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Conservative values equate to being afraid

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  • Conservative values equate to being afraid

    "Brain imaging studies have even shown that the fear center of the brain, the amygdala, is actually larger in conservatives than in liberals."

    "And many other laboratory studies have found that when adult liberals experienced physical threat, their political and social attitudes became more conservative"

    The gist is, if you have a conservative imagine they are invulnerable they become liberal in their attitudes.

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  • #2
    I'm not conservative or liberal so I have no battle here. I'm dead center so I can easily detect bullshit when I see it. I'm willing to bet you could set this test up for any sort of outcome you would like.

    I'd be willing to bet far more military, police, security type people lean towards the conservative side. Meaning they need to have a certain amount of realistic fear so they can be ready to act.

    I guarantee if you take 1000 liberals and 1000 conservatives and put them in a life or death simulation test the liberals would be the ones who show true fear. It's called fight or flight and liberals would take the flight path aka retreat.

    Do you think Douglas Macarthur would be a liberal today? Gen Patton? US Grant? Stonewall Jackson? Robert E Lee? But yea, your right because you have a test designed with an outcome in mind that shows "fear".. lol

    This is a common sense argument. The "fear" the test concludes paints a false picture so they can advertise "conservatives are scared" to the media.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
      I'm not conservative or liberal so I have no battle here. But I'm willing to bet you could set this test up for any sort of outcome you would like.

      I'd be willing to bet far more military, police, security type people lean towards the conservative side. Meaning they need to have a certain amount of realistic fear so they can be ready to act.

      I guarantee if you take 1000 liberals and 1000 conservatives and put them in a life or death simulation test the liberals would be the ones who show true fear. It's called fight or flight and liberals would take the flight path aka retreat.

      Do you think Douglas Macarthur would be a liberal today? Gen Patton? US Grant? Stonewall Jackson? Robert E Lee? But yea, your right because you have a test designed with an outcome in mind that shows otherwise. lol.

      This is a common sense argument. The "fear" the test concludes paints a false picture so they can advertise "conservatives are scared" to the media.
      Fear is an's not a real's all about self control.. when you can stand your ground and walk into a dangerous situation..your in control.. ones who let fear become real..listen to an emotion and wither...

      Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk


      • #4
        fear is absolutely a real thing. emotions and feelings are real things rip. there are different kinds of fear though. there is healthy fear that allows you to approach a dangerous situation cautiously and there is cowardice type fear that makes you just run away.

        this "test" avid posted was designed to paint a false narrative that conservatives are cowards.


        • #5
          Originally posted by lipripper View Post
          Fear is an's not a real's all about self control.. when you can stand your ground and walk into a dangerous situation..your in control.. ones who let fear become real..listen to an emotion and wither...

          Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
          Fear is not real?

          Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk


          • #6
            My feeling on it right wrong or indifferent it's how I see it.,BOOM...scared bitches

            Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk


            • #7
              This is absolutely true. Conservatives are more likely to be "preppers" and think that everything is a conspiracy. This is all based on trying to protect themselves because they are afraid. Feeling the need to prepare for everything is a protection mechanism and a manifestation of fear.

              Even the need to carry a gun with you every time you leave the house is a form of fear and thinking of the worst case scenario. Let me give you a good example, something I just experienced:

              My conservative friend from Texas recently came and stayed with me for a week and we went on a very short hike near my neighborhood (where the crime rate is astronomically low) and he wanted to bring my Glock .45. I told him there is no crime here and we don't need it for this short walk along the river. Then he said, "OK, well what about bears"? I said, these are black bears and statistics show they don't attack humans and I think the last black bear attack on a human was in 1962 in Tahoe AND they are hibernating right now. Then he mentioned something about Coyotes and how they hunt in packs. I was like Jesus Christ man just take the fucking gun if it will make you feel better.

              I felt like this nice, beautiful hike in nature was partially ruined due to his fear and paranoia.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Keiser View Post
                This is absolutely true. Conservatives are more likely to be "preppers" and think that everything is a conspiracy. This is all based on trying to protect themselves because they are afraid. Feeling the need to prepare for everything is a protection mechanism and a manifestation of fear.

                Even the need to carry a gun with you every time you leave the house is a form of fear and thinking of the worst case scenario. Let me give you a good example, something I just experienced:

                My conservative friend from Texas recently came and stayed with me for a week and we went on a very short hike near my neighborhood (where the crime rate is astronomically low) and he wanted to bring my Glock .45. I told him there is no crime here and we don't need it for this short walk along the river. Then he said, "OK, well what about bears"? I said, these are black bears and statistics show they don't attack humans and I think the last black bear attack on a human was in 1962 in Tahoe AND they are hibernating right now. Then he mentioned something about Coyotes and how they hunt in packs. I was like Jesus Christ man just take the fucking gun if it will make you feel better.

                I felt like this nice, beautiful hike in nature was partially ruined due to his fear and paranoia.
                The flip side of that is not being prepared if shit does in fact go down. If you know anything about history you will know that peace is not everlasting. Shit will always go down at some point. Being prepared is not such a crazy idea.

                Being a nut case and paranoid is a whole other matter.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                  The flip side of that is not being prepared if shit does in fact go down. If you know anything about history you will know that peace is not everlasting. Shit will always go down at some point. Being prepared is not such a crazy idea.

                  Being a nut case and paranoid is a whole other matter.
                  I get that and it's why I even own the guns to begin with, but do you get my point about him kinda ruining our hike with this mindset? I mean the things he was fearful of had like about a .001% chance of happening. You'd be better off preparing to get struck by lighting or for a tree to come to life and kick your ass like those trees in the Lord of the Rings.


                  • #10
                    Chadd77 said he never ever leaves his house without his gun and even shops for blue jeans that allow him to carry his gun at all times. I mean going shopping for clothes and having this in your mind, isn't that toxic on the human psyche to be thinking about this type of thing 24 hours a day and making all of your life decisions with this fearful mindset? Why not just live and prepare for reasonable statistical threats. I mean, we are all going to die 100% anyway. Would our quality of life be better if we didn't go through it thinking and preparing for the worst?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Keiser View Post
                      I get that and it's why I even own the guns to begin with, but do you get my point about him kinda ruining our hike with this mindset? I mean the things he was fearful of had like about a .001% chance of happening. You'd be better off preparing to get struck by lighting or for a tree to come to life and kick your ass like those trees in the Lord of the Rings.
                      Yup. Paranoia is real and people take it to a whole other level. I'm not down with that.

                      But being completely unprepared for anything is equally stupid.

                      The people that are anti gun and anti police better fucken pray nothing ever goes down. Lol


                      • #12
                        Conservatives - scared of black people, scared of Mexicans, scared of Muslims, scared of gays, scared of God, scared of the government. Love the police because the police "protect them". This study sounds about right to me.


                        • #13
                          Liberals want to send the US into the Stone age with guns because they are too AFRAID that someone else will snap and shoot more people so apparently nobody can be trusted and we all have to give up our semi auto rifles.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Keiser View Post
                            Chadd77 said he never ever leaves his house without his gun and even shops for blue jeans that allow him to carry his gun at all times. I mean going shopping for clothes and having this in your mind, isn't that toxic on the human psyche to be thinking about this type of thing 24 hours a day and making all of your life decisions with this fearful mindset? Why not just live and prepare for reasonable statistical threats. I mean, we are all going to die 100% anyway. Would our quality of life be better if we didn't go through it thinking and preparing for the worst?
                            I was brought up around guns. Almost all of my family members own and carry a firearm. Even my sister carries. It's second nature to me. Never once have I thought about carrying out of fear. Actually the complete opposite. I'm sure for a liberal like yourself that was not brought up around firearms, it is hard to understand. Yes, we all know you shot your dads bb gun one time. lol We get it no need to repeat that story. I bet most guys on here that own and carry would also agree they do not carry because they are afraid. But again like B said the media will try and spin that idea to meet their political agenda.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                              Conservatives - scared of black people, scared of Mexicans, scared of Muslims, scared of gays, scared of God, scared of the government. Love the police because the police "protect them". This study sounds about right to me.
                              the opposite of this (liberal) loves and welcomes illegals, loves and welcomes Muslim refugees, hates the police, and hates guns. sounds about right to me..

                              P.S. Gun owners (who tend to lean towards conservative) don't depend on the police to "protect them". It's the liberals who will be up shit creek if shit ever hits the fan. They hate police and hate guns. What are these fuckers gonna do? Throw their starbucks in the face of the bad guy? lol. fuck outta here.

