who i'm voting for! wow!

  • #2
    Take 9/11 effects out that happened because the stock market got a plane flown into it, and what do you have.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shibby
      Take 9/11 effects out that happened because the stock market got a plane flown into it, and what do you have.
      of course! never mind that the market was floundering both before and after 9/11. that was brilliant, shib! :rolleyes:


      • #4
        The corporate fraud that crushed the market happened under Clinton's putting it all on Bush doesn't fly with me.


        • #5
          Just because you read something written by the Democrats doesn't make it so. I can post a bunch of stuff about kerry just as bad, no I take that back--WORSE! This country started getting frigged under Kennedy, it was a shame he was shot, but he wasn't shot soon enough. Then Johnson and his "Great Society". Carter, what a joke. Clinton, well, I needn't say anything about him, his name speaks for itself. The Democrats and their special interest taxation and spending in the last 40 years is why this country is in the shape it is. And by the way, the economy and the market have done quite well recently. I can only imagine what the last 4 years would have been like if Clinton was still the president, and thank God Gore wasn't elected! BB


          • #6
            Originally posted by bonebreaker
            Just because you read something written by the Democrats doesn't make it so. I can post a bunch of stuff about kerry just as bad, no I take that back--WORSE! This country started getting frigged under Kennedy, it was a shame he was shot, but he wasn't shot soon enough. Then Johnson and his "Great Society". Carter, what a joke. Clinton, well, I needn't say anything about him, his name speaks for itself. The Democrats and their special interest taxation and spending in the last 40 years is why this country is in the shape it is. And by the way, the economy and the market have done quite well recently. I can only imagine what the last 4 years would have been like if Clinton was still the president, and thank God Gore wasn't elected! BB
            is that mindless dribble all you have to add, skippy?


            • #7
              wow, if the Democrats put as much effort into their own campaign, as they did Bush-Bashing, they would have a chance at the Presidency in November!!! Amazing!!!

              But as it looks...Bush will be back, and the Democrats will continue to complaing, and post this nonsense on the web!


              • #8
                wow, if the Democrats put as much effort into their own campaign, as they did Bush-Bashing, they would have a chance at the Presidency in November!!! Amazing!!!

                I couldn't agree w/bonebreaker, shib, and gongshow more. I would add my .02, but they took the words right out of my mouth.


                • #9
                  First off, Deomcrats and Republicans, you aren't that much different. The political spectrum isn't that big here in the US, I'm sick and tired of hearing idiots ranting on about why the other party is stupid. If you are going to attack someone attack the individual, like the cantidate.

                  The big reaons I hate Bush, the fact that he wants to basically make the government biased toward one religion (his own) added to things like his invasion of a country to avenge his Daddy (which I have no proof of, but really if you don't believe that now...) and other international mishaps that have made other coutnries hate us even more than they already did.

                  Okay, I hate Bush, I really, really, really do and I was going to vote for Kerry just to spite the fucker...but that page has some things which are just flat out lies. I must say, I don't blame the economy on him, I blame it on that fuck nut Clinton. Any good political analyst will tell you it takes time for the effects of an economic plan to filter through the entire economy, and if you noticed the economic downfall started at the end of Clintons term...Thats when the people I know lost the most amount of money in the economy...I am also glad he tries to stay out of big corperations buisness, if the auther new anything he would know that is what the Republicans want...smaller government control over the economy/buisness. Let the free market do its thing. I am also glad he executed a federal prisoner, if that fucker did something horrible and deserved to die...would you rather him sit in a jail cell and play tic-tac-toe. (I really believe in the death penalty) Also I would say the "biggest dip" in the stock market was when it crashed...Also, stop judging him on his use of drugs and things he did when he was young. How would you like it if someone judged you by what you did then? Huh? Theres so much last thing...He set the most amount of TV press confrences...what the hell is that? It's a bad thing that he get up there? I know he was lying a lot, but atleast he made us feel like we had a president in a time of need. The sheep need someone to follow.

                  Regardless of all the stupidity on that page (mostly propoganda), Bush still is not a good president, IMO. He did way too much idiotic jackass stuff for me to even consider wanting him back in office. I could go on, but I fear only horrible retrabution from those who do not agree.

                  Last edited by Chris; 04-17-04, 01:10 PM.


                  • #10
                    So who you voting for Chris? :D


                    • #11
                      I still haven't decided...I need to learn more about Kerry.

                      If I had my druthers it would be this man.

                      Last edited by Chris; 04-17-04, 01:27 PM.


                      • #12
                        And funny, through reading all that, I still give half a shit, because I know it was written by some half-wit. Why don't they list all the good things he's done? All I can say is that Bush had 10 times the balls clinton had. Clinton was horrible, he's lucky he was around during the best economic period the US has ever had. Now if we could just get a president to go kick north korea's ass as well. I personally don't like being threaten by nukes, by an evil dictator who just wants his way, even though he's busy starving his nation and military. I dunno, now I'm rambling.....just like to vent.

                        Politics, and politicians are so messed up sometimes. I have no idea who to vote for. And until I do, I won't vote, and have no right to complain about who is in office.
                        Last edited by lordikon; 04-17-04, 06:22 PM.


                        • #13
                          Vote Bush!


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Hail Hitler!

