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Another White Guy Mass Shooting

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  • #46
    americas gun laws are the same now as they were 50 years ago you stupid euro cuck. the only thing that has changed is mental health. you've been influenced by your sissy german friends and muslim ho.

    you do not take away freedoms based on the actions of the insane. to do so goes against the very foundations of what this country is supposed to be about. people have lived with freedom for so long now they have forgotten what it means not to be free.

    when the insane have the power to take away freedom from good people we have our priorities ass backwards. imagine no longer being allowed to fly in a plane because of 9/11. there is zero difference here. we do not give up our shit for the actions of nuts. that is not who the fuck we are. that's beta mentality. that's letting the insane win. that's not addressing the root cause... growing insanity in the world. that is the cancer that is spreading. looking in any other direction is a fools errand.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
      americas gun laws are the same now as they were 50 years ago you stupid euro cuck. the only thing that has changed is mental health. you've been influenced by your sissy german friends and muslim ho.

      you do not take away freedoms based on the actions of the insane. to do so goes against the very foundations of what this country is supposed to be about. people have lived with freedom for so long now they have forgotten what it means not to be free.

      when the insane have the power to take away freedom from good people we have our priorities ass backwards. imagine no longer being allowed to fly in a plane because of 9/11. there is zero difference here. we do not give up our shit for the actions of nuts. that is not who the fuck we are. that's beta mentality. that's letting the insane win. that's not addressing the root cause... growing insanity in the world. that is the cancer that is spreading. looking in any other direction is a fools errand.

      Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


      • #48
        Exactly the argument I was expecting. When unintelligent people give an opinion they don't really understand.

        You are a parrot of mainstream media and local opinion. This is a masses vs classes argument and you are firmly rooted with the masses.

        Look at a few more social media memes with sad little quotes and pretend to care you fucken imbecil!

        Sent from my Moto G6 using Tapatalk


        • #49
          by the way what ever happened to going to the gun range when you were in florida? you get a little anxiety attack? jesus bro. what the fuck has happened to the warrior you once were? you have no fight left in you. submitted to german cuckary.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
            yea that's fine chuck. meanwhile we have headlines almost every month from some mentally disturbed white fella shooting up a place.

            why is the number of whites doing this so high? why do we not see blacks doing mass shootings like this. there are plenty of black shootings but we are talking about mass shootings. why is it overwhelmingly white people doing this? what is the link? why is it increasing and getting more common? firearms have always been easily accessible and available in the US but these shootings are increasing and they are almost always done by a mentally disturbed white guy. WHY?
            Thats because gang bangers just kill the dude from another hood and dip out.
            Gang shootings happend daily but never make it to the news.
            Not sure why the need to make a mass shooting in public? No message or reason.
            Maybe its all the damn opiates the pharmaceutical companies are handing out???
            Steroids are bad!!!!

            [email protected]



            • #51
              Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
              i have also heard there were a few off duty cops there but none of them were carrying. if true that sucks.
              A sergeant was one who was killed.

              [email protected]


