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  • Bouncer
    The absolute key is diet. Looks like you get plenty of exercise but I see that you say, " I try to get around 1500 cals a day. That tells me you aren't consistent enough if you "try to get".

    Let's start out with you current diet. Give us an idea of what you have been eating, how many meals etc..

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  • leanwannabe
    started a topic Help


    i am a 42 year old female, i weigh 175-180 on any given day. i have 46in hips 31 inch waist and 37in chest. i want to lose more fat. any advise and diet info. i run 3 to 4 miles in the morning cross country style 5 days a week. i take tabata classes at the gym twice a week i do the eliptical every evening for 30min. the tabata classes consist of weight training. i lift weights twice a week. and i just started GHRP-6. Help nothing is working still stay at 175-180 for three months now. i try to only eat 1500 calories.