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Taking time off while sick?

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  • Taking time off while sick?

    I recently caught a cold and I have a sinus infection so im all screwed up. My diet turned to shit the past couple of days because I lost my apetite and I've been sleeping alot... I usually go to the gym 5 days a week and take 2 days off and today I'm supposed to go back and start on chest. I wen't to the doctor yesterday and she said my throat looks terribal and I sound like crap so I might take the rest of the week off.

    What you all think? I heard going to the gym while sick eats up more nutrients in your body and takes more time to repair after training. But I've also heard going to the gym makes you sweat out your cold and you feel better faster?

  • #2
    Take the week off bro, get your sleep, hot baths and plenty of fluids, green tea helps me.

    Training through illness gets you shit workouts, shit recovery and prolongs the illness.

    Time to get out the dvd's and stay on the sofa or bed


    • #3
      Yea bro, one week off won't hurt or do anything negative. Just hit it again when your better.


      • #4
        Yeah, I think that's what I'll do. I do have to go shopping today for x-mas. This is the most stressful holiday.


        • #5
          I always say, if it's just a head cold, go ahead and work out...anything in the chest, like a productive cough, no way, stay home, and fever, obviously don't work out, and a bad sinus infection with a lot of productive colorful mucus would also be a good time to stay home.


          • #6
            Just wondering how long have you been training 5 days a week and have you ever tried a low-volume routine?


            • #7
              time off will do you some good


              • #8
                Treat it as part of the whole journey and move on.

                It's inevitable that at certain points along the way you're going to get sick. There isn't much you can do to avoid that. Sure, it sucks, but training while sick may do you more harm than good.

                Do your best to fulfill your nutritional needs and take the week off.

                No biggie.

