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brushing your teeth

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  • #16
    You can brush your teeth as often as you wish...AS long as you brush correctly! Avoid brushing the hell outta your gums!!!!! You'll end up with a receeding gum line(periodontal(sp) diease)

    Always brush in a circular motion!!!!!Up and down - GENTLE! Use a SOFT bristle tooth brush!

    I'm an avid brusher and flosser! I'm a stickler on proper dental care! My dentist loves me and hates me! He loves my healthy teeth and hates that I do not make him rich with extra dental work!

    Brush on!


    • #17
      Originally posted by THEVIXEN
      You can brush your teeth as often as you wish...AS long as you brush correctly! Avoid brushing the hell outta your gums!!!!! You'll end up with a receeding gum line(periodontal(sp) diease)

      Always brush in a circular motion!!!!!Up and down - GENTLE! Use a SOFT bristle tooth brush!

      I'm an avid brusher and flosser! I'm a stickler on proper dental care! My dentist loves me and hates me! He loves my healthy teeth and hates that I do not make him rich with extra dental work!

      Brush on!
      See now I was taught that cirrcular brushing was old school, and drove the plaque into the gum. The prefferred way (at least where I am from) is horizontal. Pressure is bad, time spent brushing is good. We were told to brush for no less then 3 minutes.


      • #18
        It's all in HOW you brush d-Lift. You really need to pay attention that YOU NO NOT brush the gumline very hard! Soooo many people think you have to brush HARD...NOT SO!

        Soft bristle brush in IMPORTANT TOO!

        Up and down and ciruclar motion is A-OK as long as you avoid brushing the hell outta the gumline!

        Brush on! ;-)


        • #19
          I brush with Listerine and then use Listerine mouthwash original flavor. If anything can survive Listerine mouthwash then it deserves to live and is there for a reason. Also brushing can cause your gums to receed. The only time you have to worry about cavities is when you constantly expose your mouth with sugar such as eating candy all day long, sucking on lollipops, etc...


          • #20
            I usually brush mine 3 times a day and floss every other day, but then again I make sure to see the dentist every 6 months, which a lot of my friends think is a lot.


            • #21
              I brush my teeth after every meal and have done so for years; as long as you don't brush your teeth excessively hard, you won't have any problems and my teeth are as white as can be...


              • #22
                3 times a day for me, along with flossing and rinsing with listerine once a day.


                • #23
                  twice a day....and yah, 7-8 times seems over excessive to me...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Auriflex
                    I also brush twice a day and carry a gun.

                    wtf??? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

