MethylStenbolone Profile
MethylStenbolone is a recent and potent methylated prohormone that was officially launched in 2011 by Antaeus Labs with the name Ultradrol. It became so popular that some people call it the “ultradrol” prohormone instead of its real name MethylStenbolone. Many prohormone companies claimed to have a methylstenbolone prohormone in the past years before the official launch of M-Sten prohormones but it appears that they only contained Superdrol.
Methylstenbolone does not convert to an estrogenic metabolite or have any affinity for the progesterone receptor, so estrogen mediated side effects should be virtually non-existent. Methylstenbolone is also one of the most toxic substances available due to its ability to resist metabolization, although anecdotal reports lead us to believe it carries less side effects than superdrol.
Typical Results
Results will vary based upon the dosage, experience, diet and many other factors involved. In general Methylsten will provide exceptional lean body mass gains, excellent strength gains, and great endurance in the gym. This substance works best when used in a bulk due to it’s ability to help our bodies pack on the muscle when eating a clean caloric surplus diet, but that doesn’t mean it cant also be used in a cutting or recomp cycle. There are just more favorable compounds to utilize during those types of cycles.
When used in a bulking diet, gains can range from 15-20bs on a 4 week cycle at 12mg.
When used in a recomp diet, gains can range from 7-10lbs on a 4 week cycle at 12mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 0-2%.
When used in a cutting diet, gains can range from 4-6lbs on a 4 week cycle at 12mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 1-3%.
The ‘gain’ ranges above are considered normal, however some users have reported gains in upwards of 20lbs and some users may not experience very noticeable gains at all. Results are largely dictated by diet.
Methylsten is a very strong compound therefore it’s best to start with a lower dosage to asses tolerance and slowly increase it into the desired range. Methylsten cycles are typically 3-4 weeks in length with 4 weeks being the most common. Due to the extreme potency and toxicity of this compound use for longer than 4 weeks is not recommended. Below are two common dosing protocols:
Methylsten dosing for new users: Week1: 4-8mg / per day | Week 2-3: 8mg / per day
Methylsten dosing for experienced users: Week1: 8mg / per day | Week 2-3: 12mg / per day | Week 4: 16mg / per day
Methylsten works relatively quickly, therefore the majority of users typically begin to experience the effects within the first week.
Common Side Effects
Side effects from methylsten would, in theory, be very similar to those from Superdrol, however almost all of the anecdotal feedback circulating suggests it is much kinder in this regard. It should be noted that the majority of these side effects are simply of inconvenience more so than a possible health affecting issue and for the most part can be resolved through proper on cycle support usage and proper PCT. These side effects are as follows:
*Decreased Libido/Sexual Function
*Lethargy / Fatigue
*Increased hair growth / Increased hair shedding
*Puffy / Sensitive Nipples
*Joint Discomfort
*Back Pumps (Dull pain in back after/during workouts)
*Increased aggression, head aches, flushing and various other sides can happen as well.
Post Cycle Therapy
Post cycle therapy is, as always, one of the most important parts of any cycle. If one does not work towards bringing their body back to homeostasis gains will be lost (making the health risks pointless) and the chance for side effects increases significantly. Once you stop taking a designer steroid or pro-hormone your body goes through a change of hormones and puts stress on your endocrine system. With a properly planned PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) we assist our body with easing back into normal function. Failure to follow a properly planned PCT can result in undesirable side effects such as:
*Gynecomastia (Bitch Tits)
*Muscle Loss/Fat Gain
*Sexual Side Effects
PCT Guidelines
You should begin your PCT regiment immediately after your pro-hormone or designer steroid cycle, it should begin the day after your last dosage of any anabolics. PCT regiments are typically 4-6 weeks depending on the type of compound being used, user, and type of PCT. As noted in the previous section under “Maintaining Health”, you should continue to use Life Support or Cycle Support throughout your entire cycle, INCLUDING your PCT regiment. During PCT we effectively want to achieve the following:
Restore Natural Testosterone Production
Regulate Estrogen
Control/Lower Cortisol
An OTC (Over The Counter) post cycle therapy regiment is not acceptable PCT for methylsten cycles. A research drug/SERM is REQUIRED before using this substance.
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)
SERMs work by occupying the receptor binding site of estrogen. Once this binding takes place estrogen can no longer exert its negative feedback on the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis), resulting in increased testosterone levels. SERMs do not lower estrogen levels and in many cases increase them, so the concurrent use of an aromatase inhibitor is always the best course of action.
PCT Supports
The MOST effective PCT regiment is one that includes a SERM prescription/research drug. Some users prefer not to go this route as they are “experimental” drugs and can have their own side effects, however with compounds as strong as methylsten they are required to restore hormones to homeostasis. To obtain a SERM you’ll need a prescription or google for “research chemicals” as they can be purchased legally if being used for research purposes. The three main SERMs are as follows:
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate). Comes in Liquid or Pill form.
Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). Comes in Liquid or Pill form.
Fareston (Toremifine Citrate). Comes in Liquid or Pill form.
Below is an example dosing outline for each of these research drugs. This outlining should be combined with the PCT supports for the best recovery. Only one SERM should be used during any given PCT unless you’re an advanced user coming off months of hormone use. Nolvadex is the most commonly used SERM, however Clomid has been shown in scientific literature to regulate hormones in ex-steroid users.
Example 1 (Nolvadex PCT) Week 1-2 Nolvadex 20mg | Week 2-4 Nolvadex 10mg
Example 2 (Clomid PCT) Week 1-4 Clomid 50mg
Example 3 (Toremifine PCT) Week 1 Toremifine 90mg | Week 2 Toremifine 60mg | Week 3-4 Toremifine 30mg
Example Cycle
Week 1-2: Pre-load Cycle Support & Liver Longer @ Bottle Recommended dosages.
Week 3: Cycle/Life Support/Liver Longer | Methylsten 8mg/day
Week 4-6: Cycle/Life Support/Liver Longer | Methylsten 12mg/day
Week 7-8: Cycle/Life Support | DAA | Erase | AnaBeta | Nolvadex 20mg
Week 9-10: Cycle/Life Support | DAA | Erase | AnaBeta | Nolvadex 10mg
MethylStenbolone is a recent and potent methylated prohormone that was officially launched in 2011 by Antaeus Labs with the name Ultradrol. It became so popular that some people call it the “ultradrol” prohormone instead of its real name MethylStenbolone. Many prohormone companies claimed to have a methylstenbolone prohormone in the past years before the official launch of M-Sten prohormones but it appears that they only contained Superdrol.
Methylstenbolone does not convert to an estrogenic metabolite or have any affinity for the progesterone receptor, so estrogen mediated side effects should be virtually non-existent. Methylstenbolone is also one of the most toxic substances available due to its ability to resist metabolization, although anecdotal reports lead us to believe it carries less side effects than superdrol.
Typical Results
Results will vary based upon the dosage, experience, diet and many other factors involved. In general Methylsten will provide exceptional lean body mass gains, excellent strength gains, and great endurance in the gym. This substance works best when used in a bulk due to it’s ability to help our bodies pack on the muscle when eating a clean caloric surplus diet, but that doesn’t mean it cant also be used in a cutting or recomp cycle. There are just more favorable compounds to utilize during those types of cycles.
When used in a bulking diet, gains can range from 15-20bs on a 4 week cycle at 12mg.
When used in a recomp diet, gains can range from 7-10lbs on a 4 week cycle at 12mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 0-2%.
When used in a cutting diet, gains can range from 4-6lbs on a 4 week cycle at 12mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 1-3%.
The ‘gain’ ranges above are considered normal, however some users have reported gains in upwards of 20lbs and some users may not experience very noticeable gains at all. Results are largely dictated by diet.
Methylsten is a very strong compound therefore it’s best to start with a lower dosage to asses tolerance and slowly increase it into the desired range. Methylsten cycles are typically 3-4 weeks in length with 4 weeks being the most common. Due to the extreme potency and toxicity of this compound use for longer than 4 weeks is not recommended. Below are two common dosing protocols:
Methylsten dosing for new users: Week1: 4-8mg / per day | Week 2-3: 8mg / per day
Methylsten dosing for experienced users: Week1: 8mg / per day | Week 2-3: 12mg / per day | Week 4: 16mg / per day
Methylsten works relatively quickly, therefore the majority of users typically begin to experience the effects within the first week.
Common Side Effects
Side effects from methylsten would, in theory, be very similar to those from Superdrol, however almost all of the anecdotal feedback circulating suggests it is much kinder in this regard. It should be noted that the majority of these side effects are simply of inconvenience more so than a possible health affecting issue and for the most part can be resolved through proper on cycle support usage and proper PCT. These side effects are as follows:
*Decreased Libido/Sexual Function
*Lethargy / Fatigue
*Increased hair growth / Increased hair shedding
*Puffy / Sensitive Nipples
*Joint Discomfort
*Back Pumps (Dull pain in back after/during workouts)
*Increased aggression, head aches, flushing and various other sides can happen as well.
Post Cycle Therapy
Post cycle therapy is, as always, one of the most important parts of any cycle. If one does not work towards bringing their body back to homeostasis gains will be lost (making the health risks pointless) and the chance for side effects increases significantly. Once you stop taking a designer steroid or pro-hormone your body goes through a change of hormones and puts stress on your endocrine system. With a properly planned PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) we assist our body with easing back into normal function. Failure to follow a properly planned PCT can result in undesirable side effects such as:
*Gynecomastia (Bitch Tits)
*Muscle Loss/Fat Gain
*Sexual Side Effects
PCT Guidelines
You should begin your PCT regiment immediately after your pro-hormone or designer steroid cycle, it should begin the day after your last dosage of any anabolics. PCT regiments are typically 4-6 weeks depending on the type of compound being used, user, and type of PCT. As noted in the previous section under “Maintaining Health”, you should continue to use Life Support or Cycle Support throughout your entire cycle, INCLUDING your PCT regiment. During PCT we effectively want to achieve the following:
Restore Natural Testosterone Production
Regulate Estrogen
Control/Lower Cortisol
An OTC (Over The Counter) post cycle therapy regiment is not acceptable PCT for methylsten cycles. A research drug/SERM is REQUIRED before using this substance.
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)
SERMs work by occupying the receptor binding site of estrogen. Once this binding takes place estrogen can no longer exert its negative feedback on the HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis), resulting in increased testosterone levels. SERMs do not lower estrogen levels and in many cases increase them, so the concurrent use of an aromatase inhibitor is always the best course of action.
PCT Supports
The MOST effective PCT regiment is one that includes a SERM prescription/research drug. Some users prefer not to go this route as they are “experimental” drugs and can have their own side effects, however with compounds as strong as methylsten they are required to restore hormones to homeostasis. To obtain a SERM you’ll need a prescription or google for “research chemicals” as they can be purchased legally if being used for research purposes. The three main SERMs are as follows:
Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate). Comes in Liquid or Pill form.
Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate). Comes in Liquid or Pill form.
Fareston (Toremifine Citrate). Comes in Liquid or Pill form.
Below is an example dosing outline for each of these research drugs. This outlining should be combined with the PCT supports for the best recovery. Only one SERM should be used during any given PCT unless you’re an advanced user coming off months of hormone use. Nolvadex is the most commonly used SERM, however Clomid has been shown in scientific literature to regulate hormones in ex-steroid users.
Example 1 (Nolvadex PCT) Week 1-2 Nolvadex 20mg | Week 2-4 Nolvadex 10mg
Example 2 (Clomid PCT) Week 1-4 Clomid 50mg
Example 3 (Toremifine PCT) Week 1 Toremifine 90mg | Week 2 Toremifine 60mg | Week 3-4 Toremifine 30mg
Example Cycle
Week 1-2: Pre-load Cycle Support & Liver Longer @ Bottle Recommended dosages.
Week 3: Cycle/Life Support/Liver Longer | Methylsten 8mg/day
Week 4-6: Cycle/Life Support/Liver Longer | Methylsten 12mg/day
Week 7-8: Cycle/Life Support | DAA | Erase | AnaBeta | Nolvadex 20mg
Week 9-10: Cycle/Life Support | DAA | Erase | AnaBeta | Nolvadex 10mg