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Creatine question

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  • Creatine question

    So I have never really "cycled" creatine, just been using it on workout days at 5 grams per day post workout. Been doing this for years. Over the last few months I have noticed my muscles seem to cramp easier, abdomen cramps, etc..

    I decided the other day that I would come off creatine for awhile and see if that helps. Already my stomach feels a little less bloated.

    Just wondering if anyone here has experienced cramping/bloating from creatine. Anyone have any studies that talks about this?


  • #2
    thanks for all the help. lol


    • #3
      I have never experienced any bloating/cramping from creatine. I'm currently taking Sci-Fit's Kre-Alkalyn creatine & controlled labs green magnitude. Took Gaspari Size-on before that.

      Anyway, a lot of people have thought they've experienced cramping due to creatine & it is has always been thought to be because of a lack of hydration. I remember one year Tennessee played an early August game and they had 10 players or so that cramped up. It was the first year they'd used creatine, so they quit using it immediately.

      I found this study which looked at creatine use & cramping. They took dehydrated sprinters both using and not using creatine and found that both groups cramped equally & found that creatine usage does not cause cramping.

      Reference: Creatine supplementation: Effect on supramaximal exercise performance at two levels of acute Hypohydration. J.Strength & Cond. Res. 14(2) 214-219, 2000.

      I'm guessing you always keep your water intake high. Have you cut back on sodium intake, cutting or anything that would've changed in the last couple of months?


      • #4
        Originally posted by SonofBone View Post

        I'm guessing you always keep your water intake high. Have you cut back on sodium intake, cutting or anything that would've changed in the last couple of months?
        no, i have noticed it more the last year or so. i have been using creatine for years without going off. i wonder if there is a point at which it starts to cause problems. anyway, i will keep this thread updated after the creatine gets out of the my system.


        • #5
          Years back when creatine was the new hype, I started taking it. It always made my stomach feel bloated, and really just made me feel like crap. I stopped after that.


          • #6
            yea, i been on it for so long that it will be interesting to see if i feel any different being off.


            • #7
              Originally posted by FitnessBrat View Post
              Years back when creatine was the new hype, I started taking it. It always made my stomach feel bloated, and really just made me feel like crap. I stopped after that.
              I also remembered hearing females say they seemed to have more of an issue w/bloating than guys.


              • #8
                my hubby was always taking creatine and not drinking the recommended water that goes along with it. He took it for years, never cycled. He went in with back pain and his kidneys were barely functioning. The dr. asked him immediately if he took creatine. He stopped and hasn't taken it since and his kidneys are fine now. For like 6 months after he was getting u/s at the dr's office to see if they were functioning. It was scary when it was happening.

                Just be careful when on it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dreamgirl View Post
                  my hubby was always taking creatine and not drinking the recommended water that goes along with it. He took it for years, never cycled. He went in with back pain and his kidneys were barely functioning. The dr. asked him immediately if he took creatine. He stopped and hasn't taken it since and his kidneys are fine now. For like 6 months after he was getting u/s at the dr's office to see if they were functioning. It was scary when it was happening.

                  Just be careful when on it.
                  umm what kind of dose was he taking if you can find out because I am guessing it was a combination of something besides creatine otherwise the nation would be in an epidemic of kidney failure from this stuff.

                  Bouncer have you tried CEE yet? - Creatine Ethyl Ester Information and Product Listing! Creatine Ethyl Ester FAQ!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stonecold54 View Post
                    umm what kind of dose was he taking if you can find out because I am guessing it was a combination of something besides creatine otherwise the nation would be in an epidemic of kidney failure from this stuff.

                    Bouncer have you tried CEE yet? - Creatine Ethyl Ester Information and Product Listing! Creatine Ethyl Ester FAQ!

                    Not really - I know someone who had back/kidney pain from real high creatine levels as well.


                    • #11
                      Creatine has never caused any reaction for me good or bad. Just does not work on me at all.


                      • #12
                        I cycle it, usually 3 months on - 1 month off. I don't like the CEE, it doesn't see to do much for me. I like the standard creatine monohydrate. I do get lower back cramps while on it if I don't drink enough fluids. I take 5 g per day on non workout days and 10 g on workout days.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by FitnessBrat View Post
                          Not really - I know someone who had back/kidney pain from real high creatine levels as well.
                          ok that is two people...also a lot of people don't understand the difference between "low back pain" (the erector muscles) and kidney pain....Kidney pain is almost a third of the way up your back. and again FB you said they used high levels of creatine...that is my point when I asked DG what dose he was on. if it was some ridiculous amount than of course it could do some damage (but then again ANYTHING can do damage at high doses).


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by dreamgirl View Post
                            my hubby was always taking creatine and not drinking the recommended water that goes along with it. He took it for years, never cycled. He went in with back pain and his kidneys were barely functioning. The dr. asked him immediately if he took creatine. He stopped and hasn't taken it since and his kidneys are fine now. For like 6 months after he was getting u/s at the dr's office to see if they were functioning. It was scary when it was happening.

                            Just be careful when on it.
                            that is scary. but like stone said, there were other issues at play. maybe just his bodies reaction or maybe his kidneys have a malfunction. definitely not a normal response.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Stonecold54 View Post
                              ok that is two people...also a lot of people don't understand the difference between "low back pain" (the erector muscles) and kidney pain....Kidney pain is almost a third of the way up your back. and again FB you said they used high levels of creatine...that is my point when I asked DG what dose he was on. if it was some ridiculous amount than of course it could do some damage (but then again ANYTHING can do damage at high doses).
                              i actually don't even believe a large amount would alone cause the kidneys to stop working.

                              just to point out though, low back pain (a very common symptom for many different issues) can also be associated with a kidney problem.

