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Supplement/Nutrition Question?

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  • Supplement/Nutrition Question?

    These are the supplements I recently purchased:

    1) Syntrax Guggulbolic Extreme
    2) Syntrax Nectar
    3) Syntrax Swole V.2
    4) Multivitamin

    I was wondering, when are the best times to take these? My diet entails the following:

    *Breakfast: 4-5 egg whites, 1 egg yolk, 1 cup oatmeal, and orange.

    *Lunch: Varies day-to-day with 2 tuna or turkey or ham sandwhiches on whole wheat bread with yogurt and/or carrot sticks. Sometimes I mix it up further and replace sandwhiches with a spinach salad (tuna or chicken included).

    *Dinner: Steak or Grilled Chicken or Vegetable & Chicken Stir-fry with some additional veggies.

    *As for snacks, I really need to find something to snack on. Currently I'll eat some fruit/veggies, small bowl of cereal (I steer clear of the high sugar ones!), or protein bar.

    My stats:

    Age: 25; Height: 6'3"; Weight: 195

    My current BMR is approximately 3450

    Anyhow, my primary goal right now is cutting. I want to lose some excess body fat, put on some lean muscle, and just get into better physical shape. I would REALLY appreciate some guidance on what times of the day I should take these supplements and which one(s) I should take before or after a workout. My workout routine is currently:

    Mon/Wed/Fri: 6pm (session approx 1 hour) Weight Training
    Tue/Thurs: 6pm (approx 30 mins) Cardio
    Sat/Sun: Rest one full day and usually a light cardio or light weight training session depending on how my body feels.

    I've also heard for cutting I should include an empty stomach cardio session in the morning--I think I'm going to try to incorporate that into my workout routine. Anyway, thank you all in advance for any advice you can throw my way regarding my situation!

  • #2
    If you're 6'3" and 195, it's hard to picture you having much bodyfat. The diet already sounds really good, and you cardio at least an hour a week. Doesn't sound like you get much for carbs with that diet, so I wouldn't cut those out, you'll need them for weight training. I guess the only think I could suggest is maybe an extra 30 minutes of cardio if you're really wanting to cut down.


    • #3
      I would probably take the swole before and after a workout.



      • #4
        During trarining days take 5g of Swole before training with about 40g of simple cabrs. Take another 5g after training with 40g of simple carbs idealy grape jucie. Durining non training days take 5g of first thing in the morning on empty stomach with 40g of simple carbs then have ur normal brekafast. And then 5g again before you go to bed. Do a cycle on swole for 6 weeks you might want to buy another one.

