Credit to arnold - he's turning it round
I think it's pretty clear that traditional bodybuilding is dieing as a sport. People aren't inspired by blobs of mass with no personality or character anymore. Random people on youtube are far more popular than people like Phil Heath these days. Arnold is smart, he knows the time is right for change. For the better of the sport and for business.
Where is the Mr.O being held this year? Motel 6? Used to be Mandalay Bay..
I honestly don't care if a bodybuilder can dance on stage. That's not what I want to see so I don't get the emphasis on posing routines. I was hoping they'd say if you had a gut they wouldn't let you on the stage, or make vacuum posing mandatory but to give points for a dancing routine that they shouldn't even be doing is stupid to me. Sounds like they are just trying to make sure Kai wins at all costs.
He said it perfectly. And this is how a posing routine should be.
Just pure grace. :thumup:
Jesus this onstage dancing shit looks like a bunch of fairies. Solidifies that it is a beauty contest not a sport. What's next, a fucking makeup competition? Them telling the judges they want world peace? Pussy shit. Instead of posing they should put them in a cage or something and give 'em clubs.
Only thing I liked about that Arnold video is when he yelled "There is no shaking!" Fuckin ole Arnie there like a boss.