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  • #31
    Originally posted by jipped genes
    the bible also states premarital sex is a sin but i bet just about all of the unmarried people get it on with out another thought. and what about gear? if the body is a temple then do you think god wants illegal drugs in there? dont pick and choose your sins to stand up against and commit others. that is why i will never step foot in any church again, its due to the hypocricy of many of its members. i am not flaming anybody just telling how i see it.
    That's probably true, you know why? Cause we're all human. God gave us a will and a choice to do what we want. No one is perfect. I just think that if there are a few of you out there who call God "mean" and belittle him, then by all means, people who do believe in him have a right to stand up for what they believe. I guess if you don't like it, don't respond. This is another one of those very touchy subjects so lets not all call each other out if you don't believe 100% what someone else believes. We are all very different people who have all led very different lives.


    • #32
      Re: Re: Re: homosexuals-bible

      Originally posted by Dizzy
      Thanks for looking that up...I was about to do it myself.

      I believe the bible also says God destroyed an entire city and killed all of it's people because they were committing adultry, and having homosexual sex.

      Not only that but some of them were not having hetero sex in the missionary position, and all of them were doing this way past midnight. :eek: Can you believe that? :D
      Was that Babylon? Where he told Moses(?) to leave and not look back, but his wife did and she was turned into salt? Some people say there is a salt rock type thing near the red sea that resembles a woman. Im probubly mixing several stories together lol. Not that Im a believer in that kind of stuff either but religeon in general is neat. If god truely loves all and is forgiving then it seems to me that he wouldnt set restrictions on "love". The bible was written by man and therefore subject to the interpretations and predjudices of both the man who wrote it, and the man who reads it. It therefore by definition of imperfection needs to be taken with a grain of salt.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Hollywood
        That's probably true, you know why? Cause we're all human. God gave us a will and a choice to do what we want. No one is perfect. I just think that if there are a few of you out there who call God "mean" and belittle him, then by all means, people who do believe in him have a right to stand up for what they believe. I guess if you don't like it, don't respond. This is another one of those very touchy subjects so lets not all call each other out if you don't believe 100% what someone else believes. We are all very different people who have all led very different lives.
        I agree 100% babe....I feel religion should not be dicussed at all because it is too controversial of a subject and people that are heavily opinionated will feel that their views are the law and it will only start conflict. We want this to be a forum where we can have fun and discuss light topics. Lets keep things like religion, politics, abotion, and the like to ourselves instead of trying to push those views on others. Peace :)


        • #34
          The thing that needs to be remembered is that, we all sin. Just like the gear head sins, the premarital sex people sin, etc. etc. I don't pretend to live without sin, but the Bible does state that God will forgive you but "sin no more". We will be held accountable for not at least trying to correct our wrongs. As far as my "soapbox", I am simply reitterating what is written in this book called the Bible. It is not for me to judge, but if I know better and don't try to help those who may not be aware that certain things are wrong, I will be judged for that as well. If I offended anyone, I apologize, but it is amazing our ability to justify our actions because we can find something wrong with someone else.

          Thanks estanozolol,FishBonz


          • #35
            The problem here which makes this entire debate a moot point is the very fact that each individual has his own belief systems that took years and years to culminate. Just because one person says that this book is law and that everyone should abide by it just because their beleif system tells them to, is rediculous. Do you really think people who uphold their beliefs are actually going to read these posts and say to themselves, "oh I think I'm going to throw everything I have been taught through the years to believe out the window and believe what someone on an internet chat board, whom I have never met, and believe that now....give me a break. Thats why trying to debate these types of issues is ludicrois.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Cory
              I just say "live your life as you wish and as long as you are not breaking any laws or hurting anyone, then screw whoever doesn't like it!!! PERIOD!!! :mad:

              How can you make statements like you have here in this thread and then say that this kind of stuff shouldn't be talked about.

              Most people here are stating what they believe. They are not trying to convert others or sway their beliefs. But you make a statement like the one above and then say we should just drop it?

              As Hollywood said, we are human and God gave the gift of free will to make our own decisions. What I am saying is that I believe that we ALL will have to answer for these decisions in the end.

              Thanks for your understanding!
              Last edited by Cory; 09-12-03, 10:01 AM.


              • #37
                The simple statement I made was in response to say how I feel about the whole problem with those people that the thread was opened about. It was certainly not made to try to sway other's opinions to my way of thinking....but I did notice some of the following posts here have subtle undertones about making people "think" about what they may be doing wrong and that they better shape up or they will go to hell.


                • #38
                  ya, you do your thing, i do mine, thats how I look at it.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Gongshow
                    ya, you do your thing, i do mine, thats how I look at it.
                    exactly, thats what I meant by my post Gongshow, plain and simple.....If anyone has a problem with that statement, then PM me and we can come to a truce....I won't debate this any longer in here...It is useless and will never be resolved. Now, lets get back to fun things, like fitness, music, movies, sex, and things we can all relate to on the same level. Peace!!! :cool:

