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Something strange has happened in America in the nine months since Barack Obama was e

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  • #31
    As citizen's what kind of say or power do any of us really feel we have in this country?


    • #32
      Originally posted by redsquirrel View Post
      I guess you didn't read the article at the beginning of this thread. Of course you didn't. It's even written by someone in the UK. Here, let me save you some time:

      "They [Republicans]are being tricked into opposing their own interests through false fears and invented demons. Last week, one of the Republicans sent to disrupt a healthcare town hall started a fight and was injured – and then complained he had no health insurance"

      "How do they train themselves to be so impervious to reality? It begins, I suspect, with religion. They are taught from a young age that it is good to have "faith" – which is, by definition, a belief without any evidence to back it up. You don't have "faith" that Australia exists, or that fire burns: you have evidence. You only need "faith" to believe the untrue or unprovable. Indeed, they are taught that faith is the highest aspiration and most noble cause. Is it any surprise this then percolates into their political views? Faith-based thinking spreads and contaminates the rational."

      You speak pompously about your parents beliefs...yet it's those very beliefs (the rich get richer) that have driven this very debate. You speak about helping out the little guy, and Habitat for Humanity- yet you totally contradict yourself! Making it sound like you are out there to help for the greater good- when in reality, you don't really give a shit- all you care about is staying rich & getting richer.
      No, you take two seperate statements and pompously assume they have everything in common. Taxes have nothing to do with being rich, they have to do with government intervention into our lives. Less taxes (should) mean less government. The government needs to shrink in their opinions (and mine). They do not believe in high taxation for many purposes that state, federal, and local government tax for. There is nothing wrong with that. The idea that taxes go hand-in-hand with hording money is ignorant.

      The quotation is only a portion of a greater article. Faith a lone is not the base of the Republican party and that person is wrong to assume that. Many shy away from the party because of that, but many hold true to the ideal that smaller government is better. That is what my family advocates, we do not need government to solve our problems. We should not need government to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and make well the sick. That is the difference between you and I. My 'utopian' society is based off the idea that ina true capitalist society people dtive to fix these things themselves, while you would rather have the asshole politicians who lie to us and cheat us, fix it.

      I think you should stop your assumptions now while you are ahead, as you have absolutely no idea who I am or where I come from. And you are so caught up in hating your opposition that you are blinded to the true route cause of so many problems in this country.


      As far as voting for change...people are stupid and will vote for whatever they believe is different, regarless of how normal he actually is...
      Last edited by NewbieChris; 08-20-09, 03:04 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Shibby View Post
        As citizen's what kind of say or power do any of us really feel we have in this country?
        Exactly. :clapback:


        • #34
          Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post

          I'm not going to argue with you about parties. I think you are sadly stuck in a world where party affiliation means something about the type of person you are. It means absolutely nothing. I know as many democrats that don't like taxes as I do Republicans. I know equal amouts of Republicans and Deomcrats that are Christians.
          Of course you would think that. You think that only rich people are Republicans, and the less fortunate are Democrat. My father is a VP at one of the only top financial firms left. My mother stayed home with us. My father's best friend is a partner at Ernst & Young. My uncle works for the Dept of Port Authority- ALL of whom are NOT Republican. See, career and richness of family is what defines ME and the people I am close to- NOT my freaking political party. Just because I have opinions and conviction, that may or may not be the same as you, you seem to take that as an opportunity to talk down to someone for being opinionated. But again, that's typical Republican rhetoric- call me stupid or that I lack class because I'm an independent thinker.


          • #35
            Originally posted by redsquirrel View Post
            Of course you would think that. You think that only rich people are Republicans, and the less fortunate are Democrat. My father is a VP at one of the only top financial firms left. My mother stayed home with us. My father's best friend is a partner at Ernst & Young. My uncle works for the Dept of Port Authority- ALL of whom are NOT Republican. See, career and richness of family is what defines ME and the people I am close to- NOT my freaking political party. Just because I have opinions and conviction, that may or may not be the same as you, you seem to take that as an opportunity to talk down to someone for being opinionated. But again, that's typical Republican rhetoric- call me stupid or that I lack class because I'm an independent thinker.
            You're not an independant thinker though. You label as Republican because they have faith. I have faith, I am not a republican. My uncle has faith, he is not a republican. You are doing the SAME THING you think I am doing. I never said rich = republican. Show me where I said that, show me!


            • #36
              Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post
              You're not an independant thinker though. You label as Republican because they have faith. I have faith, I am not a republican. My uncle has faith, he is not a republican. You are doing the SAME THING you think I am doing. I never said rich = republican. Show me where I said that, show me!
              And, you apparently don't get me at all. I don't label Republicans for having faith- I label them as SCARING by faith- Hence the 2 excerpts from the article.

              Really? You sure you didn't say that???

              My family bases their Republican ideals on one thing: MONEY

              That was way too easy


              • #37
                Originally posted by redsquirrel View Post
                And, you apparently don't get me at all. I don't label Republicans for having faith- I label them as SCARING by faith- Hence the 2 excerpts from the article.
                Okay, so can we label democrats as being brain dead morons then? Republicans do not use faith as a scare tactic, Republican politicians do! I don't see how they go hand in hand. That is what I have been saying since the begining.

                Really? You sure you didn't say that???

                My family bases their Republican ideals on one thing: MONEY

                That was way too easy
                I thought I said taxes, but that is what I meant by money. My fault.


                • #38
                  Here is what really has gone on:

                  People still believe in this two party bullshit system, when in reality they are one in the same, the two party system has got to go, it is time for a fucking no party system.

                  Everyone bought into this CHANGE campaign, change this..change that..end corruption..blah blah blah.....nothing has changed, shit is just the fucking same. Then after people got their dicks hard and pussy wet for change, they then got caught up in the race of FIRSTs, first black pres, first hispanic justice...blah blah blah.

                  McCain would of sucked, and Obama does suck, he is an inexperienced asshole that needed to spend some more years in the Senate.

                  At the end of the day, politicians are all about getting higher in the game and rubbing more backs and making more bank. They don't care about being thrifty with tax money, they all want MORE MORE MORE. We are getting royally fucked at every turn.

                  Clunkers, health care, bail outs....................................BULLSHIT.. no changes, same shit different skin color.


                  • #39
                    I do not even know why all this health care shit started, nowhere in the constitution does it says it is mandatory for everyone to have health care.


                    • #40
                      'Romney care' touted as a model for national health care reform -


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Konitz View Post
                        I do not even know why all this health care shit started, nowhere in the constitution does it says it is mandatory for everyone to have health care.
                        You're on of 'those', huh? Where does it say in the Constitution that we need roads? Education? A complicated power infrastructure? A utility infrastructure? That national defense includes going into other countries, over-turning a government and installing a new one? Federal Reserve

                        There are so many things what are not labeled in the Constitution as responsibilities of the federal government that, as a whole, people believe we need and that people desire. Things that sometimes, cannot be done without government intervention.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Turbo3000 View Post
                          Here is what really has gone on:

                          People still believe in this two party bullshit system, when in reality they are one in the same, the two party system has got to go, it is time for a fucking no party system.

                          Everyone bought into this CHANGE campaign, change this..change that..end corruption..blah blah blah.....nothing has changed, shit is just the fucking same. Then after people got their dicks hard and pussy wet for change, they then got caught up in the race of FIRSTs, first black pres, first hispanic justice...blah blah blah.

                          McCain would of sucked, and Obama does suck, he is an inexperienced asshole that needed to spend some more years in the Senate.

                          At the end of the day, politicians are all about getting higher in the game and rubbing more backs and making more bank. They don't care about being thrifty with tax money, they all want MORE MORE MORE. We are getting royally fucked at every turn.

                          Clunkers, health care, bail outs....................................BULLSHIT.. no changes, same shit different skin color.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post
                            You're on of 'those', huh? Where does it say in the Constitution that we need roads? Education? A complicated power infrastructure? A utility infrastructure? That national defense includes going into other countries, over-turning a government and installing a new one? Federal Reserve

                            There are so many things what are not labeled in the Constitution as responsibilities of the federal government that, as a whole, people believe we need and that people desire. Things that sometimes, cannot be done without government intervention.
                            The 13th Amendment] introduced no novel doctrine with respect of services always treated as exceptional, and certainly was not intended to interdict enforcement of those duties which individuals owe to the state, such as services in the army, militia, on the jury, etc. The great purpose in view was liberty under the protection of effective government, not the destruction of the latter by depriving it of essential powers.Butler did not directly concern the draft. It addressed laws that required able-bodied men to work on state roads for their maintenance when called by the state. However, its implications for the draft are clear and a case decided just two years later (Arver v US [245 US 366 {1918}])

                            Education is one of the powers reserved for the states, 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Education is not mentioned but it is implied, since the Constitution does not mention any activity of the federal government regarding education. Since the Constitution was ratified, the US government has gotten itself very involved with education.

                            I will prove two of your points wrong, I could prove you wrong on all points but I personally do not care enough what you think, you are one of those people that hears things you learned in college from your teachers and textbooks, then just regurgitates it not knowing what it means.

                            And yes I am one of those people, and by one of those people I mean I am sick of everyone in America trying to get a free ride because they are lazy fucks.

