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Just started

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  • Just started

    Hey guys, I just wanted some advice. So here's the thing:
    Three months ago I started going to the gym, it feels really great but I have a little problem: I see too little results. I know three months it's a little time... but can it be possible that there is almost no difference!?!
    The thing with me is that when I don't see results I tend to give up, I don't want to... but sometimes I can't help it.
    I have my little muscles, I know I do... but I have too much fat covering them. The upper part of my body is good, the lower is where most of the fat is stored.
    Anyway the trainer at the gym gave me a routine where I do "weights" four days a week and cardio two days (one hour each) a week. My diet's good.
    But I was wondering that maybe it was better if I just did cardio until I lose all the fat... or maybe I should take classes and when I'm in good shape I start training with weights. I don't know... what do you suggest?


    p.s: I added a pic for you to see me, this is before I've started training, but I'm exactly the same... maybe with even more fat. (remember I'm not muscular, I'm just starting) do you think that by the end of this year I'll have some muscles?
    Attached Files

  • #2

    Your young, have a very good body and are doing things to improve it.

    After 3 months if what you say is true, your body hasn't changed, there's really only one of three issues:

    A. you have very low intensity workouts

    B. your diet is not benefiting your excercise

    C. something wrong medically

    C you can almost eliminate because you seem to have good genetics and body for your age which would indicate that stuff is fine

    A were going to assume you have some gumption and push those weights the Usual Suspect, when people say their diet is good, well is usually not good for what they are trying to do, ie, too build muscle you have too eat lot's of protein, also you need to eat 300-400 calories per day over you basic metabolic rate, and you won't know what your own BMR is unless you log all your meals for a month or so

    So, best guess is if you really got down to specfics of your diet you can achieve your goals no problem

    Hoped That Helped
    Good Luck


    • #3
      Welcome to the board Natalie, you're a beautiful girl, and you've got a good place to start.

      It might help us advise you better if you write down what you eat on a typical day. You can say you're eating is good, but you may be surprised when you put it all into writing.

      No, it will not be better to just do cardio. You need to use weights to help speed up your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn. A mixture of weight training and cardio and a good diet will be what lets you see the best results.

      Also, what are you doing on your 4 training days?

      There's a ton to read here, so if you haven't already, do some reading. and again welcome!


      • #4
        My diet goes like this:

        Breakfast: a cup of milk with a little drop of coffee (I don't like coffee, so) and 5 crackers

        Midday: A fiber cereal bar

        Lunch: Tarts of vegetables (two days a week I change that for pasta or rice with a boiled egg)

        Midafternoon: A fruit

        Tea: A glass of milk with two wholed bread toasts with diet jam

        Dinner: Meat and salads


        • #5
          natalie -

          you have the right idea of eating 6 times a day. the problem is you're not

          1. eating enough
          2. eating enough protein

          based on your diet, it doesn't look like you're getting more than 1000 cals a day. even eating 6x's a day.

          let's dispell some myths here for you

          1. there is no such thing as "toning" - i think you already realize this. the only way to look like you have more muscle is to build more muscle. based on your picture, you need to build some muscle.

          2. not eating will NOT help you lose weight. many girls think that limiting their overall caloric intake will help them shed the pounds, this is NOT the case. you need to eat to fuel your body and you need to eat to fuel your metabolism. if you're not eating enough, your body's inherent survival mechanism kicks into starvation mode and holds onto the fat.

          3. lifting heavy will NOT make you bulky. you need to challenge your muscles to grow. you will not "blow up" if you try to lift more than 10lbs. you will not look like a guy, nor will you become big and huge. it takes many years of training, diet, and often AAS to get "freaky big" muscles. so please try to lift as heavy as you can when you're in the gym.

          i think in order to achieve the look you're looking for, you need to learn the proper nutrition and training.

          you need to have some protein with every meal, you should look to eat about 1.5g's of protein per pound you weigh every day. without the protein, you're not going to build any muscle.

          and finally - please have patience. three months is not going to show you results - especially if the above diet is all your eating. food is the most important aspect of this lifestyle that changes your body. please don't overlook the importance of it.

          please give yourself more time than 3 months to look for results.

          and welcome to the board.

