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Christmas shopping for a 12 y.o. girl...

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  • #16
    Rhinestone initial pendants are real popular over here.


    • #17
      She's got a cell phone but it's not being used right now. You see...she's got the kind that works on pre-paid time and it's her responsibility to pay for the time if she wants to use the phone. She's got the money to do it, she just doesn't wanna spend it on the phone time. LOL

      Your right Buddy...I got her the rhinestone initial bracelet in silver. :)

      Now that it's all said and done it wasn't too difficult. On Christmas Eve I'm giving her a special make-up kit I found. It's full of pretty pastell colors but it is adult make-up, just in colors that are suitable for a 12 y.o. to lightly use. I'm going to give it to her early so that when it's time to get ready and I'm sitting at my vanity she can join me and I'll give her a make-up lesson with her new products. She's always wanting to use my stuff and seeing as how she's growing up, it's time for her to have her own and know how to use it right. My little girl isn't so little anymore. :bawl: and :) Having a daughter is so wonderful!


      • #18
        Aww.. I love being a fairy god-father to my girl cousins. I gave my 13 year old cousins (they are now 16 and 18) MAC makeup for christmas presents, and I taught them how to use it.

        I dont wear makeup, but I like to draw, and makeup isnt much different than coloring.. now they are BOMBSHELLS


        • #19
          Yes...applying make-up correctly is an art. You can have the best products in the right colors for you, but if you don't know how to apply it, it just won't look right.

          I had this make-up kit temporarilly stashed away in the guest room and this morning I found out that my daughter had seen it. It's now wrapped up under the tree and she recognized the shape of the case. She doesn't know she's getting it early tonight with a lesson so that'll at least be a surprise. :)


          • #20
            Originally posted by fl8meplz
            12 y.o. girl? Easy.... Cell Phone. That's what my 11 year old wants.
            What the hell does an 11 or 12 year old girl need a cell phone for? I think that's ridiculous, maybe when she's 16 but 11 and 12, no way.......


            • #21
              My daughter uses it to talk to me most of the time. If she's got a game after school and wants me to come get her early or late she can call me. If she's got a dog sitting job in the neighborhood she can take the phone with her to call me if she needs anything. If she's playing at a neighbors house and going from one house to another I can call her on the cell to tell her to check on her. If I take her shopping with a friend to the mall I'll let them be on their own for half an hour or they can go to a movie together...the phone is a security measure.

              She also likes to use the text messaging to my husband and I and play the games on it when we're standing in line at the post office or grocery store. She rarely uses it to call friends because she's learned that time is money!

