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Gear theory. . .

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  • #16
    Originally posted by GATOR
    How about reduced flexibility? When I'm on......i just don't get it.....I turn into a stiff board. It seems as though my tendons/ligaments/muscle all become really bound up, no amount of strectching can help. I need to go for Active Release Therapy once a week.

    My lower back is the worst(especially when I get over 220 lbs),
    I wonder if it's my kidneys.....what does kidney pain feel llike?
    Hey bro. . .It sounds like you are suffering from "lifting to heavy to fast " syndrome:)
    Due to increased strength a lot of people will lift past what the rest of their body can take and if they have any imbalances this is when they show up. . .if you have low back pain be sure that it is your low back that is the reason for the pain. .IT USUALLY IS NOT YOUR BACK that creates the problem. . in most cases it is tight hip flexors, glutes and hams (if you are a big squatter or leg press guy etc.) and other stuff that cause your lower back to give up and say "I can't fight those big bastards (the psoas etc.) anymore. .they are to much for me". . .then you get a blowout doing something stupid like leaning over to brush your teeth in the morning.


    • #17
      My dad f#cked up his back reaching for TP once :D seriously he was pretty much disabled for a couple of weeks.


      • #18
        That is classic. . .:)


        • #19
          CG you got a hip flexors are extremely tight!
          It's even hard for me to do leg presses on the machine. It looks as though I am going to have to stretch a whole lot more.


          • #20
            Try this one . ..
            put a pillow under one knee and keep that leg out behind you while you put your other leg in front with your knee bent at 90 degrees. . . point the back toe out behind! then keep yourself upright and really press down and thru the hip on the side that the leg is back on. . .you will really stretch the psoas and it will be a bit painful at first but work up to holding it for 2 min each side. .I do this morning and night and it has helped me get back to almost 100% along with my magic therapy guy. . .
            also, put the seat on the leg press back as far as it will go . . .this will help (makes the exercise harder too!)
            keep safe


            • #21
              p.s. this will look like you are in a lunge position. .not sure my description is the best:)


              • #22
                im def in number 2!!!


                • #23
                  #2 for me too.


                  • #24
                    I am #1 I think. Took only 500mg of sust and 300mg of deca for my last cycle (4th one) and gained over 25lbs. Liver levels are always ok, However, My joints are shit (especially when I come off) and my good cholestrol is very low (bad cholestrol is low also though).


                    • #25
                      If you could put it in percentages, where do people fall into each category? I hope the odds aren't in my favor to land in #3.

