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  • #16
    im 15 and have been lifting for over a year now and these are my gains so far approx-
    bench- 125 to 245
    squat- 275 to 405
    clean- 135 to 195
    dead lift- 255 to 405

    i think my metabolism is going away but i do run track seriously so i try nto to eat fatty stuff.

    my advice to you is to eat lean meats and such but stay away from candy. if u want to tone down to weight go running, its the best form of cardio there is.

    I've found that NOx2 is pretty good and helps if u want to try that.

    oh and a question for the rest of you guys.......i have been doing sets of 12,8,6 repetions for the last 2 1/2 months, should i go now to 8,6,4 repetitions for bulking?

    thanks and good luck kid im the same age as u born in 89' i see.


    • #17
      Originally posted by chromo56

      I've found that NOx2 is pretty good and helps if u want to try that.
      This supplement is not only determental to gains but determental to overall health. At 15, you should do some research before you begin a supplement like this.


      • #18
        Here is something to look at. If you really would like to take something, stick with tons of food, maybe a good vitamins and some good BCAA's. They are proven over time. Take advantage of your age and use the natural secretions while you can!
        There are no real secrets to building muscles. You still eed the big 3. Eat, Train, and the most overlooked one, SLEEP! You do not secret hormones , whether it is GH or test, unless you are sleeping. That is why you have groing pains when you wake up, because you grew in your sleep.
        Take advantage of what your body can produce right now. Be a kid, and sleep!

