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Training for boot camp?

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  • #16
    Well it depends what branch he's going in. If it's the Air Force or navy, Training should consist of mass consumption of beer (16 ounce curls) and sitting on your ass watching Southpark. The Army isn't all that hard unless you're going to be a killer in the woods AKA a grunt. I'm in the army and I didn't have a prob. You run, push and do situps(Plus get yelled at alot). Grunts however get the shit smoked out of them. Marines are kick having said that build up your running distance to about 8 miles and you're good. Work on good push ups nice and slow all the way up all the way down. Not this head bobbing shit and situps/ crunches. 8 years of neglect under Billy Clinton has got us a little soft but George W. Bush is getting us on track.


    • #17
      Originally posted by The_Jarhead
      Like every one else said the physical part is not that hard. I've some sorry assed recuits get through it. have train to the point were he can get a 300 PFT (listed above). Then all he has to worry about not being a mental pussy. They fuck with your head non stop.
      The hardest part for me was not getting enough food. I've always eaten like a body builder and going to 3 meal a day and running all the fucking time I lost a LOT of mass. I dropped over 20 lbs at PI and I was less than 10% BF going in.

      Semper Fi

      you said it man!!! not eating enough was DEFINITELY the worst part for me! i was always hungry and that put me in a shitty mood all day which made EVERYTHING harder! i went in at 165 and came out at 135!!! i didnt look a healthy 135 either, i looked sick, but felt stronger then ever.........i got back up to 165 within a couple months though.


      • #18
        hoorah leathernecks! Former Marine here too!

        How many of you would do it again now knowing what you know?




        • #19
          Parris Island First Battalion Platoon 10??

          then with group in oki for too fuckin long


          • #20
            Originally posted by Colorao
            hoorah leathernecks! Former Marine here too!

            How many of you would do it again now knowing what you know?



            i would! knowing what i know now, however, i would pick a different mos.


            • #21
              I never met a ate up Marine much repect I wish all the other Arm Forces would get there shit together.


              • #22
                Originally posted by alvincent
                I never met a ate up Marine much repect I wish all the other Arm Forces would get there shit together.

                how long have you been in the army for?


                • #23
                  13 years


                  • #24
                    Army here....18 years. Done and seen alot. boot or basic is 90% mental... If you have the heart and you believe in yourself the mind can make you do some amazing things. Anyone who has been through any special military schools will tell you that.


                    • #25
                      it is all a jedi mind trick - and an ass load of running!!

                      Semper Fi brothers in arms!

                      Sgt Perry - 2651

