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Clen & T3 Cycle

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  • Clen & T3 Cycle

    have any of the ladies done one??? how much where you taking and for how long?? ?? this is something im really thikning about doing soon. i work out 5-7 times a week for a min of 60 min. do cardio everyday. right now im about 200# @ 34-35%bf :eek: bed i know...thinking about runing a cycle to help me out. ive been told to do it 2 weeks on/2 weeks off....and a buddys of mine told me to do just a 6-8 week stright cycle...and both of my buddys are guys. so...can i get some female imput please???

  • #2
    before you start even thinking about running any t3 or clen, we need to know what your diet is like and what kind of strength training you do.

    post your diet (a sample of what your eating on a daily basis) and your workouts.

    a few quick things, if all your doing is cardio, start incorporating some resistance training to it.

    clen and t3 are for people who are already close to their goals and there are probably a lot more you can do with your training and your diet before looking to a pill for help.

    remember that there are no magic pills and the only thing to weight loss is a change in your lifestyle.


    • #3
      here is what my training looks like:

      food wise..not sure. 2 protein shakes a day, have started eating eggs in the morning, no carbs after 2-3pm. no sugers, and junk food. lots of chicken and veggies. right now supp wise, im takin Max Lean Day( 2x a day) ThyroActivator(3 x a day) Max Lean Nighttime (2 pills at nite) and a multi vitaman


      • #4
        how long have you been working out?

        it looks like you're working legs like 3 times a week and only doing rows and bench presses for your upper body.

        have you tried doing a 5 day split with 1 body part per day and cardio after?

        if you've only been at it for a little, give it time. the only way to sustained weightloss is time. if you hurry it, you will most likely gain it back.

        clen and t3 are good for people who are close to their goals, it looks like there's a lot that you can still do to change your workout routine and see positive results.


        • #5
          I have to agree with sana. You need to work the basics and get your diet and training in order before you even consider a t3 and clen cycle.


          • #6
            ive been workin out on and on for a few years now. was never able to get into it before cuz of my ex. but ive been at the gym 4-6 nites a week for the past 6 months. 4 months of it on supps. i the reason im thinking about doing a small (8 week) cycle is cuz i cant seem to get past 200. no mater how hard im working out, how much cardio im doing. i see my body firming up and now i have the muscle size im happy with but i cant get rid of the fat. i need something to kick me off this damn platuu im on cuz its starting to get really depressing, goin week after week and not seeing any changes. the whole point of me doing the legs/arms (with abs) like that is cuz i have the size i want, i DO NOT want to get any bigger in those areas. i just seem to gain muscle mass easy. ive noticed it a lot in my arm and legs. so that routine was set up so i still so some lifting, but its more just to keep what i have( i use muscle tone fast also) so with that being said, what would you recomend me taking to kick myself off this platuu?? im eating good, and working out on a normall basis. i stay away from junk food and i get a decent amount of sleep every nite(when im not working graceyard shifts). i have no major health probs excect my back/knees. just need something that will get me under the 200 mark so my normall sups will kick ass like they normally do.


            • #7
              if you're at a plateau that you can't break, i would recommend a few things.

              1. having your thyroid levels checked. if you seem to be having a hard time losing weight it might be a sign that you are hypothyroid. in which case, you would want less to touch T3 for the chances that i might mess up your thyroid.

              2. list a full day's eating. you say you're eating clean with lots of chicken and veggies, but what you might be doing is not eating enough. are you eating 5-6 times a day? how many calories are you getting? you might be eating too little and your body be in "starvation mode" hence a lowered metabolism leading to a harder time losing weight.

              also, i think that if you're serious about lifting, give yourself a more complete full body workout. legs, chest, back, shoulders, and arms. you seem to be doing very light lifting. i don't know what your physique is like completely, but like anyone, you need to have muscle to help burn fat. you may think that lifting heavy will make you "big and bulky" but this is not true. the only way to get big is to eat big. and as women, we don't have enough free test in our bodies to "blow up" if even we did eat big.

              there are lots of things for you to do before looking at t3 and clen. t3 will eat whatever muscle away unless you are doing an AAS with it, and clen is not a magic pill either.

              remember the key to long term weight loss is slow and steady. i understand that you are frustrated looking at a plateau, but if you don't get the basics of training and nutrition down first, you won't be able to attain those long term goals.


              • #8
                I think you should try interval of cardio.. like run a min, walk a min. for your cardio.. also have to tried doing cardio in the am on a empty tummy?

                Last edited by fitness-girl; 12-17-03, 01:22 PM.


                • #9
                  I support Sana's recommendations...good advice.


                  • #10
                    Go with Sana's suggestion, get blood work done for sure, thryoid, estro, test levels etc.

                    Most people do not think it's a big deal it is a HUGE deal.

                    If your thyroid is not working your could do cardio 2 hours a day and eat 1,000 cals and still gain weight.

                    If your thryoid's working like a champ you could do cardio a half hour eat 2,000 cals and lose weight.

                    It is that big a difference, you are working too hard not too eliminate this possible problem from the equation.

                    Good Luck & Keep It Up, Consistency is the Key


                    • #11
                      a test like that would have to wait till i got some health insurence cuz i have none right now. my job dont offer it and im too broke to afourd guessing a test like that would easly cost 300-500 bucks


                      • #12
                        AM cardio.. and doing intervals really helped me.. i am not saying its will help everyone.. cause a good friend of mine can't do cardio on a empty tummy cause she gets physical ill... so just try it.. and remember that everyone is different.. and one things that works for me.. or works for someone else. may not work for you..



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by lilgreeneyes
                          a test like that would have to wait till i got some health insurence cuz i have none right now. my job dont offer it and im too broke to afourd guessing a test like that would easly cost 300-500 bucks
                          RIGGHHHT....And wasting your money, and fucking up your thryoid,or the rest of your systems for God knows how long, would be worth it , right? Why don't you take the money you would have spent on the T3 and go have your levels checked? If you are plateauing at 35%, there is something very wrong, if yousay you are eating and training as you should. And no T3, or Clen, or anything is going to get you over that hill if your metabolism and/or thyroid is all jacked up.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Liftingchic
                            AM cardio.. and doing intervals really helped me.. i am not saying its will help everyone.. cause a good friend of mine can't do cardio on a empty tummy cause she gets physical ill... so just try it.. and remember that everyone is different.. and one things that works for me.. or works for someone else. may not work for you..

                            There is no benefit to doing interval cardio on an empty stomach. HIIT's fat burning doesnt occur while your doing, it occurs the 36 hours afterward. If doing low intensity, yes, an empty stomach save a small whey shake is they way to go. HIIT can be done anytime, and its affects will be the same, regardless of prior food intake.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by prolangtum
                              There is no benefit to doing interval cardio on an empty stomach. HIIT's fat burning doesnt occur while your doing, it occurs the 36 hours afterward. If doing low intensity, yes, an empty stomach save a small whey shake is they way to go. HIIT can be done anytime, and its affects will be the same, regardless of prior food intake.
                              BUMP!!! i was just reading this and i was going to post it....

