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  • ugh...

    so i've fallen off the train, boat, whatever.

    spent the last year pretty much undoing everything that i was working to get the way i wanted it to be. and i was in the biggest state of denial. i reverted back to my terrible stress-eating habits and avoided going to the gym like it was the plague. now i'm paying for it. i've started going back to the gym and cutting things completely out of my diet, including the enticing lunch orders that my coworkers place every day at my office.

    my biggest hurdle is my metabolism. i have/had hypothyroidism so i know it's not as fast as it should be but i was able to level the hormones out it without taking medication when i started working out and eating right (my weight was the biggest thing that was affected by the hormone deficiency). of course my medication helped to some degree to get it going.

    so my question to you all is this: what is a fast, yet safe way to kickstart my metabolism without having to revert back to taking the medication again? moreso, what have other people (women in particular) used that has helped?

  • #2
    Obviously FB will be able to give you a more pertinent answer, but in terms of kickstarting your metabolism, just start moving. Brisk walking is good - at least 1 hour per day. Running/elliptical/whatever is better, depending on whether you are ready for that or not. By increasing your activity level, you will kickstart your metabolism. That, plus cutting back on calories will work, guaranteed.


    • #3
      tough love time.

      i see someone making a lot of excuses about medication and thyroid..

      the fact is this.. your diet is utter shit. the only thing you are consistent with is eating like shit.

      stop looking for a "metabolisem booster" and start working on the basics. being CONSISTENT with the basics. if you ate exactly what I told you to eat, and did the cardio exactly as i told you to do it, you would look in the mirror after 2 months and be amazed.

      your absolute biggest problem is diet. own that. embrace it. do what you need to do to change it. being skinny is a very real possibility for you. stop being the typical fat american that says "im different, im fat because of medical reasons" its bullshit 99.9% of the time. those medical reasons will go away if you stop jamming your mouth with shit simply because you like the taste.

      your genetics may not be the best and it may be easier for some people than others. so what? work harder! you have to decide what you love more. the taste of junk food or looking great?

      do it girl, you have all the tools you need right in front of you.


      • #4
        Thanks B. Honestly, I think the biggest thing is that no one is willing to set me straight when it comes to my shitty eating habits. Tough love is very much needed.

