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Do you know what Play-Doh tastes like?(Yes or No)

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  • #16
    Damn, I agree with rado here. GI Joes and Tranformers and Garbage Pail kids were awsome!!

    I cant believe they have Hola Hope as #1. I always hated that stupid thing.


    • #17
      shibby i dont remember any of the games that you posted pictures off. what is that one, a little church? :P


      • #18
        I wonder what kids of today will be looking back on in 20yrs, looking at toys today they just don't seem the same.


        • #19
          my favorite toy when I was a little girl was my Voltron... I used to watch the cartoon and I had the volron that the figures would go inside the lions... I never played with it so it's in perfect condition now and it's still on the top shelf of my closet so my kids can't get a hold of it.

          I have a funny story, every year I would ask for the Easy-Bake Oven and I NEVER got it... one day before christmas I was at my in-laws and we were talking about favorite toys as a kid and I brought up that I always wanted one and never got it, so on Christmas my Mother-In-Law gave me my Easy Bake Oven. That night we made a cake with frosting and had a bite size each once we cut it up. My daughter gets it out everytime we have a babysitter... it's fun, I'm glad it's still around.


          • #20
            Originally posted by rado
            I miss my G.I Joe action figures, my Transformers, Garbage Pail kids cards and my little pony:ghey:

            These were my favortie of all time...
            Oh yeah! G.I. Joes and LEGOs for me. My brother and I used to set our G.I. Joes up and shoot em with elastic bands. We broke some of them...too bad since they don't make em anymore.

            I used to love those games where you'd race cars around a track. Ha Ha...I actually still like to play some of those games. I hope they're still around when I have kids. :nerdnew:


            • #21
              Originally posted by babyblues

              I used to love those games where you'd race cars around a track.
              I liked those too but I would get so pissed off at them. They would only work for like 2 minutes at a time, then they would get jammed or whatever and you would have to fix them.

              I broke a few of those suckers. :P I was a bad kid. :D


              • #22

                BTW play doh tasted salty when I tried it at age 3 or so (no jokes please)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by meat12
                  It think it was crossfire
                  Attached Files


                  • #24
                    oh ya, crossfire was bad ass!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Mr incredible
                      BTW play doh tasted salty when I tried it at age 3 or so (no jokes please)
                      Are you sure that was play-doh :D...

                      Sorry - I think that if you hadn't said "no jokes please" I probably would have let you be....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
                        oh ya, crossfire was bad ass!!
                        Yep Yep - I had to screw mine down to a table because my buddies and I would always end up knocking it across the room when we got pissed etc...


                        • #27
                          laser tag was pretty cool too


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Shibby
                            I loved playing this board game

                            oh Man that game was the shit, I definitely remember that one.

                            And Fog, did the one you're referring to have the stell balls and the little pieces you had to shoot into the other guys side of the board?


                            • #29
                              Nevermind I got ahead of myself and didnt read the rest of the post, I was too excited, man Crossfire was the shit.


                              • #30
                                Ok, I remember playing crossfire.

