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  • #16
    Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
    when i came off a cycle of test and tren i had 0 interest in sex for like 2 months and only a very small amount of interest for like 2 months more. back to normal now but the point is, its all about hormones.
    You just had no guys going after you. I totally understand that it can be hormones but thats not the only thing it can be. From his last most its something mental that he needs to just get over. The chick was drunk and wanted some that night and he showed interest because he talked to her.

    Chris there are plenty of girls out there. If there was one girl you wanted to go after, but she didnt give you the time of day then move on. IMO you should have seen where the other chick went. She may not be your type physically, but she may have been more than just a horny girl. I've seen it happen plenty of times where a one nighter turned into something more. You need to just go with the flow and not worry about long term. Next time a girl doe that go with it and see what happens. Life is too short to worry about what if.


    • #17
      I tried to put it nicely because you dont need another feud in one of your threads you faggot, now stfu and lick my grundle. :)


      • #18
        Originally posted by the art of war View Post
        I tried to put it nicely because you dont need another feud in one of your threads you faggot, now stfu and lick my grundle. :)
        I don't fued, I hold discussions where people may or may not agree with me.


        • #19
          yeah but I rant haha, I just wanted to try to give you some good advice, bouncer is being a fucktard :retard::retard:- you posted something legit, it's cool.


          • #20
            Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post
            I build it up in my head to 'protect' myself, I know, I know. This is "Working on Chris time"
            i dont want to hear bullshit.

            if you know your problem address it and fix it.


            • #21
              Chris, worry you talking politics with that girl that was talking to you all night?


              • #22
                Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post
                So, at this point I think we all know I have some social deficiency...just not sure what it is.:retard:

                Here's te thick and thin of it. I go to a B-Day the end of the night there are about 7 of us left, me, my buddy, his girl, and one more guy and three girls. We decide to go to the bar. We end up at the first bar. I start up a conversation with one girl cause we're standing next to each other.

                We're having a good conversation, so we continue talking until we get to the next bar. Then finally everyone wants to dance, and I'm not into it. The girl I've been talking to sticks around...and things get awkward. Shes nice, cute (but not typically what I would consider my type physically), and we're having a great convo. Time goes by and shes all like feelin' me up and I'm gettin the vibe. Well, I make it real awkward when shes like I'm interested in you. I was like, huh? We were just having a conversation. Anyhoo.

                I tell her it would be fun to go out sometime, but Im shy and like to take things slow. She kinda is taken a back I guess because she said I've been giving signs all night. Well, I need to know. What the fuck is a sign? I have a conversation thats interesting and its a sign? I felt like a complete jackass, because I was just enjoying her company and the fun stories we were sharing.

                Its ok dude, don't worry about it. You got her number, now go from there.

                Just try to get out more often, i feel as if you stay home a lot and don't have much of a social life


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Shibby View Post
                  Chris, worry you talking politics with that girl that was talking to you all night?
                  Actually no, I didn't even bring it up. She was telling me about her trips to Europe and said the first one was with her church group... :rofl:


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                    i dont want to hear bullshit.

                    if you know your problem address it and fix it.
                    Not gonna lie, kinda wish I had gone up to the hot girl on the dance floor just so I could have made a man out of me last night.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post
                      Not gonna lie, kinda wish I had gone up to the hot girl on the dance floor just so I could have made a man out of me last night.
                      you got the digits - you can make that shit work now bro - go work it :hibb:


                      • #26
                        well, nb, this is what i see the situation as.

                        she was in to you physically and really wanted to either a) give you a blowjob or b) have sex with you. either way, she was into you and this whole thing about being shy about your body is something you need to get over because if this girl was feeling you up, then you're obviously self-conscious about nothing. (but don't worry, i'm the same way with dna and i've been with him for a year now). anyway, the whole "taking it slow thing" is usually something you say to someone when they're either a "nice" girl you have in front of you at dinner or someone you don't want to have a relationship with and you want to scare off.

                        but these "signs" that women see are more along the lines of "okay, i'm feeling up his butt and he's smiling at me and not inching away which means he likes it which in turn means he's into me." it's just how we women see if the attraction is mutual.


                        • #27
                          The reason some girls stay single - very funny! - melodymaker's posterous


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by NewbieChris View Post
                            I told my buddy he had to be my wingman from now on so that I can just find a one night stand before I start looking for a relationship. :agreed:


                            • #29

                              lol that dude is hilarious.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by dbjmofo View Post
                                well, nb, this is what i see the situation as.

                                she was in to you physically and really wanted to either a) give you a blowjob or b) have sex with you. either way, she was into you and this whole thing about being shy about your body is something you need to get over because if this girl was feeling you up, then you're obviously self-conscious about nothing. (but don't worry, i'm the same way with dna and i've been with him for a year now). anyway, the whole "taking it slow thing" is usually something you say to someone when they're either a "nice" girl you have in front of you at dinner or someone you don't want to have a relationship with and you want to scare off.

                                but these "signs" that women see are more along the lines of "okay, i'm feeling up his butt and he's smiling at me and not inching away which means he likes it which in turn means he's into me." it's just how we women see if the attraction is mutual.
                                I think that's a bunch of bullshit. How many signs have you given a dude the first time you were with him like NC described that equated to "i want to give you a bj" lol.

