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Diet for the Average Guy

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  • Diet for the Average Guy

    Hey guys, asking for a little help...

    I workout on average 3-4 evenings a week, so I am not near as hard into it as you guys...sometimes I work out for an hour and a half, another night I might just do a few sets of pushups and crunches...which I know, is not as strict as I need to be, but geez its hard to work 10+ hours a day, spend time with my wife and two kids, and still find the energy to hit the WO.....

    What does a reasonable diet consist of for an average guy like myself? I am 6'3" and weigh around 210, still half ass muscled from when I worked out harder when I was a little younger (24 now), trying to find a happy medium (not wanting to bulk up a whole lot like you guys as I am not into any comp, but also would like to cut up a little bit...)

    Right now I eat as best I can, always make sure to get my oatmeal in every morning, generally wind up eating salad or some form of chicken for lunch and then whatever the wife makes for supper, never eat fried, baked only....I have always been a fan of juices and hardly ever drink sodas, but from the best I can tell reading you guys posts I think juices do more harm than good with all the sugars? I am sure a good place to start would be to start eating more small meals instead of only 3...

    Any help is sincerely appreciated!

  • #2
    Looks like you are already doing all the right things. The only items I would add are: a) use the BMR calculator on this board to determine your basal metabolic rate b) evauate the calories you consume every day by keeping track of what you eat and make sure you are getting the right amount of protein.

    Also, skip the juices and eat fruits - they have more fiber and ought to be better for your overall health.

    Also, it sounds like you have the right perspective in that your workouts are complementing your life with your family instead of displacing something - sounds like the right compromise to me and nothing to have regrets about.


    • #3
      First off, welcome to the board pal, you came to the right place. It seems like you already know the basics and you even said yourself that more meals threw out the day is much better then 3. Not only will it keep a steady supply of protein an carbs available to your muscles but your metabolism will also be raised. Are you using any protein powders? My diet is posted in the nutrition forum so you can take a look at that and see what kind of foods you might want to add. Try and eat every 2-3 hours, even if its a protein shake and a piece of fruit.


      • #4
        Re: Diet for the Average Guy

        Originally posted by FX4

        *I workout on average 3-4 evenings a week,
        *trying to find a happy medium
        *Right now I eat as best I can
        *salad or some form of chicken for lunch
        *baked only
        *start eating more small meals instead of only 3...
        *Any help is sincerely appreciated!
        These are the key things I got out of your post. You are WAY ahead of the average person. You got a good grasp of how things should be. Like Bouncer and Scrum have said, add some protein shakes and fruit to your meal rotation. Dont feel that you NEED to work out more than 3-4 times a week. That could be plenty depending on your workouts.

        Good luck with things and welcome to SM


        • #5
          Re: Diet for the Average Guy

          Originally posted by FX4
          Hey guys, asking for a little help...

          I workout on average 3-4 evenings a week, so I am not near as hard into it as you guys...sometimes I work out for an hour and a half, another night I might just do a few sets of pushups and crunches...which I know, is not as strict as I need to be, but geez its hard to work 10+ hours a day, spend time with my wife and two kids, and still find the energy to hit the WO.....

          What does a reasonable diet consist of for an average guy like myself? I am 6'3" and weigh around 210, still half ass muscled from when I worked out harder when I was a little younger (24 now), trying to find a happy medium (not wanting to bulk up a whole lot like you guys as I am not into any comp, but also would like to cut up a little bit...)

          Right now I eat as best I can, always make sure to get my oatmeal in every morning, generally wind up eating salad or some form of chicken for lunch and then whatever the wife makes for supper, never eat fried, baked only....I have always been a fan of juices and hardly ever drink sodas, but from the best I can tell reading you guys posts I think juices do more harm than good with all the sugars? I am sure a good place to start would be to start eating more small meals instead of only 3...

          Any help is sincerely appreciated!

          sounds good brother. You've got it all in. Yeah smller meals would be better than just three huge ones. The body needs those nutriunts and vitamins and proteins running. Thats why they say its best to eat every 2-3 hours. I prefer every 3 hours but something small, like a chicken breast, or even a can of tuna. Doesnt have to be alot. Try to start off with 4 meals a day and see how that goes, within time u get used to it and sqeeze another small meal there. Even a protein bar or a shake.
          Breakfest looks good bro, but u can add some Protein in there in the mornings. Whey would be a good choice. Its best to take some protein just waking up cause thats when the body needs it at most because while ur asleep the body uses it to grow, so u wake up with almost nothing. Having a shake with breakfest and one before going to bed is a good choice. It even helps achieve the muscle like the way u want them to be.

          On working out brother, 3-4 times a week sounds good. Remember to train 2 bodyparts, a large muscle with a small one.

          Sundays: rest
          Mon---day 1: Chest/Triceps
          Tues--day 2: legs
          Wed--day 3: rest/cardio
          Thur--day 4: back biceps
          Fri-----day 5: shoulders
          Saturdays: rest

          Well thats a sample of what im doing, but u can change it a bit. Even train shoulders and triceps, and chest on some other day but not consecutive.:D


          • #6
            Thanks a million guys for the warm welcome here, that's why I am here, great group of people to join....been just watching and reading for a while run a great site Bouncer...

            I appreciate the insights...

            As for protein shakes, I have been seriously thinking of adding them to my diet, but two questions...(1) Will protein affect my weight if I am intaking an excessive amount and skip a workout every once in awhile? (worried supps would do more harm than good if not working out very consistently), (2) What is the best brand protein powder to buy?

            Also, great to hear I don't have to drop the fruits as I absolutely love all fruit....juices I can live with cutting way down, just replace them with water, what I shoulda been doing anyway...:agree:

            My ultimate goal is to wind up around 230 with bf around 12-13%, probably around 18-20% now? Not fat, just got a little pudge layer that needs to go :agree: When I was working out hard about a year and a half ago I went from a 32" waist to a 34" that was solid, now I am about a 35" and not as solid so that's why I am targeting my diet now to get my bf back down...methinks all that sugar definitely playing a role in that as I have been drinking close to a gallon of apple or grape juice every day :)

            BTW, could one of you guys help hook me up with a nice siggy??

            Last edited by FX4; 08-13-04, 09:46 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by FX4
              Thanks a million guys for the warm welcome here, that's why I am here, great group of people to join....been just watching and reading for a while run a great site Bouncer...

              I appreciate the insights...

              As for protein shakes, I have been seriously thinking of adding them to my diet, but two questions...(1) Will protein affect my weight if I am intaking an excessive amount and skip a workout every once in awhile? (worried supps would do more harm than good if not working out very consistently), (2) What is the best brand protein powder to buy?

              No, the protein wont make you get fat. It will most likely do the opposite. More meals threwout the day will speed your meatbolism up thus you will be burning cals.

              As for what kind of protein, there are alot of good ones. Optimum Nutrition 100% whey comes in 10lbs bags. You get more bang for your buck with that protein then any other I think.

              And yes bro, lol, a gallon of fruit juice a day is alot of sugar. You will get leaner by simply cutting that out.


              • #8
                Originally posted by THE BOUNCER
                No, the protein wont make you get fat. It will most likely do the opposite. More meals threwout the day will speed your meatbolism up thus you will be burning cals.

                As for what kind of protein, there are alot of good ones. Optimum Nutrition 100% whey comes in 10lbs bags. You get more bang for your buck with that protein then any other I think.

                And yes bro, lol, a gallon of fruit juice a day is alot of sugar. You will get leaner by simply cutting that out.
                Why not It's the cheapest i've seen and they are a sponsor of your board you know.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by beefcake
                  Why not It's the cheapest i've seen and they are a sponsor of your board you know.
                  Ya there a good protein but I go threw protein so fast that I like the 10lb bags. Powernutrition is also a sponsor and they sell Optimum. But your right, all the way have great protein and the banana flavor IMO cant be beat.


                  • #10
                    Never tried banana.....tried a little of the choco that a bud of mine had and it was outta this world, mixed it with water and chipped ice and it was great...hehe I'll have to be careful or I'll get hooked on em :cool:

