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"Fat Logic"

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  • #16
    "Fat Logic"

    I always made the same point but used the African starving people. Just like the holocaust camps there are some gut wrenching pictures of starving people looking like walking skeletons.
    So I guess just like the Jews there is no fat genes in Africa either.


    • #17
      I dont really believe it has anything to do with calories. If I eat 5000 calories a day but it's all protein and fat I drop weight/fat and lean out nicely. If I look at carbohydrates I put fat on!


      • #18
        Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
        I dont really believe it has anything to do with calories. If I eat 5000 calories a day but it's all protein and fat I drop weight/fat and lean out nicely. If I look at carbohydrates I put fat on!
        opposite here. protein and carbs i get lean and full. i add in some fat and drop carbs and i deflate and store fat.

        calories obviously matter on some level. but genetics play a huge roll as well.


        • #19
          Yea, the whole low carb high protein diets are more for people who want to lose weight quick or some pre-contest were you would want to achieve that lean dry look.

          For the every day bodybuilder, cutting carbs makes no sense at all. Carbs give you energy to burn and how are you suppose to put on size without them. Of course I'm not talking shit carbs but quality and complex carbs. I for one notice the difference in the gym when I eat a nice big meal with healthy carbs 2 hours before I workout.


          • #20
            Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
            I dont really believe it has anything to do with calories. If I eat 5000 calories a day but it's all protein and fat I drop weight/fat and lean out nicely. If I look at carbohydrates I put fat on!

            It takes more energy to metabolize protein which increases the thermogenic effect of your food, albeit the effect is slight.



            • #21
              There is no way that it is just genetics. Coming from a thinner family and having a fast metabolism I know that it is difficult to put on weight. My sibling on the other hand is overweight and can't seem to get the weight off. The major difference here is that she can't stop eating fast food and other junk food, and I can't bring myself to eat it. I guess that shows that it's less genetics and more based on your eating habits.


              • #22
                Of Course it's Genetics, It's always Genetics. It's much easier for the Ecto and Meso to lose weight and get lean then it is for the Endo. The Endo with a rigid diet can lose the weight, but how long can he keep the weight off before he blows up again. Unless he stays on a rigid diet and work out for the rest of his life.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by domin8 View Post
                  There is no way that it is just genetics. Coming from a thinner family and having a fast metabolism I know that it is difficult to put on weight. My sibling on the other hand is overweight and can't seem to get the weight off. The major difference here is that she can't stop eating fast food and other junk food, and I can't bring myself to eat it. I guess that shows that it's less genetics and more based on your eating habits.
                  you do understand that siblings can have very different genetics correct? do you think Michael Jordans brother could ever play bball like him? you think ronnie colemans brother could be as great as he was?

                  diet is obviously a huge factor but don't underestimate the role of genetics.

