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Funny Story at the Gym...imagine that...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by THE JUICE
    dumbasses, i ve seen those alot, they just make me crack up.

    Also those jackasses who only do chest and biceps 5 times a week, nothing more.
    We have a couple that come into ours and do that also. They wore shorts one day because it was just to stinkin hot for sweat i see why they wore them. Toothpicks for legs and calves...:rofl: It looks like they should just fall right over


    • #17
      Originally posted by batteryreqd
      We have a couple that come into ours and do that also. They wore shorts one day because it was just to stinkin hot for sweat i see why they wore them. Toothpicks for legs and calves...:rofl: It looks like they should just fall right over

      Must you constantly disparage me? I too have feelings!


      • #18
        Originally posted by stonecold54
        its ironic that college is back in session and the dumbasses are back in the gym. we have one guy that does 15 sets of pullups and every rep he is swinging his legs up so basically he is doing nothing at all. had a guy in the other night squatting 410 with about a 10 degree ROM. I almost fell off my bench watching him. and to top it off he comes off the squat rack like he is big and bad in his over sized sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. I was squatting the other night and before I could get on either the squat rack or the power rack I had to wait for three morons who figured they would make good BB curl racks. one guy was like, "you wanna work in." I said no I am actually SQUATTING. and then I just crossed my arms and stood there watching them with a nice pissed off look on my face.
        LoL! just like my college gym... I once saw a shirt from I think that said "Get your toothpick-legged, high-volume, low-weight, bicep-curling ass outta my squat cage!" I'd really like to have that shirt :D



        • #19
          I actually called a kid on the posing thing once. I have pretty free reign at my gym, since the owners are friends of mine. I went up to this kid, tape measuere in hand, and said (in a very serious and professional manner):

          "Excuse me, but it's gym policy that your arms be at least 16 inches to have posing privilages. I can measure if you like, but I'm fairly confident that you don't meet our minimum requirement."

          The guy apologizes, rolls down his sleeves from their tucked-up-over-the-shoulder position, and carries on with his workout. I keep a straight face throught the whole thing with GREAT EFFORT, while my buddies are dying back at the other end of the gym laughing.


          • #20
            This is why I am The Anti-Bicep!! :)

            All I ever hear is, "How much do you curl?" "How much do you bench?" "How big are your arms?"

            I should wear some ass-less chaps to the gym again, they don't bother me any other time I wear them.. :agree:


            • #21


              • #22
                Originally posted by bigpetefox
                This is why I am The Anti-Bicep!! :)

                All I ever hear is, "How much do you curl?" "How much do you bench?" "How big are your arms?"

                I should wear some ass-less chaps to the gym again, they don't bother me any other time I wear them.. :agree:
                :rofl: :rofl: Too funny... I think theres a few jackasses in every gym... The squat guys that think they're impressing everyone with their high weight quarter rep squats (IF they go that deep), the tools that lift up their shirts to check out their abs in the mirror every five minutes, the skinny bastards that think they look great in muscle-shirts... part of the sideshow, lol, sometimes its kinda amusing

