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Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) Pain Relief Log

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  • Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa) Pain Relief Log

    Red Vein Kratom Log (Borneo - Thai - Sumatra)

    So I've been dealing with chronic pain for years. Upper traps and mid-back spasms and knots that get so tight that I could just scream. Sometimes I get 3 hours of sleep at night only. Ibuprofen does nothing at all but tramadol does. I've been using that for years but I keep hearing how good certain strains of Kratom are for pain relief and tight muscles etc.. so I decided to give it a try.

    There are a few different strains, (red, green, and white) the green and white are more for people that want a mood enhancer/energy. That's not what I'm going for. If anything I have too much energy. I'm going for the red strain which is a calmer/relaxer and pain reliever that acts very similar to a drug like tramadol. The specific strain I ordered is called Red Vein Borneo which is supposed to be one of the top strains for pain relief specifically.

    I was given a 50 gram sample to try for a few weeks and I'll be recording my results here in this log. My plan is to come off the tramadol and see just how much of a "replacement" this stuff can be.

    I'll be starting with 1 measured tsp which equals about 3.5-4.5 grams depending on the strain. The sweet spot dose for strong pain relief seems to be anywhere from 5-7 grams but I'll start low to see how I respond first. I'll probably take my first dose around late afternoon which I think is the best time for something like this.

    Logs starts in a few days when sample arrives.

  • #2
    By the way, this stuff is banned in like 10 states but of course Cali is not one of them.. :D


    • #3


      • #4
        Day 1

        Got the Kratom in today and just took 1 measured tsp mixed with water at 3:30pm. Will update in the next few hours.


        • #5
          Did it all pretty much just sit on top of the water? I'm very interested in hearing your feedback. I have chronic back pain and if this helps you, I might give it another try.


          • #6
            Haha, yea Frank it did, had to stir the shit out of it.


            • #7
              2 Hour Update

              So I'd say 1tsp is about equal to 1 tramadol for me. Mild pain relief, slight warming/relaxing effect. I took it 3 hours after my last meal so that my stomach was as empty as possible.

              I'll try 2tsp tomorrow and report back.


              • #8
                Why chose it over tramadol? Is it kinder to the body?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr I View Post
                  Why chose it over tramadol? Is it kinder to the body?
                  There a pain in the ass with pain meds. 1 prescription at a time that only lasts like 3 weeks and you gotta call in and get Dr approval and blah blah. If this shit does the same thing fuck big pharma. Imma Cali hippy bro. :D


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                    There a pain in the ass with pain meds. 1 prescription at a time that only lasts like 3 weeks and you gotta call in and get Dr approval and blah blah. If this shit does the same thing fuck big pharma. Imma Cali hippy bro. :D
                    See we have no issues in UK. The second u want more diazepam or tramadol I can literally fill in a slip at reception, email in or be cheeky and call it in. Because I had an I initial consultation wherein it was ckearly going to be a medium term problem my doc just signs off repeat prescription of the same. I don't have to even see her. I swing by luck up the slip and for 60 x 50 mg tramadol and 30 x 20 mg diazepam it costs me $20 equivalent. No health insurance just our national health service.


                    • #11
                      I understand what you are saying though and completely agree. However given what you describe of your condition I'm fucking dying to see you try cannabis oil. Anti inflamatory and anti spasmodic


                      • #12
                        That's pretty much how it's been for me for years. But again I been doing this for years and they must think I'm selling the tramadol or something because they aren't giving me like 3-4 refills anymore. Now it's always "last refill" and I have to go through this song and dance to get another 60 pills. Cost is nothing, it's like $10 for 60 at Costco Pharmacy. I'm just tired of the whole thing and wanted to try something else. If it works great.


                        • #13
                          Where do I get cannabis oil?


                          • #14
                            I thought it was legal in Cali now?

                            I can find out exactly if you pm your near town because I think there's like legal dispensaries now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                              Where do I get cannabis oil?
                              Oil? You are in Cali. You have access to everything marijuana related. Find a doc, explain back pain, get a medical marijuana card. It should be pretty easy.

                              But realize pain is a symptom and pain control medications treat that symptom. You need further evaluation to determine the path to become pain free. The muscles could also be agrivated from constant muscle gain, working out, steroid use, etc. The goal to be a certain weight at a certain BF might just be the road to continued pain.

