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another steroid arguement thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Puma
    But here is the problem with what you (and I, and pretty much everyone on juice does) do. When we lie, people assume that all they have to do is go to the gym, eat right, train hard, and they will look like us. When they do this for a period of time and they look NOTHING like us they get pissed; leave, and go back to the twinkies and burbon.

    Now, honestly, for us, that's a good thing. We are the ones that are "in the know" have the muscles, get the looks, etc. If everyone was juiced we would not be as "excpetional" anymore. However, fuck all that. I feel bad for these people, we are setting them up for failure, and indirectly, leading some people to an early death ("I can't look anything like Juice, its impossible, fuck it, I am going to give up and starting "partying" again"). How many of those people walk out of the gym discouraged, never walk back in, and die of complications from obesity? Its sad; I don't want to lie to these people, I just don't want to go to jail either. I fucking hate it, I feel like a hypocrite everytime a someone comes up to me and says "Man, you look great, what are you taking"?

    The only people I answer honestly to are other people on steroids, who obviously already know that I am taking "something" illegal, and just want to know what it is. So we develop this class system of those who are "in the know" and those who are not.

    People are totally desensitized to what a "steroid user" looks like anymore its almost funny. They look at Jay Cutler, and say "Think he is taking something?". Are you fucking kidding me? But even worse is that they look at people like actors and entertainers (Nelly, Marky Mark, etc) and don't even consider the possiblity that they are taking anything. Let me clue you in people, almost everyone you see on TV or in the movies is on something. Those arms are just as fake as Jay's there is just not as much test and time in the actors/entertainers. And if anyone tells me that most of the 35+ people in Hollywood are not on growth I might just laugh right in their faces.

    Its so stupid, we setup this ideal for people to adhere to that is a "pipe dream" if your not chemically enhanced. Honestly, I think its a hell of a lot safer to try to live up to the "steroid" image of Hollywood for a man then it is for women to live up to the "waif" ideal. People die from complications of anorexia, I am still waiting for the FIRST report of direct death from steroid use. But at least they don't go to jail. Their "habit" is acceptable, so long as they don't die on the set.
    i have to keep quite at time because of something things that have happend on the past. I cannot trust people at all. I once was showing this so-called friend on steroids. I showed him how to cycle, how to eat right, everything I know and have experienced. Well this dudes a dumbass, only a shithead would go to a Walmart, buy some syringes and inject himself in the parking lot. Next thing you know it the security calls the police, they get there and search the car. They found the bottles. Next thing you know it, I hear from people is that im gonna get in trouble cause the guy spilled the beans that i gave it to him, which was bullshit. Thank god nothing happend.

    People just talk too much here in my city. Best if I keep things low, cause their the type that judge them as bad as the media.

    But only my close friends, my girlfriend, and some close family know that I juice and are ok with it. The only persons I really tell the truth are the ones who have been training with me for a while and get to the topic asking if Ive ever juiced, I cant lie to them, im honest. But if a random guy comes and asks me or if some kid comes to me asking me on them, all i say is I dont do them. If some kid asks about deca alone, I tell them that I read too much on steroids that its best not to take alone. Things like that.

    Originally posted by therock
    I agree and disagree. I agree on most of the stuff you said. The onlything I dont agree on is, if people eat and have a good diet they cant gain as much as someone on aas. If someone eats enough, sleeps, enough, and trains good and stick with it and doesnt miss a meal, they can grow just as much. I myself am natural right now. I have taken about 3 cycles in the past. The heaviest I have ever been was around 210lbs. lean. I got sick and stopped working out and dropped to 175lbs. I started eating like crazy and worked out again and I am currently 203lbs. No gear, no PH, only CE2,and Whey w/ a badass diet.
    So Puma dont feel bad for those people you tell eat right bro. Cause trust me diet is more powerfull then aas!

    ive seen some people grow off of eating good, never skipping a meal, stuff like that. A good example would be my sisters boyfriend. Bastards about 210 solid, skips meals once im a while, trains too much and still grows, guess he has the genes. But yeah rock i agree with you man, eating right will make u grow if u do it right. With gear Ive gone up to 230. Then went back to 200 at a time. Im eating so so right now, not that all good and just started training this week and im currently 220. When I get back I''' probably pass 230 without gear. So with the cycle, Im guessing I'll hit 240-260.


    • #32
      That is perhaps the stupidist thing I have ever heard anyone do. :)

      I am probably pretty similar to you; if I KNOW that someone who is asking me is already on (either from my other friends telling me or if I can just see it) then I will talk honestly to them about it. However, if someone just comes up without a clue I will give them the standard line "eat, train, and sleep".

      I know I am doing the right thing for ME. But I also know I am helping to keep the steriod use "hidden" from normal people. Maybe that's the way it should be, but I feel bad about all the lying sometimes. I guess the conflict comes because I don't feel I am doing anything wrong; why should I have to lie??

      I had a great idea the other day. You guys ever see that series "True Life" on MTV? Well, if not, they typically follow people who are on the fringes of society (some of the other episodes were "I have an eating disorder/I want a perfect body/I am on extacy"). Anyway, I am going to suggest an episode to them; "I am a juicer". Maybe if they choose some of the people who are similar minded to those on this board they could really shock people with what steroid users are like; what they look like; and what their lives are like.

      Its an idea. I just know the HUGE seperation in my own life; how different my "gym/steriod" life is from my "corporate" life. I think it will make a good show, if I can pitch it to them well.


      Originally posted by JUICE
      i have to keep quite at time because of something things that have happend on the past. I cannot trust people at all. I once was showing this so-called friend on steroids. I showed him how to cycle, how to eat right, everything I know and have experienced. Well this dudes a dumbass, only a shithead would go to a Walmart, buy some syringes and inject himself in the parking lot. Next thing you know it the security calls the police, they get there and search the car. They found the bottles. Next thing you know it, I hear from people is that im gonna get in trouble cause the guy spilled the beans that i gave it to him, which was bullshit. Thank god nothing happend.

      People just talk too much here in my city. Best if I keep things low, cause their the type that judge them as bad as the media.

      But only my close friends, my girlfriend, and some close family know that I juice and are ok with it. The only persons I really tell the truth are the ones who have been training with me for a while and get to the topic asking if Ive ever juiced, I cant lie to them, im honest. But if a random guy comes and asks me or if some kid comes to me asking me on them, all i say is I dont do them. If some kid asks about deca alone, I tell them that I read too much on steroids that its best not to take alone. Things like that.

      ive seen some people grow off of eating good, never skipping a meal, stuff like that. A good example would be my sisters boyfriend. Bastards about 210 solid, skips meals once im a while, trains too much and still grows, guess he has the genes. But yeah rock i agree with you man, eating right will make u grow if u do it right. With gear Ive gone up to 230. Then went back to 200 at a time. Im eating so so right now, not that all good and just started training this week and im currently 220. When I get back I''' probably pass 230 without gear. So with the cycle, Im guessing I'll hit 240-260.

