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Well I'll be damn....Is it the time of year or something?

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  • Well I'll be damn....Is it the time of year or something?

    I've been reading so many threads about couples breaking it off.....My girlfriend broke up with me today and although we've done the on-again/off-again thing, I really think this time it's for real. I have so many emotions going through my head right now I don't even know where to start.

    For about 7 months now she's been telling me that she was "in love" with me and although I told her that I loved her, I told her that I wasn't "in love" yet and that if and when I would tell her that I wanted to know for sure that she was going to be the one. I didn't want to just go around throwing the whole "in love" thing around and then have us break up down the road. Well, about a month ago I told her that I really thought I was falling in love with her and for valentines day she made me this card that was really sweet and from the heart saying different things she loved about me and how she was "in love" with me and wanted to share her life with me if I'd let her and so on.....

    Well, sure enough, 2 weeks later she is telling me she wants to break up because she isn't sure we're going to last and she would rather tell me now rather then have us break up further down the road and end up hurting each other more. She says she still has feelings for me and that she loves me but she just isn't sure that we would last.

    I don't know, I just don't get women sometimes. How can you go from saying your want to share your life with someone and that you're "in love" with them to saying that you want to break up with them because you're not sure it's going to work in TWO WEEKS......

    I've been through some break ups before in relationships that lasted pretty long so I know it's going to be pretty shitty for some time and that eventually it will get easier, but I don't see how emotions can change that quickly. I think that is what hurts the most. Not wanting to say I was "in love" for fearing the relationship wouldn't last and then finally saying it and having the feeling of being "in love" only to have the relationship end soon after........

    Sorry for the rant just had to get that out. I surely know things could definitely be worse and there are people out there with much bigger problems then me.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Lmg2701
    she wants to break up because she isn't sure we're going to last and she would rather tell me now rather then have us break up further down the road and end up hurting each other more. She says she still has feelings for me and that she loves me but she just isn't sure that we would last.
    bull shit

    hate to all your ex out here, but I think that's a silly statement on her part...if she doesn't think you're gonna last, she could DO something about it, like sit and talk or whatever...

    I think you should talk to her about her reasoning


    • #3
      What I notice is that you kept puting "in love" in quotes. It tells me you're not sure if you believed her. Which is understandable given the current events, but do you really not believe her? If you think she really might have loved you, then it sounds like a defense mechanism to gaurd her heart. If you think she didn't really love you, then it's good you didn't tell her if you didn't. Also if you were looking for long term then this tells you she probably wasn't the one. If you weren't looking long term, then you shouldn't feel guilty for anything you do, this point forward.


      • #4
        LMG...sorry to hear about the breakup Bro! What I want to point out is that if you two have been doing the on/off thing every so often, there may be more going on than meets the eye. I don't know who was breaking it off and getting it back together, but if it was her, there is a chance that another person may be causing this. I know in my past, I have done this on/off thing with someone that I spent five years with. I would meet someone else that seemed interesting, and I felt as though my current gf and I were just at a dead-end in our I would break-up with her instead of this other person until things went wrong and then I would realize my previous gf was the one for me. I did that twice, because I was young and immature and really never took into consideration her feelings and what this was doing to her. It was nice to have her to fall back on. I hope this isn't what your gf was doing or is doing now...if so then she has a lot of growing up to do. Regardless of age though, there are plenty of women out there! Stay single for awhile. Enjoy life and keep an eye out for Ms. Right...not Ms. I did.

        Your heart will hurt for awhile, but as soon as you come to grips with this and let will be much easier on you. Best of luck Bro.


        • #5
          sorry to hear that bro, but from what I'm hearing it sounds like you may be able to work it out if you choose to, good luck

